Part 84- Crusher and The Wolfy Kids

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The next night....

Yip yip yaroo!

Crusher stands in the playground covering his ears.

Crusher: By my rhino horns! What is that awful sound?

The Wolfy Kids jump over the wall!

Howler: Are you calling out howls awful?

Crusher: Yes. They sound horrible!

Rip: Grrr! We'll show you horrible!

Crusher: What are you gonna do? Baby screams don't work against the amazing crusher!

Howler: Yip Yip Ya-

Kevin: Hey guys! Look what I found!

Rip: Kevin why do you have a lasso? *gasps* Gimme that! *snatches lasso*

Kevin: Hey!

Rip throws the lasso and it wraps around crusher!

Howler: Ha ha ha! Uh why aren't you scared?

Crusher: Because I know you can't hurt me and I wanna see what you're gonna try and do.

Rip: Grrr we'll show you!

The wolfies take crusher all the way to the top of the PJ Mask HQ.

Crusher: What are you guys doing?

Rip: All together now! Yip!

Howler: Yip!

Kevin: *sigh* Yip!

All: YAROOO!!!

The wolfies howl crusher high up in the sky!

Crusher: AHHHH!! I shouldn't have doubted you!!

Howler: Yeah you shouldn't have!

Suddenly a big tube comes out of nowhere and sucks up crusher in mid air!

Kevin: What's that?!

Rip: It's-

Howler: It's-

Before they get to finish the tube them up.

The next day in the park...

Greg: Where is it?

Connor: What are you looking for?

Greg: I found this cool rock but I dropped it and now I can't find it.

Connor: I'll help you look.

Greg: Thanks!

Landon: What's this?

Greg: My rock?!

Landon: Wha- No.

Greg: Oh. What is it?

Landon: I don't know.

Taylor: It looks like something was being dragged.

Greg: Hey my rock is here!

Amaya: Look! The path continues on!

The PJs follow the path all the way to HQ.

Sam: It stops here.

Amaya: Why would it stop at HQ? I think somethings up.

Connor: Well let's look into it! PJ Masks we're on our way!

All: Into the night to save the day!

(skipping transformation)

All: The PJ Masks!

Gekko: Hey PJ Robot! Can you do a quick scan of the city to see if anything's up?

PJ Robot: Beep beep (sure thing)!

Catboy: So do you see anything?

PJ Robot: beep (nope).

Suddenly the doorbell rings.

Scorpion: Who's that?

Catboy: It's anyu! Let her in PJ Robot.

PJ Robot let's her in.

Anyu: PJ Masks! I have terrible news!

Owlette: What is it anyu?

Anyu: There's an earthquake on Mystery Mountain!

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