Episode 30

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(Y/n's pov)

We were drawing closer to each other, my face inched towards his. My eyes were slowly closing as I could feel the tension between us. I could almost feel his lips on mine. My eyes fully closed but suddenly everything stopped, I opened my eyes to see gryffin turned his head away with a frown.
"I can't..." I hear him whisper. I felt my heart stop for a moment, the disappointment flooded over me as I stared up at him.
"What?" I whispered to him and he looked down at me and just shakes his head at me gently. "I'm sorry...but I can't..." gryffin says, I could feel the disappointment on mine and his side as well. He stared down at me with sympathy as he then caressed my cheek gently. "We can't. You have a huge future ahead of you. My life is dedicated to the endo." I looked at him with sad eyes and looking down and nodding, understanding these circumstances that we were in.
"I know...I'm sorry. I will never do it again." I say, replacing my sadness with a fake smile, looking at him. "It's getting late I should be going to bed." I said and gryffin stared deeply at me. He had a look if sadness in those green eyes. "Don't let this ruin your night." Gryffin gently tells me and i shake my head with a small giggle. "I won't. I promise." I say with a gentle smile. But I did. Gryffin had escorted me to my room and I had shut the door behind me with my handmaidens in my room. They take my make up off and saying how much they loved seeing me dance. I hadn't said much. But feya caught on to this quickly. When they had successfully taken everything off of me and put me in my night gown, feya walked up to me and whispered. "May we speak in the morning?" She asked and I nodded with a weak smile, she kissed the top of my head before leaving along with the other handmaidens. I had slid into bed and rested my head on my pillow, staring out the window of the town of zemora. I could feel the hot tears falling from my eyes as I hicupped, crying at the fact I was rejected by the man I fell so hard for yet I should have seen it coming for so long. Why did this code have to be so strict to keep the endo from falling in love? I just can't understand them well enough though I felt like I should. I pressed my face in the pillow an cried, practically sobbing. My tears were stained on the pillow, hiccuping with sobbing sounds muffling from the pillow. I was broke hearted.
"Follow your heart y/n..." a soft gentle voice says in my head, I stopped suddenly and looked up at the ceiling.
"Gryffin is your destiny..."
"Your truth..."
This voice spoke to me but how was i for sure? I was so deeply in love with gryffin. Were we meant to be? Were we destined lovers?

(Gryffin's pov)

I held my head with frusteration as I felt tears running down my cheeks. I heard her. She was crying in there, i had ruined her night. I had ruined the only thing that was to make her happy tonight. I sat outside her room, next to the door. I could hear her crying die down, she might have been asleep. I was in my robes now, my hood over my head as I stared at my feet with anger and sadness. I wanted her to be mine. Truly I did. But this code strictly forbids me to be with her.
Jene would kick me from the temple if I were to fall in love with her. If I was destined to be with her.
I need her. More then she needs me.
The next morning though, we were silent together. In the office was silent, in the dining hall silent. She kept her eyes to her book without saying a word. I was meditating but couldn't concentrate at all. My mind wandered to her. I wondered what was going through her mind at this moment. I peaked my eye open to see she kept her eyes to her book. She wouldn't bat an eye at me at all. I felt absolutely awful about it. But I had to do it. For the code.

(Y/n's pov)

I tried my best not to look at gryffin today. I knew that if I looked at him i would feel my shattered heart in my chest. There was a hole there. I felt empty and alone at this point though he's still here protecting me with his life. Then soon enough, feya came into the room and motioned for me. I looked at gryffin for a moment and he only nodded, letting me go with her. I followed her to my bed room, when she shut the door behind us I tackled her in a hug with sobs and tears breaking free from holding them back all morning. She wrapped her arms around me in a tight comforting hug as she then pets my hair gently, shushing me softly.
I then stopped crying soon enough and we sat on my bed to talk about it.
"We were about to kiss...then he stopped. He told me we couldn't do it." I say, feeling the tears start to well up in my eyes again.
"I thought...." feya stopped me before I continued, before I made myself cry again. "I can feel that he's trapped. He's trapped in this code he knows he shouldn't break from. But he could. As long as miss Douglas doesn't know, it's a game win." Feya said with a smile. "He doesn't want to." I tell her and winning my tears away before I let them run down further. Feya frowned and put her hand on my knee. "Don't let doubt invade your thoughts. Let time do the work." Feya calmly says and smiles at me. "Your father waited for your mother. Look where it turned out! Your here!" Feya says excitedly and I just laughed, hanging my head low with a smile. "You'll be fine. Just...wait for him." Feya says and caressed my cheek gently. I felt a curious urge to ask her about my mother, I've never asked much about her, all I know is that she was the queen. Feya had always told me when the time comes she will tell me who she truly was. I hope now is a better time. "Feya?" I asked her and fumbled with my fingers. "Yes?" She asked curiously. I felt a lump in my throat and felt anxiety wash over me. "Can you tell me who my mother was? Truly." Feya stiffened as she looked at me with a serious expression falling over her face as she stared at me.
"I shall tell you when the time is right. I still don't think now is the best time." I felt disappointed. I feel like I should know already but I guess everything should be a big secret, shouldn't it?
I was back in my office again, gryffin was meditating while i signed away bills and paying them. The people have paid their taxes so I was putting most of that money into security, education, and medicine like I always did. My thoughts always wandered to the thought of gryffin. But I tried my best to ignore it.
Let time do the work...

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