Part 73- Pack of Wolves

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Catboy: You see anything PJ Robot?

PJ Robot: Beep (not yet)

Scorpion: Hey look!

Gekko: It's Kevin!

Owlette: Newton too!

Lemurboy: Let's go out there and see what they're doing.

The PJs exit HQ to go talk to Kevin and Newton

Catboy: Hey guys!

Newton: PJ Masks!

Kevin: We kinda need your help.

Tarantula: What's wrong?

Kevin: Well last night Rip and Howler has a contest to see who the leader was.

Porcupine: Then what?

Kevin: Well Rip cheated and won so howler ran away.

Catboy: Well that's not so bad!

Scorpion: Dude.

Catboy: Oh I mean yeah that horrible. Very bad.

Kevin: I told Rio to help me look for him but she refused and I went looking on my own.

Newton: Until I came to help him look.

Gekko: Alright. We have to find howler!

Rip: KEVIN!!!

Tarantula: Rip?

Rip: I need your help!

Kevin: What's going on sis?

Rip: It's howler! He's back with a pack of wolves!

Porcupine: Is that some sort of saying for wolfies?

Rip: What no! He actually has a pack of wolves!

Gekko: New wolfies?

Rip: NO! Real WOLVES!

Catboy: This is bad! If he actually has real wolves then we better keep our guard up!

Gekko: What was that sound?

Owlette: What sound?

Tarantula: Yeah what sound?


Rip: He's coming!

Howler jumps out of the shadows!

Lemurboy: She was bluffing this whole time! It must be a trick! There are no wolves!

Howler: Yes there is! Check out my new pack!

A pack of wolves emerge from the shadows!

Howler: They do what I say! Let me show you! Wolves!

The wolves raise their heads up.

Howler: Attack the Pajama kids and my fake leader sister!

Rip: Hey! How about you tell your wolves to attack Kevin!

Howler: Well Kevin hasn't done anything wrong so I'm leaving him out. Now attack my wolves!

The Wolves charge at the PJs!

Catboy: Woah! Super cat speed!

Catboy runs around one wolf but the other jumps on him and throws him in the water!


Gekko: I got you! *jumps in water and saves Catboy*

Catboy: Thanks Gekko. It looks like these wolves are stronger than we thought!

Catboy leaps across the water and back to the fight!

Gekko: Super Lizard Water Run! *runs on water*

Lemurboy: Super Lemur Laser Eyes!

The wolf leads the laser eyes to a sign that throws the laser eyes back at Lemurboy!

Scorpion: Super Scorpion Claw! *shoots air bullet*

The wolf dodges the air bullet and it hits the water creating a big wave that covers the PJs!


The wave crashes into the fight!

Gekko: *Gets up* where's Howler?

Kevin: He must've ran away!

Owlette: Well I know how to find them! *flies high into the sky* Owl eyes! *sees Howler and his new pack* Oh no! *lands* They're headed to the museum!

Catboy: They must be trying to take valuable stuff! Let's go team!

The heroes and wolfies run to the museum!

Kevin: I hope Howler doesn't take this to the next level!

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