Part 89- Rusty

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At Greg's house...

Landon: Connor, just tell her how you feel! Bottling it up into gonna win her heart.

Connor: I wanna tell her it's just that it's harder than you think!

Sam: Oh please I got with Taylor with no problems!

Connor: Easy for you to say! You've been with her all your life!

Sam: Yeah I guess that's true.

Greg: Maybe you aren't ready right now. Maybe you need to wait a little longer.

Connor: I don't wanna wait any longer!

Greg: I said maybe.

Landon: What do you think he should do, Peter?

Peter: Huh? Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention. What are we talking about?

Landon: Ugh never mind!

Suddenly a puff of smoke appears in Greg's room!

Connor: What the heck!!

The smoke disappears and reveals Anyu!

Greg: No way!

Connor: Anyu?!

Landon: It's been so long!

Anyu: It is good to you too my friends, but now isn't the time for that!

Landon: What's going on?

Anyu: Wait a minute! Why are you so-

Connor: So what?

Anyu: Flabby? You look like you haven't worked out in months!

Greg: Well uh we kinda stopped being the PJ Masks.

Anyu: You what?! Why on Earth would you do that?! You are the protecters of this city and you just give up? That is very unlike you all. What happened to you guys?

Connor: It's been 3 years since we've been needed. There's no one to fight.

Peter: There's no reason for us to be The PJ Masks anymore. We aren't needed.

Anyu: If you weren't needed then I would not be here now. You guys aren't even in shape for the battle ahead!

Sam: What happened?

Anyu: Night Ninja has a powerful artifact that hasn't been seen or used in hundreds of years! He's going to use this artifact to cover Mystery Mountain with an eternal flame!

Connor: What's an eternal flame?

Anyu: *sighs* Have you become so out of shape that you cannot figure out something simple?

Greg: Uh

Anyu: ITS A FLAME THAT BURNS FOREVER! It's literally the name! We have to gather up the rest of you guys. We only have a few days to prepare for the challenges ahead. Gather up your friends and meet me on Mystery Mountain in 30 Minutes! We don't have a moment to loose! *disappears*

Sam: Well that was random.

Connor: After all these years we finally get to be heroes again!

Greg: Do you think we'll be good enough? We haven't done anything for years so we might not be enough to stop Night Ninja.

Landon: I'm sure we'll be enough! Let's go PJ Masks!

Later that night in HQ

Catboy: Woah! Our suits look different!

Gekko: I guess as we grow out suits grow with us!

Lemur-boy: We'll now that i'm 13 I think I should change my name to Lemur-Man!

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