Part 85- The Rift

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Catboy: Ok let's forget about the trail for a minute. We need to help Anyu!

The PJs and Anyu run all the way to the Mystery Mountain portal.

Catboy: *does Mystery Mountain hand signs* Let's go!

The PJs enter the portal

Lemurboy: Are you sure there was an earthquake?

Porcupine: Yeah I don't feel anything

Anyu: Of course i'm sure!

Catboy: What were you doing before the earthquake happened?

Anyu: Well Night Ninja and Munki-Gu were causing trouble on so I tried stopping them. That's when the earthquake happened. I managed to tie up the two and get to the portal so I could get your help.

Tarantula: Maybe it might've been the villains.

Anyu: Possibly.

Suddenly another earthquake happens!

Lemurboy: Woah! This is a big earthquake!

Gekko: What's that sound?

Lemurboy: It's probably the whole mountain since there's an earthquake right now!

Gekko: *falls over* No it's a different sound!

Catboy: Are the villains still tied up?

Anyu: Yes. They're over there!

Night Ninja: Sup.

Catboy: What are you doing? How are you causing these earthquakes?!

Night Ninja: I'm not causing anything I swear!

Catboy: I don't believe-

Owlette: Maybe we should listen.

Catboy: But if Night Ninja isn't causing these earthquakes, then who is?

Munki-Gu: The earthquake is getting stronger!!!

Scorpion: We better find the source of these earthquakes because they're getting stronger!

The earthquake stops.

Gekko: It's stopped!

Lemurboy: *gasps* The action didn't stop though! LOOK OUT FOR THOSE ROCKS!

Catboy: Gekko we need your shields!

Gekko: Got it! Super Gekko Shields!

Gekko triple flips over everyone to land in front of them all and summon a giant Gekko Shield!

Gekko: I can't do this for much longer!

Lemurboy: Why are they coming back?

Catboy: After the rocks are blocked they fly back up and come again! These aren't regular rocks!

Anyu: I've never seen anything like these!

Gekko's shield disappears

Gekko: Sorry guys. I couldn't do it anymore.

Catboy: It's ok we can handle these!

Suddenly arms pop out of the rocks!

Scorpion: Monster rocks!?

Lemurboy: Come on let's stop these monster rocks! Lemur tail!

Tarantula: Super Spider Web!

All the Heroes use their powers to fight off the rocks!

Catboy: Last one! Super Cat Roar!

The rocks all fall to the ground.

Porcupine: Uh why do these rocks have electricity coming out of them? *gets electrocuted* Ow!

The "rocks" stars to reveal what they truly are!

Catboy: They're-

Owlette: They're-

Anyu: They're-

Suddenly another earthquake happens!

Lemurboy: Oh no! Not again!

Gekko: That sound again! Everyone follow me!

Anyu: *picks up NN and Munki-Gu* I am taking you with me so I can monitor your every action!

The heroes run through the bamboo forest.

Gekko: Everyone stop!

Anyu: Oh no!

Catboy: It's a Rift!

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