Episode 26

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(Y/n's Pov)

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(Y/n's Pov)

I don't have much to do today. Not much politics at all really. No meetings, no bills, no nothing. So I basically had another free day to just relax. A stress free day. I still rolled out of bed to get ready for this relaxing day though. The maids put me in a nice yellow dress with nicely braided hair so I didn't have trouble with the breeze today.
Me and gryffin once again decided to spend the day outside, we walked through the garden peacefully.
"What did you and ryoo talk about?" Gryffin asked me as we walked through the garden side by side.
"Not much, just talked about the empires election and who was running against me." I explained simply. There was a fair amount of people who were to run against me. Even helga which I thought she was to be a senator next in the capitol. But I guess this was something she would try first. Gryffin hummed and just continued to walk in silence. "What did you and jene talk about?" I asked curiously, wondering what they were talking about alone. Gryffin put his hands behind his back, looking down at his feet. "Well...She's suspicious of helga." He admitted which made me shocked. "But she's the most peaceful queen in the entire empire!" I protested which made him sigh. "Jene had also said Helga has kept her eye on me and even herself." I bit my tongue, thinking back to the capitol meeting. I wasn't paying much attention around the table that time but I noticed Helga once in awhile stole a glance towards gryffin and sometimes me but she smiled right after. It was hard to believe if she was the tyrant in all this. There was just too many flaws in that accusation. She's made peace treaties with most kingdoms, has provided to her people, she's even freed slaves in randal like I have. There were just too many flaws to this accusation. "I'm not even sure..." I said with some disbelief. "Just remember it's something to look into. Even if she's innocent, it's best to make sure. Keep your eye on her." I nodded and looked down at me feet, the walk became quiet in this moment. I was just in deep thought, trying to connect the dots to all of this. Trying to see who was the most suspicious to me. I couldn't find any clues to this, but the note was somehow more close handwriting wise to zayla's. This was a stressful thing to think about. At that moment I was rubbing my temples, frusterated as my head throbbed with a growing headache.
"Hey it's your day off. Let's have this day to ourselves. Don't stress." Gryffin assured, glancing down at me with a soft gaze. I took a deep breaths exhaling deeply and nodding in agreement.
We took this day to ourselves, sitting in the garden and meditating with each other. Connecting and bonding that way.
"Take a deep breath in and out. Make sure to visualize yourself flowing through a river. Let the current take you away to where you want to go." I did as I was told, breathing in and out, deep breathes as I sat in the grass with him. Crisscrossed.
I imagined the river sweeping me away softly, feeling water like I did before brushing passed my skin as I flow down the current. I could feel my body vibrating as my head feeling a tingling feeling. I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Then all of the sudden, I could see a woman. The same woman I've seen in my dreams that I had.
She was in bed, screaming in pain. People stood at the edge of the bed, looking underneath blankets yelling for her to push. She continued to scream in pain. A man stood by her side, looking like my father. Or he is my father.
"PUSH QUEEN L/N!" One of the people yell as she screamed right over them until I heard the cries of a baby being born. I could see both of them smile, the doctor brought the woman her baby and she held the crying child.
"Y/n..." she whispered until she suddenly fainted with the baby in her arms. People rushed to take the baby from her and to pick the woman up.
"What's happening?!" My father asked in a panic as they rushed the woman out. "We don't know..." one of the nurses say as they rushed her out.
My father rushed after them with...me in his arms. He held my strongly so he didn't drop me at all.
They tried to help her but it was too late. There was nothing they could do. One of the handmaidens took me in her arms and let my father sit by her side. "Keep....Keep y/n safe....Make sure...She is fit to be...queen...tell her I love her.....I love you.....rilos." My father held her hand tightly as he cried there. I was standing there shocked to see what had actually happened. Yes she died of child birth. But seeing it in a more broad perspective, it was heartbreaking. I walked to my mother and looked at her face, her now pale, lifeless face. I kneeled down to see her beauitful face. Diana was her name. Face to Face I now see my mother but I don't know much about her. I wish I did. I'm not sure if I ever will. My eyes welled up with tears as I see my mother dead in her bed. I cried there. I felt like a piece of me was lost. Both of my parents are lost. I lost them both. I felt alone. They draped her body underneath the silk bed sheets and announced her death by date and time. I looked at my baby self sleeping in handmaiden feya's arms. Feya looked so much younger then she does now. She looked beauitful.
Till this day she still does. My father took me in his arms, looked at me through teary eyes and smiled. He kissed my head and kept me close to his chest, leaving the room.
My eyes opened and I saw gryffin staring at me. "What did you see?" Gryffin asked me and I rubbed my eyes. How could I comprehend now what I had seen? Theres so much that happened in the span of ten minutes. I could feel myself crying. Gryffin came closer and hugged me tightly and I hugged him back twice as tight, never wanting to let go of him. "You can tell me." Gryffin says calmly, soothing me and calming me down. "I saw my parents..." I choked out through a bump in my throat which he stared back at me, a worried look in his eyes. "I saw my mother die..." My voice cracked when I say this emotionally as I tried to hold my tears back from crying. I was in pure shock that I couldn't even process the situation I'm in. I've just seen the death of my mother, what happened to her and how broken my father looked.
Gryffin stared at me with widened eyes and pulled me in for a hug as I sobbed in his chest. "It's my fault." I cried as I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly. I hear him sigh softly as he pets my hair gently. "It's not your fault." He tells me and pulled away, wiping my tears away. "Don't feel the need to blame yourself for simply being born." I stared up at him and sniffled, rubbing my eyes and sighing deeply. "Thank you..." I whispered and he just nodded. The night rolled around quickly, I was getting ready for bed, gryffin was just outside the room but this time decided not to sleep next to me.
I had gotten ready for bed and soon fell asleep quickly though. But as I slept, I heard voices in my dream state.
"I will always be here..."
"In your soul lies your strenght..."
"Reach out to it..."
"Take the leap..."
"Stay alive..."
"For him..."

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