Part 16- In a Sticky situation

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Meanwhile catboy is arriving at the museum

Catboy: Woah what kind of Ninjalinos are those

Robo-Ninjalino: *notices catboy* Get him!

4 regular Ninjalinos start to attack catboy

Catboy: oh no! *jumps out of the way*

Robo-Ninjalino: Ninjalinos chase him!

Catboy: uh oh! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *trips* oof

The Ninjalinos surround catboy

Catboy: uh oh! Super Cat Speed *makes Ninjalinos dizzy* ha

Robo-Ninjalino: Catboy I will defeat you

Catboy: good luck with that! Super Cat Roar!!!!!

Catboy's roar is so loud that the robo-Ninjalino brakes into pieces!

Catboy: now that I'm done with you I have to find night ninja. Wait where did night ninja even get the stuff to make that robo-Ninjalino?! *gasps* Romeo! Romeo and night ninja are working together! Super cat speed! *looks in the inside and on the outside of the museum* I can't find them! I'll just go back to the cat car

When catboy gets in his cat car he get picked up be a splat grabber

Catboy: huh what going on? Splat!?!?!? *gasps* night ninja is on this plane

Night ninja: you bet i am!

Catboy: what are you doing and where is Romeo?!

Night Ninja: how did you find out I trapped him and took his robo-Ninjalinos?

Catboy: wait what? I thought you were working with him?

Night Ninja: oh no no no i might not ever work with that guy again! He argues too much!

Catboy: oh. Well jokes on you because now I know what you did!

Night Ninja: not quite kitty litter boy! *drops*

Catboy: woah wahhhhhhhhhhh! *lands* oof! Huh Owlette?! What are you doing here

Owlette: night ninja splatted me and left me here

Night Ninja: check you later

Catboy: this isn't good!


Gekko: so catboy told me to look for him here so that's what I'm gonna do

After five minutes of searching...

Gekko: I don't see him any where! I'm gonna go ask pj robot if he's seen him *runs to HQ* hey pj buddy!

Pj robot: *beeps happily*

Gekko: any sign of night ninja?

Pj robot: *beeps*

Gekko: Hmmm

Suddenly the picture player start to beep

Gekko: huh!

The picture player shows catboy and Owlette stuck and then shows night ninja flying an orange plane

Gekko: LEAPING LIZARDS!!!!!!!!!! Catboy and Owlette got splatted! And there's night ninja!

Pj robot: *beeping noises*

Gekko: let's take the pj seeker!

The Pj seeker shoots out of the water

Gekko: there they are! Pj robot stop!

Pj robot: *stops*

Catboy: Owlette look it's the pj seeker!

Owlette: PJ Robot is here to save us!

Gekko: and me!

Owlette and Catboy: Gekko!

Gekko: Super Gekko Muscles! *pulls splat off*

Catboy: the team is back together!

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