Part 15- Fire Splats for the Fourth of july

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Before July ends I'm going to make this part about the Fourth of July. And the fireworks will be in the moat by HQ and At the Museum
The day before the Fourth of July...

Connor: I can't wait for tomorrow!

Greg: I can't either!

Amaya: Tomorrow is The Fourth of July! Today they're testing the fireworks!

Connor: come on let's go see them!

The kids run to the museum

Connor: *taps man* um sir?

Man: yes?

Connor: are you testing the fireworks?

Man: yes we are! You kids need to find a spot to sit

Connor: ok!

The fireworks shoot in the air but don't explode

Amaya: what's happening?

The fireworks fall out of the sky and explode on the ground

Greg: what is this stuff *pulls stuff off* splat!

Connor: it's sticky splat!

Amaya: guys look! Everyone is stuck!

Greg: let's stop night ninja before replaces more fireworks with splat! PJ Masks were on our way!

PJMs: Into the night to save the day!

(Skipping transformation)

PJMs: The PJ Masks!

Catboy: Night Ninja is probably either at the museum or at the moat so Gekko you go to the moat

Gekko: alright! To the gekko mobile

Catboy: I'll go to the museum and look for him

Owlette: what about me?

Catboy: you fly around town and look for him just in case he's not at the moat or at the museum

Owlette: ok! *goes to get Owl glider*

Catboy: to the cat car!

The cat car and the owl glider burst out of HQ


Night ninja: alright Ninjalinos! Tie him up!!

Romeo: what are you doing?

Night Ninja: so you wanna know what my plan is? Well let me tell you!

with Owlette...

Owlette: where is night ninja?

Suddenly an orange plane starts to fly in front of Owlette

Owlette: woah *turns* that was close! Wait a second! Who was that? Owl Eyes *sees night ninja* night ninja!

Night Ninja: well hello bird brain! Are you here to see the firesplats?

Owlette: no I'm here to stop you! Put that plane back where it belongs!

Night Ninja: Never! Robo-Ninjalino now!

Robo-Ninjalino: yes sir! *throws splat at owl glider*

Night Ninja: good job! Now Copilot Ninjalino take the wheel!

Owlette: woah why is my glider acting funny?

Night Ninja: that's because there's mechanical devices in those splats and there're bugging your glider muhahahaha!

Suddenly the owl glider start to fall

Owlette: ahhhhh *tries to control glider* I can't control it! *crashes* woah *jumps out*

Night Ninja: hahahaha *throws splat at Owlette*

Owlette: oof! Hey!

Night ninja: hahaha

Owlette: what are you up to?!

Night Ninja: oh I'll tell you what I'm up to

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