Part 50- Crazy Dreams

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In Luna's dream...

Luna: Being the ruler of Earth is amazing! I have slaves to do what i say and i have an entire planet and moon to myself! Nothing can go wrong!

Motsuki: Motsuki ruler too!

Luna: oh yeah forgot about you

Motsuki: Grrrr

Luna: *grabs sandwich with luna magnet* this is the life! *bites* hey bird girl!

Amaya: yes Queen Luna

Luna: do 1000 push-ups NOW! i like seeing you suffer

Amaya: please please don't make me do this i'm begging you-

Luna: DO IT! Stupid puny slave

Amaya: *sighs*

Luna: hahahaha! *looks on the luna wands mirror* what is this? *gasps* It's a ROMEO SHIP

Romeo (on megaphone): listen up luna! you stole my chance to take over the world and did it yourself! now i'll take over your world!!! i've spent this last year creating mega robots to stop your soldiers!

Luna: What!?!??

Romeo: get ready luna. The War For The World is about to start

Luna: motsuki i need you to go inside that ship and find a way to destroy it. *goes up stairs to the top of the luna fortress* luckily i put this signal sending thing on top of my fortress. i'll be able to send signals to my slaves so they will know what's going on *sends signals*

soldier: queen luna wants us to... fight!? there's going to be robots coming to fight us. THERES GONNA BE A WAR!!?!???! luckily we're prepared for anything!

another soldier: yeah! we are! I'm pretty sure all the soldiers are aware of this. look here they come!

another soldier: ok let's- what? why did they stop

another soldier: i'm getting another message. the war starts... NOW!!!!!!!!

all soldiers: CHARGE!!!

The robots and soldiers start to fight. Romeo even sent robots to the moon to attack soldiers there. And luna is shooting beams from her laser at romeo's ship but romeo is fighting back!

Luna: i can't loose this!

In Owlette's dream...

Owlette: Gekko you and Catboy take care of Motsuki! I'll get luna girl!

Luna: come and get me bird brain!!!

Owlette: owl feathers!

Luna: missed me!

Owlette: grrr! *keeps shooting feathers*

Luna: you're so bad at this! Luna magnet! *grabs Owlette and slams her into a wall*

Owlette: oof! Grrr come back!! Owl wing wind!

Luna: *dodges* wow you're really bad! isn't catching villains you're thing? you should be good at it.

Owlette: be quiet! *hits luna board with feather*

Luna: woah!

Owlette: i am good at it! Owl wing wind! *blows luna away*

Luna: ahhh! Grr *rams into Owlette*

Owlette: ahhh!

Luna: come on motsuki! we'll get you next time

Motsuki: silly cat! silly lizard!

Catboy: they got away!

Gekko: yeah they did

The Adventures of the PJ MasksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora