Part 33- Villains Everywhere!

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Catboy: they're splitting into groups

Anyu: we should too!

Gekko: yeah

Catboy: ok let's do this! Gekko and Teeny weeny you guys get Howler and Kevin! Armadylan, Owlette, and PJ Robot you guys get Luna girl and Motsuki! Anyu you're with me! We get Night Ninja and rip

Armadylan: ok let's go!

Owlette: come on guys!

Armadylan: Owlette can you see them?

Owlette: Owl Eyes! I see them! They're at HQ

PJ Robot: beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Owlette: uhh good plan but isn't that kind of violent-

Armadylan: I love that plan!

Owlette: ok let's do this

Motsuki: look it the PJs! Motsuki make them mad so they leave

Luna: no that's a horrible plan! You know those PJs have to learn lesson every time they fight a villain! Their lesson Would be to not let anything distract or name you mad!

Motsuki: huh?

Luna: just do try your plan please

Armadylan: hey you!

Luna: ugh they're here! Well here you are Armadylan

Owlette: and me!

Luna: you too! Well you found me! I guess I better give up

Armadylan: wait really!?

Luna: No! I'm going stay a finish you off! Then I'm gonna find a way I'll your HQ so I can take it to the moon with me!

Owlette: no! We'll stop you

Luna: oh really! How are you gonna stop me if you're trapped in a BUBBLE! *traps Owlette in a bubble with Luna Magnet*

Armadylan: Owlette! Don't worry I'll save you *pops bubble* there

Owlette: phew! Thanks Armadylan

Motsuki: Motsuki stop PJs *shoots antennae beam* eek!

Armadylan: watch out *deflects with armor*

Owlette: take this! Super Owl Feathers! *blows Motsuki in Luna girl*

Luna: ow! *drops magnet* my magnet! Get off me!

Owlette: owl talons *picks up magnet*

Luna: oh really? Motsuki Fire!

Motsuki: *shoots antennae beam*

Armadylan: *jumps in front of beam*

Owlette: Armadylan!

Armadylan: don't worry I can break out of this weak little moon bubble!

Motsuki: Motsuki bubble no weak! Grrr

Luna: gimme that! *snatched magnet back* muhahahaha! *jumps on Luna board* this will be my HQ from now on!

Owlette: no it's not!

Luna: little sis can you watch aardvark boy while I handle bird brain

Motsuki: fine

Armadylan: so how about you tell me about yourself!

Motsuki: no!

Armadylan: well I already know your a bug so what e-

Motsuki: EEK! Motsuki no bug

Armadylan: you kinda are

Motsuki: Motsuki mad at you! Motsuki blast you to space!

Armadylan: woah woah woah calm down

Motsuki: grrrr!

Suddenly Motsuki gets hit by the PJ Seeker

Motsuki: ahhh!

Owlette: wow I actually that that would- *gets kicked* hey! Owl Wing Wind! *blows Luna away*

Luna: ugh my plan! I'll get you next t- Motsuki?

Motsuki: Motsuki no give up *flies to Armadylan*

Armadylan: oh no! *tries to break free* it's not working!

PJ Robot: beep beep beep beep beep beep beep!

Owlette: come on!

Armadylan: grrr *break free* Ha!

Owlette: you did it

Motsuki: we get pjs next time!

Armadylan: come on let's go help the others!

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