Part 67- Taylor

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Newton: Come on guys!

Greg: Where do you think she could be?

Newton: I don't know but I think we should check her house!

The friends arrive at Taylor's house

Newton: *rings doorbell* I hopes she'll be here!

Connor: Why are we looking for her anyway?

Amaya: *kicks* What do you mean?!

Connor: Ow! I'm not trying to be mean I'm just saying like if your friend doesn't come you don't just go searching for them! I don't know I feel weird. You can see her at your school tomorrow and if she doesn't show up that's when you start looking.

Newton: I'm just making sure she's okay!

Connor: I feel like there's more.

Amaya: just stop Connor!

Suddenly the door opens...

Newton: Hi! Are you Taylor's mom?

Taylor's mom: I am!

Newton: Great! Do you know where she is? She didn't come to the library today.

Taylor's mom: She right upstairs! I'll go get her.

Greg: So what else does Taylor do?

Newton: Well she is kinda like me. She doesn't like to talk to much or be around too many people. I don't know. I feel like I finally have someone I can really relate to.

Taylor's mom: Here she is!

Taylor: Oh uh hey Newton!

Newton: Hey! Are you okay?

Taylor: Yeah.

Newton: So why didn't you come to the Library?

Taylor: Today I was gonna have a sleepover with my best friend. He's awesome!

Newton: Oh okay.

Taylor: Sorry I didn't tell you.

Newton: It's okay.

Taylor: Okay well bye

Newton: Bye.

Greg: You okay Newton?

Newton: Yeah I'm okay. I'm just glad she's safe.

Greg: You don't seem glad. You seem sad.

Newton: I'm not.

Greg: Are you sure? Like really sure?

Newton: Yeah I'm sure.

Greg: Okay. What were we doing earlier?

Connor: We were gettin ready to go into the night and stop Romeo! PJ Masks we're on our way!

All: Into the night to save the day!

(skipping transformation)

All: The PJ Masks!

Gekko: Hey pj buddy!

PJ Robot: Beep!

Catboy: Can you find out where Romeo is?

PJ Robot: Beep Beep Beep!

At the sleepover...

Sam: This movie is the best! What do you think about it? Taylor?

Sam looks and sees Taylor sleeping while leaning on him

Sam: Yes!

Soon Sam falls asleep as well

Taylor: *wakes up* huh? What's this? *picks up bracelet* A purple bracelet?

Suddenly the bracelet starts to glow

Taylor: Eek! Bracelets don't do that!

A purple spirit flies out

The spirit: Hello Taylor..

The Adventures of the PJ MasksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora