Part 24- Have to make it up to her

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Two weeks later...

NN: Teeny come back! We need you

Teeny weeny: *speaks gibberish*

NN: how dare you disobey Me?!?! Come back now!

Anyu: Night Ninja leave now! Teeny does not want to come

NN: then I'll make him!

Teeny weeny: *sneezes and turns into the Splat Monster*

NN: I mean Uhhhh

Teeny weeny: *roars extremely loudly*

NN: you don't scare me!

Catboy: well maybe he can!

NN: who?

Armadylan: Me! Thunder Thump!

NN: woah! Oof

The Splat Monster sends a fleet of sticky splats at NN

NN: uhhh why do I get defeated every time! I'll get you next time PJ Pests!

Anyu: good job my PJ friends- *sees Armadylan sitting in a corner by himself* what is wrong Armadylan?

Armadylan: it's just that I've don't so many foolish this to you and your Mountain! I wish I could make it up to you

Anyu: you don't need to-

Armadylan: yes I do! I feel bad and I can't forgive myself! *gasps* I know how I can make it up to you!

Anyu: huh?

Armadylan: I'll be your bodyguard! Tonight there's nobody else to fight since we already fought the villain-

NN: that's not true! I escaped from that gooey cage and I'm taking my Ninjalino back! Please come back teeny! It's not the same without you!

Splat Monster: *speaks gibberish*

NN: yes! Come on teeny we're going home

Outside the portal...

NN: my plan is perfect! I'll get that weird evil crystal thing and use it on Teeny Weeny and make him evil! I just need to get it from Moon girl!

Luna: ahhh Motsuki what do we do!

Motsuki: lizard PJ use sun light to turn wolfy boy back to normal

Luna: your saying we half to wait for the sun to come up to get this rhino boy away from us!!

Crusher: The name's Mega Crusher!!

Luna: let's trap him in a bubble and wait till morning to turn him back!

Motsuki: ok

NN: this is my chance to get it!


Armadylan: ok tomorrow night I'll come and be your bodyguard!

Anyu: ok?

The next morning...

Connor: *gets woke up by alarm and yawns* time to get dressed *hears loud popping noise* what was that?!? *puts clothes on and runs out of house* I half to find Amaya and Greg

Greg: oh hey Connor! Did you hear that loud noise?

Connor: yes! That's why I came to find you

Greg: well it doesn't matter now

Connor: oh look there's Amaya

Amaya: hi guys

Connor: hey! Do you remember what Armadylan was going to do tonight?

Amaya: you bet I do!

Greg: guys look!

Connor: woah that's a lot of destruction!

Amaya: we better check it out! PJ Masks were on our way!

All: into the night to save the day!

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