Part 87- Owlette Alone

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Owlette flies through the city searching for a mighty friend to aid them in sealing the crack on Mystery Mountain

Owlette: What's that? Owl Eyes! It's armadylan! I knew he would be out! *flies down*

Armadylan: Owlette! Good to see you!

Owlette: Good to see you too!

Armadylan: Are you okay? You seemed stressed out!

Owlette: I really need your help on Mystery Mountain!

Armadylan: A Mystery Mountain adventure? Awesome!

Owlette: Oh I don't think it'll be that awesome this time.

Armadylan: Huh? What's going on?

Owlette: Well Anyu brought us to Mystery Mountain because there were some random earthquakes happening-

Armadylan: Earthquakes?! Uh I don't think I can help with that. I only start earthquakes I don't really know how to stop them.

Owlette: It's not just earthquakes!

Armadylan: What?

Owlette: Gekko found a GINORMOUS rift going all through the mountain!

Armadylan: No way!

Owlette: It's getting bigger as we speak! I came her to ask for your help! Will you help us-

Armadylan: Of course i'll help you guys!

Owlette: Thanks Armadylan! Let's go!

The two start to run back to the portal.

Armadylan: Wait!

Owlette: What's wrong?

Armadylan: Look up there!

Owlette: The flying factory? So it's true!

Armadylan: What's true?

Owlette: We found fly bots on the mountain earlier trying to take us down! They must've created the rift!I have to go up there and find out what Romeo is doing!

Armadylan: Wait! Aren't you going to help me on the mountain?

Owlette: I can't really do much since I don't have super strength so it's better for me to head up there.

Armadylan: But I don't know where the PJs are!

Owlette: Just go through the portal and make a right! You should see Gekko, Lemurboy, and Porcupine!

Owlette flies up to the flying factory.

Owlette: Fly bots! Gotta find another way in! The sucky sucker! Perfect!

Owlette allows herself to be sucked up by the sucky sucker and pops up in the flying factory

Romeo: I've been expecting you birdy!

Owlette: Romeo! What've you done!? How could you be so cruel! What are you getting out of destroying Mystery Mountain?

Romeo: I'm getting power! Mystery Mountain power to be exact! My plan is to destroy the mountain so I can take all of its power! Once I have my hands on the mystical powers of Mystery Mountain I'll be able to combine it with their powers!

Owlette: Who's powers?

Romeo: Behind you!

Howler: B-B-Bird girl?

Crusher: I hate to say this but i'm gonna need your help birdy!

Kevin: He's taken our powers and used them to break apart the mountain!

Owlette: *gasps* How could you!

Romeo: Now i'll use their powers on you!

Romeo points a machine at Owlette.

Owlette: What's that gonna do?

Romeo: This!

The machine howls Owlette into a wall knocking her out

Romeo: Gotcha!

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