Part 45- Ninja Chase

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1 week later...

Connor: *runs out to playground* it's recess time yay

Greg: *taps Connor* you're it! Haha

Connor: I'm gonna get you!

Greg: *jumps out of the way* ah!

Connor: *tags Amaya* now you're it Amaya!

Landon: I'm playing too

Amaya: then you're it Landon! *tags landon*

Greg: guys I found a hiding spot!

Connor: ok

Greg: under the slide

The three go under the slide

Amaya: you sure this is a good hiding spot

Greg: I think so

Landon: sneak attack!!

Connor: ahhh!!!

Amaya: oh no

Greg: *runs from under the slide* Ahh *trips* oof *laughs*

Connor: *trips* haha

Amaya: haha! *gets tagged*

Landon: gotcha! Now let's take a break

Amaya: yea

Greg: ok. Hey landon where's your brother

Landon: he's sick at home

Greg: oh wow. I hope he feels better

Connor and Amaya: us too!

Cameron: the sand box is gone!

Connor: huh? Oh no!

Landon: how is the sand box not here

Amaya: I don't know but I think we should check it out

Landon: oh yeah! PJ Masks we're on our way!

All: into the night to save the day!

(Skipping transformation)

All: the PJ Masks!

Catboy: hey pj robot! Can you show us where NN is

Pj robot: beep beep! *presses button on picture player* beep!!

Owlette: where's that Ninjalino going

Gekko: and what does he think he's doing

Catboy: let's go check it out. Let's take our rovers

Lemurboy: rovers?

Catboy: yeah we have rovers and you don't have one. We need to make you and your brother some vehicles! But for now you can use my rover since I'm fast enough to keep up.

Lemurboy: wow really

Catboy: yep!

Lemurboy: thanks!

Owlette: that was nice of you catboy. Now let's get a move on!

Owlette, Gekko, and Lemurboy all zoom out of HQ

Catboy: Super cat speed!!! *catches up*

Gekko: the Ninjalinos are at the museum!

Owlette: Gekko and Catboy let's go surround the front of the Museum

Gekko: ok! Lemurboy you go find NN

Lemurboy: ok *parks rover in front of museum and jumps off* there you go catboy

Catboy: how did you know how to drive that?

Lemurboy: it was just like my video game! Now it's time for me to go find NN. Super lemur ears! He's got to be on top of the museum

Catboy: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Owlette: catboy it doesn't matter that he has basically the same power as you. Armadylan has super strength just like Gekko

Gekko: yeah

Catboy: ok

On the roof of the museum...

Lemurboy: where is he

NN: *jumps up* right here monkey doofus! *throws sticky splat*

Lemurboy: oh no *backflips out of the way* Ha missed me! Tail lasso!!! *graps NN*

NN: let me go!!!

Lemurboy: no

NN: grrr! *Pops out* Ha!

Lemurboy: oh no!

NN: can't catch me *jumps off museum*

Lemurboy: oh no he's getting away *chases*

Gekko: hey guys shouldn't NN be out here by now

Catboy: yea but- *hears Lemurboy going after NN* oh no! Lemurboy needs help!

Gekko: what?

Catboy: sounds like he found NN but NN getting away! He needs catching him

Owlette: ok. It's time to be a hero!

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