Part 21- The PJ Brothers

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The next night at Peter's house...

Peter: welp it's time for bed! *trips* woah oof! What's this? Two bracelets? *picks up bracelets* hey Landon wake up!

Landon: uhh what do you want!

Peter: I found these cool
Bracelets on the floor and I don't know where they came from? The only bracelet I have is the one Suzie gave me before we moved

Landon: hopefully if you put it on it'll make you go to sleep

Peter: ok! You put this one on so you can go back to sleep! Hehe

Landon: Fine!!! *puts on bracelet* there! Are you happy now!

Peter: *puts on bracelet* cool

Suddenly energy from their bracelets wrap around their pajamas

Peter: Woah! What was that!

Landon: I don't know but it definitely woke me up!
Peter: Tap your bracelet to see if it'll do what it just did again! *taps bracelet*

Landon: ok? *taps bracelet*

Suddenly they start to transform

Peter becomes...

Peter: this is crazy!!!!


Landon becomes...

Landon: I know right!


Lemurboy and Porcupine turn into beams of light and speed their way to the front of the PJ Masks's HQ

Porcupine: what just happened?!?!?

Lemurboy; I don't know? All I know is that we got cool now suits! *Accidentally shoots tree with laser eyes* woah! I HAVE LASER EYES!! SWEET

Porcupine: woah you have super powers! Do I have powers too? *shoots quills* OH MY GOSH YESSS!

After ten minutes of discovering super powers...

Porcupine: I can't believe we have super powers!

Lemurboy: I know right!

In HQ...

Catboy: I wonder how loud I can roar?

Owlette: don't try it in here

Gekko: yeah let's go outside!

PJ Robot: *beeps*

Catboy: random people with weird suits on? Let me see! *looks at picture player* he's right!

Gekko: well let's go see why they're here

The PJ Masks exit HQ

Catboy: hey you villains!

Owlette: catboy we aren't sure if they're villains or not

Catboy: Owlette they probably are villains!

Lemurboy: we are not villains! We decided that we wanted to be super heroes

Gekko: yay new heroes to help us on missions!

Catboy: Gekko are you really buying this?

Gekko: yeah

Catboy: ok I'll give them a chance. Do you have a hero name?

Porcupine: no not yet

Owlette: well your spiky and hedgehogs are spiky so

Porcupine: but my spikes are longer and Hedgehog boy sounds pathetic. How about Porcupine!

Owlette: that's a really good hero name!

Lemurboy: well what about me?

Gekko: hmmm what animal has a large black and white tail! A LEMUR!

Lemurboy: *gasps* I can be Lemurboy!

Suddenly Armadylan rolls up to say hi

Armadylan: hey PJs! Wait who are you?

Lemurboy: we are-

Armadylan: your villains! *tackles lemurboy and porcupine*

Porcupine: hey let us go!

Owlette: Armadylan stop! There're heroes

Catboy: we're not sure on that

Night Ninja: *jumps off HQ and lands in front of the PJ Masks* muhahahahahahaha

PJMs: Night Ninja!

Night Ninja: well well well! If it isn't- woah who are your new friends

Catboy: they are not our friends

Owlette: Catboy! Stop acting like that

Lemurboy: yeah dude what the heck? We all ready told you we're heroes!

Armadylan: well he doesn't trust you and I don't either!

Gekko: why? If they did something sneaky I would understand why you wouldn't trust them but they haven't even done anything yet!

Owlette: exactly!

Catboy: Owlette you don't know if they're villains or not! I'm the leader and I say that you should not trust them!

Porcupine: well I don't care if you don't trust me!

Gekko: I trust you

Porcupine: I know you do but your kitty friend doesn't!

Night Ninja: umm I don't wanna get in the middle of all this *tries to run away*

Catboy: *grabs Night Ninja with Cat Stripes*
Armadylan doesn't trust them and you shouldn't either!

Night Ninja: hey!

Gekko: he just got here he doesn't even know what's going on!

Armadylan: yes I do!

While the PJs were arguing Night Ninja slips out of the Cat Stripes and jumps away

Owlette: huh? *gasps* it's Night Ninja he's getting away!

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