Episode 46

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(Y/n's pov)

"Get off him now!" I screamed and dragged her off of him and pushed her to the wall. "He's a demwar! He cannot be trusted!" She screamed and I stood in front of him protectively. Weird how the tables have turned, I was the one protecting him when he was defenseless.
"Jene! Don't you see! We found her prophet brother!" Tyga defended me which I looked at her thankfully, she nodded at me and turned her attention back to jene her looked at us angrily. She read the scroll once again, over and over again and she clenched her fists. Jene looked up at us again silently. "If you two are both prophecies..." She said and held her head. "You better be right tyga." She growled, began to leave then turned to gryffin and pointed at him. She then left the room and tyga looked at us and smiled. "I'm right." She grinned and left the room. I turned to gryffin and he takes my hand and leads me to my bedroom and shuts the door, holding his head angrily. "Gryffin it's fine. Don't worry about It!" I tell him and he just sits down. "She thinks I'm a danger y/n!" I sit down in front of him when he told me that nonsense and looked him in his eyes deeply.
"Gryffin, you are NOT a danger to us! Don't you see? We are both in a prophecy we both have to fulfill!" I exclaimed and grabbed his hand.
"We we're both destined for each other." I say softly and he looked at our hands intertwined with each other and he squeezed my hand gently. "We are that clash of light and darkness." I whisper and he looked at me lovingly, caressing my cheek with his hand. "We will win this war." He says and we both squeezed each other's hands and smiled at one another.
An hour later we hear a knock come from the door, it opens and me and gryffin stand up to look at who might be at the door. Jene revealed herself and stared at the two of us.
"You two, my office, now." She snapped and shut the door. We both looked at each other and grabbed each other's hands again and walked with each other to her office.
Once we got there, pheonix, nature, tyga were there along with jene. But there was a man in here, a man of color like tyga.
"Y/n This is din, he is my brother." He waved at me as tyga introduced him to me which I smiled and waved back at the man.
"Why were we called here?" Gryffin asked, slightly glaring at jene who looked at him with no trust anymore. All that trust she used to have was gone now, it was kind of sad to think that before she put her trust into gryffin a long time ago, now one thing has changed and she has changed her perspective on this man.
"You both were called here because in the book, it states that if the darkness is tamed enough, it could bend into the hosts desires, which could bend into an obeject in hand." Jene explained, keeping the book open and pointing at the line of which is says that. "So gryffin...I assume you wield the darkness and the darkness only. You seem to wield it well...can you bend it to your Will?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. They both glared at each other, hatred radiating in the room. "I would need to train myself on that." Gryffin stated and she hummed, sitting back in her chair with her arms folded. Silence dominated the room menacingly.
"God I can feel the hatred in the room...okay! Gryffin, You shall train yourself more on the darkness. Y/n, me and jene will train you as quick as possible on how to use the light properly." Tyga took over the conversation and I nodded in approval to her.  She nodded at me as well. "We will teach you the basics of using and keeping in touch with the light. The only thing you need to learn is sensing danger and acting fast." Jene stated to me and I nodded in agreement. "That's the only skill I need? Isn't there so much more?" I asked jene and she nodded. "Yeah there's a bunch more things to learn but that's the main skill you need to learn." She said. "It shouldn't take too long. It's a matter of how fast can you learn." Jene said and stood up from her seat, getting ready to leave.
"If you don't know, din will be training the new ones that have joined us." Jene says as she gestured to din who waved at us. I assume he's the one tyga was talking about, her brother. The one she told me he couldn't talk. "We both are interested in this rebellion because agitha is still alive. We want to make sure she suffers like we have." Tyga said with anger in her tone as she gripped her fists tightly into a ball. I'm in the same boat tyga, don't worry. "We'll help you get your revenge tyga." I tell her and she smiled gratefully at me. "Thank you dear." I nodded and looked at gryffin who didn't take his eyes off of jene. I could feel their burning hatred for each other, I gently take my hand behind both of our backs and held his hand behind our backs, trying to hide them. "When will we be starting my training?" I asked jene and she hums. "As soon as possible. I want to start as soon as we can so that we can get a handle of your light." I nodded and looked at gryffin who was already looking down at me. "Will you be okay?" I whispered to him and he smiled. "Don't worry about me." He whispered back and jene stood up from her chair. "I would like to get started now if that's no problem." Jene said and I nodded, turning back to gryffin. "Gryffin can train himself if he wouldn't mind." Gryffin turned to jene when she said this and nodded hatefully. She narrowed her eyes and then walked closer to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Meet us in the meditation room." I nodded and they all left her office as me and gryffin did as well. "Where will you be going?" I asked him, our hands still interlocked with each other. "Off on my own to the training room. I won't be too far from the meditation area." Gryffin told me as we then stopped by the training area. "Don't over work yourself...be careful." I tell him and he kissed my l lips for a moment and pulled away and caressed me cheek. "I should be telling you the same." We both laughed, with that we both left each other alone and i walked all the way to the meditation room and saw tyga and jene standing there waiting for me. They laid their eyes on me and greeted me kindly individually.
The room had a skylight with the stars shining through, the room was dim and comfortable. There was pillows surrounded in a circle with a rug with a star shaped symbol. The room had a blue colored theme to it and a fire crackled in the background. I shut the door behind me and walked forward and they gestured me to sit down.
I do so and sit on a soft small pillow and look at them both individually. "We are going to start your training by meditating. Meditating is what we practice to keep our connection with the light in our souls." Jene explained. "When you go deeper into meditation, you will see a ball of light taking the form of an animal." I tilted my head curiously. "Why an animal?" I asked her curiously. "The animal is supposed to represent your spirit animal. The spirit animal is also supposed to represent the light guiding you to where the next step in your life is." I made and o shape with my face, understanding it more.
"Meditating in other words, is a practice we use to either build our connection, or question our next step in life." Tyga said and then we all sat crisscrossed and put our hands on our knees as we sit. "Now, close your eyes and takes deep breathes." Says jene as she does the same. I closed my eyes and takes deep breathes, steadying my breath and staying calm with the process. "Be patient, and focus on the process." Jene said calmly, her voice sounding smooth and relaxing. I'm keeping the rhythm of my breathing steady and clam as I meditate with the two. "Invision, the light as a ball. Invision it just moving you along, like a current at sea. Feel yourself relaxing, feel as if there is water like currents letting your body loosely flow as you follow this ball of light." I felt too calm, my heart was slowing down at I started to visualize this ball of light guiding me. Jene's voice slowly begins to slip away from my hearing, it felt like I was the only person. Alone. Like I was the only person left on earth. The ball then began to morph into something, the ball was stretching like rubber. But then, I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I fell back gasping.
"What?! What happened?!" Jene asked, panicking as my sudden jolt. "I...i Don't know...I felt a sharp pain in my chest!" I tell her, putting my hand over my chest and she put her hand on my shoulder comfortingly.
Am I okay?

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