The Finale: Part 1- The Rage of Catboy

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Catboy: Who's that?

Scorpion: Show yourself coward!

The flying factory emerges from the clouds

Tarantula: No...

All: Romeo!?

Romeo: That's my name! Don't wear it out!

Catboy: You already have. I'm tired of dealing with your shenanigans!

Romeo: Well you're gonna have to get used to it because my "sHeNAnIganS" are getting better and better!

Anyu: What are you doing here?

Gekko: *gets up* yeah tell us now!

Romeo: Isn't it obvious?

Gekko: Uh no that's why I told you to tell us!

Romeo: Oh yeah I forgot how dumb you guys are. I'm the one who tore this place apart!

Scorpion: You tried and failed!

Gekko: Yeah!

Catboy: This doesn't make sense. How could this have happened? How'd you do this?!

Romeo: Let's just say that I had a little help from past enemies of yours. You should know them.

Catboy: What past enemies?

Gekko: Octobella? Pharaoh boy? Luna?

Scorpion: Munki gu? Oh wait he's right there.

Munki-gu: Hi!

Night Ninja: Motsuki?

Catboy: I bet it's Alien Girl!

Romeo: Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong! All wrong! Everything you said was wrong!

Catboy: Who?

Romeo: The ferocious Wolfy kids and The super strong Crusher!

Armadylan: Pfft he isn't hat strong

Romeo: So this isn't strong?

Romeo presses a remote control that lifts up an energy ray

Armadylan: Huh?

The energy ray shoots a blast at armadylan knocking him 25 feet back into the forest and severely injuring him!

Gekko: Armadylan!

Romeo: That only a little bit of the power I have! When this enhancer is finished i'll be able to multiply that power by 10! I'll be unstoppable!

Night Ninja: No! I can't let you beat me in being the best villain!

Romeo: I already have. Toodle loo PJ Pests!

Catboy: Get back here!

Romeo: Oh before I leave I want to also inform you that I've captured you dear friend Owlette!

Gekko: What?!

Scorpion: You didn't!

Anyu: No!

Night Ninja: Wow very powerful of her.

Catboy (angry tone): You what?

Romeo: That's right I did it! And after all the trouble you guys have caused my over the years, I'm gonna do much more than keep her in a cell!

Catboy: No!

Romeo: She'll pay for what she's done to me! I'll get my revenge! Muhahahaha!

Catboy: No...

Catboy's stripes and eyes start to glow!

Gekko: Catboy?

Lightning starts flickering from Catboy's body as Fire burns around his feet!

Gekko: We'll get her back!

Romeo: I'll finally get my revenge! I'll make her feel more pain than she's ever felt before!

Catboy: NO YOU WONT!!

Catboy jumps up with all his might creating a crater on the ground!

Gekko: Woah!

Night Ninja: How did he do that?!

Scorpion: That was one powerful jump! He went super high!

Catboy lands on the factory angry as ever!

Romeo: What are you gonna do Catboy? You gonna cry-

Catboy grabs Romeo by the neck and throws him into the elevator door!

Romeo: Arg! Look Catboy we can talk things out!

Catboy: No more talking. *smiles* Were playing the quiet game.

Romeo's remote dings.

Romeo: Oh boy! I don't have time for you! Flys bots, get him! Robot if he beats them you go in with robette!

Robot: But master I-

Romeo: Do what I tell you!

Robot: Yes master...

Romeo goes down the elevator while the fly bots fly in front of Catboy.

Catboy: *cracks neck* I'll tear you all apart with my bare hands.

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