Episode 29

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Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Y/n's pov)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Y/n's pov)

I had received a letter from helga stating that she is worried and caring for me, sending prayers to me and stuff like that. I tended to send the same letter to her and made sure It got back to her. I was in my office drinking wine and holding my head. I was anxious. Truly and deeply scared, I had full paranoia, I looked over my shoulder through out these days. You never know who is a demwar or not.
I wanted to just stay in a tiny box and never leave, where I feel safe and security. I snapped out of my thoughts when gryffin tapped on my shoulder. "Your safe." He says calmly, sitting next to me on the couch. "Don't drink, it does more harm then good." He added and takes the glass out of my hand and tells the handmaiden to take it away. I leaned on his shoulder and felt tears well up in my eyes.
"I'm terrified..." I said with a shaky tone in my voice, my tears fell from my eyes and stained my cheeks. He wrapped his arm over my shoulder and rocked me side to side. "I'm here, forever and always. Even if it takes years, I will always be with you." Gryffin softly told me in my ear and stared down at me. I weakly smiled, my lip quieted when I did, making it impossible not to cry.
"Don't cry anymore, you'll make me feel sad." Gryffin stated and wiped my tears away with caring eyes. I chuckled and looked down at my feet. Silence took over the room for a brief moment. "What shall we do today?" Gryffin asked and I shrugged. "Theres nothing to do. Just...sit in the castle I guess." I said with a depressed look on my face. Gryffin frowned a bit, going into deep thought.
"You've suggested something in the ball room..." gryffin started and started to twiddle with his thumbs for a bit and I looked at him curiously. "A dance perhaps?" I felt my heart race with a smile daring to etch on my lips as I stared into his eyes. "Are you proposing a dance?" I asked him with amusement and he raised his hands up in defense. "I'm basing off an idea you've proposed to me." Gryffin said in a defensive tone but I just laughed a bit at his face that turned red quickly.
"Well I'd like that very much." I said simply with a pure smile. Gryffin then hummed and put his fingers on his chin. "Then when shall we?" Gryffin then asked and I hummed for a moment, looking out the window, the sun had not set yet so we had a bunch of time on our hands to get ready.
"Later tonight. It will give us both time to be ready and for the servants to ready the ball room." I suggested, then it was set. We were going to have a ball room dance together all by our selves. So I take all this time to get ready as for gryffin, the servants helped him getting ready as well. I wouldn't know where they would put his gear, I'm sure he would sneak a knife somewhere.
But the handmaidens had picked out a special dress for an occasion like this, did my make up with pink eyeshadow. They braided my thick hair in a nice braid with flowers in them.
This took hours to perfect, perfection really takes time when your trying to look beauitful. When it was done, I looked in the mirror, i was truly amazing. The dress was really beauitful, it was a dress that was ready for me when an occasion like this comes up.
"I remember your mother wore this dress on her secret wedding day." Feya said and squeezed my shoulders. I felt tears brim my eyes, looking in the mirror and seeing the dress.
"Oh don't start crying, you'll ruin your make up!" Feya quickly said and dabbed the tissue on my eyes gently. I laughed gently and looked at myself again. "I'm nervous..." I said breathlessly. Feya awed and caressed my cheek with a motherly love to it, she smiled at me. "Don't be nervous darling. I'm proud of you, your wearing your mother's dress for crying out loud!" She joked and squeezed both my shoulders again. "He's going to love it. And plus..." she looked bother ways and whispered in my ear softly. "I feel like he's the one...
He just doesn't know it yet." Feya smirked while I had the most red look on my face, my cheeks burned from blushing so much.
Then the time came when it was all completed, now, I just had to meet gryffin in the ball room...

(Gryffin's pov)

If I'm being so honest. I'm nervous. As fuck. The butlers had picked out my suite to wear. I hadn't worn any other clothes other then my robes which felt VERY new to me.

It sure was a nice suite though

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

It sure was a nice suite though. I just much prefer wearing my robes. Though I guess y/n wouldn't fancy that. The butler's also had given me accessories to wear, like rings.

I stood in the mirror and looked at myself with a curious fascination

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I stood in the mirror and looked at myself with a curious fascination. I had never seen myself wear anything else that looked decent.
The butler's had complimented me and tried to give my confidence. But what they really don't know is that I was the biggest ball of anxiety and anxiousness. My heart was beating out of my chest, I was terrified. For many things. I'm scared I'm falling too deep. What will jene think if she were to actually find out I had fallen for the woman i was supposed to be protecting? I was terrified of jene for the very most part. I was fiddling with the rings on my fingers and gulping hard.
"Sir? She's ready! Let's go to the ballroom, quickly!" One of the butler's say and I nodded, walking ahead of them and walking inside the ball room waiting for her arrival. I was just standing around, looming around the nicely done ball room. Then I heard the doors open behind me and i turned, astonishment on my face as I see a woman with a pink dress, with nicely done hair and the most beauitful make up on. She had a big smile on her face that I admired so much, I was fiddling with my rings so much and taking a big gulp.
I was terrified. In this very moment.
'Remember the code gryffin...' I tried to remind myself over and over again in my mind as my heart was racing out of my chest, I was expecting to pass out on the floor from lack of air since I held my breath the whole time.
Y/n was now standing right in front of me, looking up at me with the cutest smile on her face.
"How do I look?" He asked quietly and I snapped from my thoughts as I fished for words to say.
"I...I...um You look...you look great...my queen...I mean...um..y/n..." I was stumbling over my words but she seemed to be amused by my nervous outburst. "You look dashing as well, sir azalar." She said formally and I cleared my throat, the music from the orchestra started to play and I extended my hand out to her. She gladly took it and we both started to glide on the dance floor, smoothly we danced in sync and stared each other in the eyes. I could feel myself falling more and more for this woman but I just felt like i shouldn't. I could feel the burning eyes of every person in the room.
She how ever was enjoying this. I spun her around elegantly, making her giggle cutely as I then dipped her. I pulled her back up and then we were back to square one of gliding on the dance floor.
"This is the first time I've ever done this with a man..." she admitted ad she stared up at me, but I kept my eyes on her the whole time. I've never broke that eye contact with her. She was too beauitful not to look at.
"I'm honored to be your first dance." I said, feeling my lips twitch. I really wanted to smile. I really did, but remembering the code I dedicated my life to is hard enough for me.
Y/n happily smiled at me, I spun her around and dipped her in the moonlight that shines through the window, she stuck her leg up to add more to it and I picked her up and was smoothly danced in sync with each other.
"You can really dance." She says, the music comes to an end and another song the orchestra then started back up again. "I'm shocked at myself as well..." I say breathlessly and stared into each other's eyes. We continued to dance together, it was really deep and it came to a part where the orchestra was becoming dramatic. I was in a fun mood, I picked her up and spun her around making her laugh aloud, happily staring down at me and I could feel my lips twitch, a small smile barely visible was on my face. I put her gently down and we smoothly got back into the rhythm of the music, quickly spinning around with each other, i dipped her once again in the moonlight and pulled her up again and she stared into my eyes. I could feel the biggest, the strongest urge. I felt my face drawing closer to her as she did so as well...

Love Kills (Assassin x reader)✅Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin