Part 20- Crazy Power Beams

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Gekko: guys we can get up now

Catboy: Phew nothing- OH MY GOSH!

Owlette: what is it- FLUTTERING FEATHERS

Gekko: what's going on- SLITHERING SERPENTS!

Romeo: oh relax the crystal is just split in half...

Gekko: wait for it


Gekko: there it is

Romeo: NOOOOOO! I was gonna suck all the power out of it but it's split in half! All of the power probably flew out!

Catboy: wait what! This is not good!

Suddenly red, blue and green light beams start to shoot out of one half of the crystal

Catboy: ahhhh

Owlette: those light beams are going everywhere!

Two light beams hit the museum

Gekko: OH NO the museum if falling to the ground! I got this! Super Gekko Muscles! *hold up museum* this is easy!

Catboy: it's Should be

Gekko: yeah! I've opened The Rock of All Power! Remember that guys!

Catboy: yep!

Owlette: guys there's no time for talking about the past we need to save the present city!

Catboy: ok I'll run around the museum and keep the walls from falling! Super Cat Speed!

Owlette: what can I do to stop the crystal from shooting beams everywhere?

Catboy: well can you hurry and figure it out because I can't run forever!

Gekko: and I can't hold this up forever! My arms are getting tired

Romeo: *whispers* robot and Robette come here!

Robot: what is it master?

Romeo: this is my chance to defeat The PJ Masks once and for all! Robette zap his feet

Robette: I'm Robette! *zaps gekko*

Gekko: Ow! That hurt! Wait I'm not holding up the museum *looks up* uh oh

Catboy: GEKKO! *saves gekko*

Gekko: thanks catboy! But the museum!

The museum falls to the ground

Owlette: that was Robette she zapped you gekko!

Catboy: and Romeo probably told her to do that!

Gekko: Super Gekko-

Romeo: Ok ok we'll leave!

Catboy: yeah you better leave!

Owlette: how are we gonna fix the crystal and the museum IN ONE NIGHT! I don't even think we can fix it no matter how many nights we have!

Catboy: yeah we messed up

Gekko: guys we didn't mess up! It was Romeo's fault! If wouldn't have took our crystal none of this would've happened!

Catboy: gekko is right! Now let's work together to fix our crystal!

Owlette: let's try and push it back together!

Catboy: me and owlette will push this half

Gekko: and I'll push this half

Suddenly the PJs suits start to glow

Catboy: woah what's happening?

Suddenly the Crystal makes and crashing sound and came together

Gekko: guys! We did it!

Catboy: woohoo!

Owlette: don't celebrate yet! The museum is still destroyed!

The PJ Crystal shoots a power beam at the museum and put it back to the way it was before

Catboy: now can we celebrate?

Owlette: yep!

Gekko: woohoo!

Catboy: PJ Masks all shout hooray!

PJMs: cause in the night we saved the day!

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