Part 79- Bouwefetta

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The Mysterious figure takes the PJs onto a nearby asteroid.

Catboy: Ugh! This is horrible! I wish they would let me go!

Gekko: At least they gave us the ability to breath in space.

Catboy: Why'd you let the figure take us?!

Gekko: It was the only way to save PJ Robot!


Owlette: Calm down.

Catboy: Sorry. I'm just scared of what's gonna happen to us.

Owlette: Don't worry. We'll make it out of where ever this person is taking us

The mysterious figure: No I don't think you will.

Owlette: Whatever.

The mysterious figure opens a hatch on the asteroid and throws the PJs in!

Gekko: Oof!

The PJs hear mumbling noises.

Catboy: what's that?

Owlette: I feel something.

Gekko: I wish scorpion was here so he could light this place up.

Owlette grabs something and pulls on it.

Newton: *spits* GUYS!

Gekko: Newton?!

Catboy: What happened?

Newton: That girl! She trapped me in here!

Owlette: What girl?

Newton: I didn't see her face but I heard her real voice!

Owlette: Real voice? *gasps* The mysterious figure put you in here! That girl who sneaks up on people!

Newton: Yeah that's the one!

Gekko: How did you get captured? You're like super powerful!

Suddenly the lights turn on.

Catboy: No more time to ask questions! Look!

The four look over to see the mysterious figure!

Gekko: Tell us who you really are!

The figure throws her cloak off to reveal her true self!

The mysterious figure: I am Bouwefetta!

Catboy: *giggles*

Bouwefetta: Are you laughing?

Catboy: No i-

Bouwefetta lifts catboy up with her powers!

Catboy: Woah! Hey put me down!

Bouwefetta slams catboy to the floor as hard as she could!

Bouwefetta: *giggles* so funny am I right?

Newton: Why'd you capture us?! Tell us now!

Bouwefetta: I've been studying you all for years! I was there when you first fought Romeo on that train!   I bet you remember that day Owlette! Hahaha!

Owlette: *sad sigh*

Catboy: Hey! Stop that!

Bouwefetta: And what are you gonna do about it? Now all of you shush so I can finish explaining!

Catboy: Fine.

Bouwefetta: I have studied you all! My goal is to take your powers to take everyone else's powers! I took you guys first because you guys are pretty much the most powerful.

Catboy: Why do you want everyone's powers? You already have powers!

Bouwefetta: My current powers won't help me achieve my ultimate goal.

Newton: What's your ultimate goal?

Bouwefetta: *laughs* TO END THE HUMAN RACE!!

The Heroes all gasp at this ultimate goal.

Gekko: But why?

Bouwefetta: You don't need to know why.

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