Episode 23

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(Gryffin's pov)

When we went to the dungeon to proceed the interrogation, we went to the first cell where we got most of our information this time and jene proceeded the interrogation with her hand on the first man's head and his eyes once again rolled in the back of his head and once again he didn't scream. He stayed silent as jene struggled to get into his head, to see those thoughts and memories. We know it's in there, she just has to dig where it hurts. But yet he continued to stay quiet, she stopped and we moved to the second cell, doing t e same thing. Got nothing. Then later on jene had proposed the idea of taking the two men to the island and continue the interrogation. "Jene, that would be interfering with the investigation." Ryoo said as he pinched the bridge of his nose with a sharp sigh. Jene looked at the emperor with a pleading look. "I know and apologize. But I feel like they have more information then they lead on to have." Ryoo stayed quiet after she said this and then another sigh was let out of him. "Alright. Report back to the capitol once you've gotten your information." Jene nodded, the soldiers carried the two passed out men out of the castle to the carriage to be taken to the ship to be delivered to the island. Me and the two heirs stood and watched as the boat was being loaded up by the men as jene then walked up to get on and go back.
"May the light guide you." I tell jene, she looked at me and nodded. "Remember your assignment gryffin." The way she said that sounded almost like a warning. I tensed up and nodded, seeing the boat then sail off as we all wave goodbye to it.
When we were back at the castle the emperor had left right when the boat had and me and y/n were both alone. She read her book while I said there but I guess the roles were reversed since I was the one staring at the young woman with admiration. I guess she took my line when she looked up and said: "You sure do like to stare, sir." She grinned jokingly. I could feel my lips twitch a bit, almost to smile but I couldn't allow to happen even if i wanted to. "Just admiring." I said simply, leaning back on the couch and a tired sigh. She closed her book and looked at me, the smile never leaving her lips. "Admiring what?" She asked smoothly. Her voice does something to me, her voice could lul anyone to sleep. "Admiring the sight I haven't realized was in front of me before." I vaguely said as I looked at her to see her giggling quietly, opening her book again and continuing to read.
I was curious to what happened yesterday when we meditated at the forest. What had she seen? I was curious as to what she had seen that almost made her cry.
"Hey." She perked her head up to look at me. "What did you see back at the forest. When we meditated." I mentioned to her and she slowly closed her book. "I saw a boy....He cried for his mother. She was sending him away somewhere. He seemed conflicted and scared..." She said with a dazed look in her eye. "I can't explain it.." She said with her head shaking and her eyes to her knees, never daring to glance at me. "A little boy?" I asked her with a raised brow. "Yes. Two hooded people had taken him with the mother willing to send him there." She said with disappointment on her face. I felt my heart sink. It sounded like she was talking about me. Was she that curious to look into my life like that? Or was it by a simple accident?
Should I tell Her?
Does she already know?
Questions just raced through my mind as I stared at this woman who I thought so highly of.
"Sorry...It sounds stupid." She laughed softly and i shake my head no. "No it doesn't...It feels like your talking about someone specific." I said with a shrug, then saw a look of worry in her eyes. "We'll talk more tomarrow." I said and stood up, looking at the queen then at the window to see the sun was setting. "Shall we go to dinner?" Y/n nodded and we both walked to the dining hall, eating the nice dinner peacefully for once. No poison or assassination attempt were made, just peaceful eating.
When it came to the end of dinner, me and y/n go out to the garden together and look up at the moon together. The moonlight shines down on us elegantly.
"The moon moon is so peaceful." Y/n commented as we both walked through the garden, our shoes crunching the leaves breaking under our heel. "It is." I agreed, looking at the flowers, barely visible since the light of the moon was more dim then the sun. It's soothing in a way. This walk was silent but the company of each other made it more better. We didn't need to talk. Just to be together. I looked at her, her fingers brushed against the flowers. She looked at peace with this garden.
"My father told me my mother grew this garden. It's what she always wanted to do in life." She smiled, looking down at her feet. "She did a good job." I complimented, could feel my lips twitch but even through the darkness I couldn't let it happen.
"She really did. I hope the next king or queen takes great care of it when I'm gone." I could hear her voice crack, as we both walked. The tears in her eyes were given away by the moon shining down on us reflecting them. "I'm sure the zemorians won't let anyone touch this garden." I said confidently, making her chuckle as she then wiped her eyes away of tears, looking down at her feet. "I guess your right." I hummed and we both then walked back into the castle, following her to her room she got ready for bed. Now in her bed wear I opened the door and saw her getting into her bed. I blew the candles out and was about to leave before she said. "wait!-" I looked at her with a raised brow and she stammered her words. "C...can You stay? You look tired." She said, and nervously looked at me. I contemplated my desiciosn. She was going to ask me to stay in her room? Making me wonder what she wanted me to do in here. "To do....?" I trailed off questioningly. She fiddled with her fingers. "To sleep next to me...?" I was shocked to say the least when she asked me so suddenly. "A..are you sure?" I asked her. She nodded and weakly smiled at me. "Plus you look tired." She commented, seeing the bags forming on my eyes. Sure i was tired but i could go another weak with no sleep. I guess I needed it.
"Sure." She squealed with excitement and scoots over to make more room for me. I walked over and I disarmed myself, putting my swords closely to where I could reach them. I laid down next to her and she covered us up in blankets. "Will you be comfortable with those robes on?" She asked with concern. "If I could sleep in a tight crawl space, I can sleep in these robes." I dryly joked making her nod in response and turn her body away from me to sleep. I slowly shut my eyes, getting the best sleep I've had in awhile.

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