Part 72- Howler is the Best!

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A few months have pasted since the last big adventure and the PJ Masks are now stable! Scorpion and the other heroes now have a good relationship! All the heroes and villain have met the new arachnid PJs too! Newton was a little jealous of Scorpion but he got over it. The heroes are now in the middle of their fourth grade year! Enough about them though. Let's see what the wolfies are doing!

Howler: So what are we gonna do?

Kevin: Uhh I don't know

Rip: Well since I'm the leader I think I should choose what we do

Howler: Wait wait wait wait wait. Say that again.

Rip: Well since I'm the leader-

Howler: Uh sorry sister-

Rip: Nope! I already know what you're gonna say.

Howler: Well since you know what I'm gonna say then you must know that's what I was gonna saw is correct!

Kevin: Good job Howler! You used the new word I taught you!

Howler: That means I can go to the next level right?

Kevin: Yep!

Howler: Yeah! See I'm the smartest so I'm the leader.

Rip: No I am!

Howler: What! Your not even on level 5!

Rip: You're not either! You're on 4!

Howler: Well you're on 2!

Rip: 3


Rip: You couldn't even get my level right! I'm the smartest so I'm the leader!

Kevin: Guys we've been arguing over this for years!

Rip: And the arguments will continue until we find the leader of the pack!

Howler: There's only one way to settle this!

Kevin: Here we go again!


After one hour of doing challenges...

Rip: Welp looks like I'm the leader! What do you have to say for yourself?

Howler: Shut up!

Rip: Come on no one likes a sore loser!

Howler: Ugh you cheated!

Rip: No I didn't!

Kevin: You both cheated.

Howler: You know what! I'm leaving!

Rip: Where are you gonna go?

Howler: If I cant be the leader of this pack, then I'll make my own pack.

Rip: Fine! Too bad there aren't any other werewolves!

Kevin: Rip stop being mean! Go apologize!

Rip: Why? He's the one being a sore loser! He can try to find a pack but he won't!

Kevin: Well what if he gets lost trying to find a pack! Howler come back! Huh?

Rip: Where is he? It doesn't matter. We can have fun without him!

Kevin: What!? Don't you miss him?!

Rip: No. Now come on! Let's go have some fun!

The next day at the park...

Connor: Looks like all our friends out here!

Greg: Wait what about Newton!

Connor: Oh yeah where is he?

Newton: I'm here!

Peter: Took you long enough!

Newton: Sorry I had to go do some stuff. So what are we doing?

Taylor: Are we just gonna play with the frisbee?

Amaya: We could do that.

Lemurboy: How about we play with the frisbee and then go do other stuff later.

Sam: Sounds good! *picks up frisbee* Go long!

The friends start running back to get ready to catch the frisbee

Newton: I'll just watch.

Taylor: Me too.

Greg: I got it! I got it!

Greg trips over a pile of dirt and tumbled into a tree

Greg: Oof! *rubs head* That hurt! What did I even trip on anyway?

Amaya: Looks like a pile of dirt that someone already dug up.

Newton: It looks bigger than normal dug up dirt

Taylor: Well I know some people who like to dig.

Greg: The wolfies!

Sam: Those fur brains must be up to something! PJ Masks we're on our way!

All: Into the night to save the day!

Night in the city, and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day.

Connor Becomes!

Connor taps his bracelet!

Catboy: Catboy!

Catboy bolts out of his bedroom!

Amaya Becomes!

Amaya taps here bracelet!

Owlette: Owlette!

Owlette does a loop de loop and then flies out of her bedroom!

Greg becomes!

Greg taps his bracelet!

Gekko: Gekko!

Gekko jumps up and punches the ground!

Landon and Peter become!

Landon and Peter tap their bracelets!

Lemurboy: Lemurboy!

Porcupine: Porcupine!

They throw each other into the air!

Sam becomes!

Sam taps his bracelet!

Scorpion: Scorpion!

Scorpion jumps up and slams his stinger into the ground!

Taylor becomes!

Taylor taps her bracelet!

Tarantula: Tarantula!

Tarantula shoot out her retractable spider legs and slams them into the ground feeling the vibrations!

Blue, red, green, Orange, black, purple, and yellow energy shoots out of their bedrooms and into HQ

All: The PJ Masks!

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