Short Show: Water balloon Battle

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Night Ninja: This is the Water Balloon Battle! Heroes against villains! Who will win?!

Catboy: The Heroes obviously!

Night Ninja: first up it's the originals! Romeo Luna girl and me against Catboy Owlette and Gekko!

PJ Robot: beep beep beep! (3 2 1!)

Catboy: can't catch me!

Gekko: here Owlette! *throws balloons up*

Owlette: Owl Wing Wind! *blows balloons*

Romeo: ahhh! *gets hit* ugh I'm out

Night Ninja: Can't catch me though!

Luna: me either!

Gekko: oh yeah *gets hit* aw man

Night Ninja: over here!

Owlette: *throws water balloon* take that!

Night Ninja: *dodges* take what? I don't see anything?

Owlette: Grrr *gets hit* ow!

Luna: Ha *gets hit* gah!

Catboy: take that

Night Ninja: just me and you now

Catboy: yeah! *backflips*

NN: *throws balloon and summersaults*

Catboy: *ducks* missed! *throws balloon*

NN: *dodges one balloon and lands* uh oh! *gets hit* man!

Catboy: we win!

NN: well let's move on to the next round! Now it's the rookies!

Armadylan: Hey!

Owlette: well your the rookies because you weren't and originally a hero but that doesn't mean you are a rookie

Armadylan: oh

NN: Aardvarkadylan, Dragon Breath and Kitty boy! The only reason we added catboy is because there wasn't any other new hero except PJ Robot but you know

Catboy: yeah we know. Now 3 2 1 let's go!

NN: I didn't get to- never mind

Catboy: Kevin is not that good at throwing get him!

Kevin: hey!

Howler: I got you *throws balloon*

Anyu: oh no! *plays flute and sends howler flying*

NN: you are disqualified!

Anyu: huh

Catboy: just go over there. Over here!

Rip: gah! *throws balloon*

Catboy: *barely dodges* woah she can throw really good! Hmmm Super Cat Speed! *makes rip dizzy and hits with water balloon* ha!

NN: hey that's cheating!

Catboy: aw man

Everything rewinds to before catboy cheated

Catboy: maybe if I don't cheat we can win!

Armadylan: *launches balloon*

Kevin: *gets hit* ow that was too fast to dodge!
Rip: uhhhh

Catboy: *throws three balloons*

Rip: ahh *gets hit* man!

NN: ugh the heroes win

Catboy: yeah!

Owlette: good job!

Catboy: cheating is a bad thing and you shouldn't get into a habit of cheating! Always do the right thing

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