The Finale: Part 4- The Power of Anyu

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Anyu: That's it!

Romeo: What's it?

Anyu: All this time I thought that I was the only protecter of the mountain. I thought that if i couldn't protect on my own then I was not worthy.

Romeo: What are you talking about?!

Anyu: But I wouldn't have even got here if it wasn't for everyone helping me. I wouldn't be a protector if Mystery Mountain never helped me. Everyone needs helps at some point in their lives!

Romeo: Shut up already!

Anyu: Now that I know the truth, I will be able to defeat you!

Romeo: So you think you'll be able to defeat me? Think again!

Romeo flys down and grabs Anyu by the neck!

Anyu: No matter what you do...

Romeo flies Anyu through several buildings!

Romeo: Stop talking!

Romeo slams Anyu into HQ with all his might!

Romeo: I'll stop you from talking for good *continuously punches Anyu*

Anyu: We will always come out on top! I have the power of Mystery Mountain on my side!

Anyu knocks Romeo off of her!

Romeo: That hurt! How'd you do that? I have all the power!

Anyu: I connected with the power.

Romeo: What?

Anyu: Something you can't do! The power has been begging to get out.

Romeo: What are you saying? I have all the power! It's mine!

Anyu: And I just opened the door!

Romeo: SHUT UP! *charges at Anyu*

Romeo tries to punch Anyu but she grabs his fist just in time!

Anyu: I am the Protecter of Mystery Mountain! This power does not belong to you!

Romeo: What are you doing?!

Anyu: Hi-yah! *kicks Romeo*

Anyu repeatedly punches Romeo!

Romeo: Your punches tickle!

Catboy: *gets up* Kick his butt Anyu!

Anyu: Yes I shall kick his bottom!

Anyu punches Romeo again!

Romeo: That's all? That's all you've got? This is how you kick butt!

Romeo punches Anyu down to the ground!

Catboy: Anyu! Super Cat Stripes!

Catboy grabs Romeo's two arms and jumps up for an attack!

Romeo: I'm too good for you Catboy! *punches Catboy in the face*

Catboy starts falling towards the ground!

Anyu: No!

Owlette: *gets up* Catboy! Super Owl Wings!

Owlette uses the energy she has left to jump up and save Catboy!

Owlette: *lands* Catboy? Catboy say something!

Catboy sits there and doesn't respond.

Owlette: *starts to cry* Catboy...

Anyu looks around to see everything crumbles into to pieces.

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