Episode 31

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(Jene's pov)

Days go by and we are looking deep into this case, investigating and using the the evidence we were given. We still have both men in the temple, though it might not be the best decision, they are the only big evidence we have. I must dig into them, to find out why they are doing this. So, me and my co-leaders have walked all the way to the very dungeon and saw them chained to the walls, badly beaten, bloody, and bruised. I felt no pity though, for them they were just empty shells of human beings with no soul. Only the energy of evil and the desire to harm.
"You will give us your information, NOW!" I demand with a booming voice that echoed through the halls.
"NEVER!" One of them shouts angrily, his eyes showing quite evidently trying to scare me away but I was unphased. "You don't scare me demwar, your weak. I could kill you brutally if I wanted to." I growled and take out the dagger that was used to assassinate y/n. "This dagger, do you know who this belongs to?" I asked them and they looked at the dagger, the second one to the right who tried to intimidate me had sighed.
"Its a woman named phiana's. She was-" the other one cut him off quickly. "SHUSH!" He said sharply and i glared at the other one. "No, keep going." I say, waving my hand over His face, making him have the inability to speak properly. "Phiana was one of the best assassins that we had. She spilled alot of blood on that dagger. She worked close with the one of the leaders. Closely with the one that wanted to kill the queen of zemora." He says and I nodded slightly with an impressed look on my face. I was surprised. Though who ever was killed by y/n, was male. Maybe they had gotten their hands on that dagger. "What happened to her?" I asked him and he had a confused look. "I'm not sure...that dagger was supposed to be locked away." I heard the chains shift and saw the other man tried to get away but he was stopped by the chains that tightly gripped his wrists and ankles.
"Do you have any idea where she would be?" I asked him and he just shrugged. "I'm guessing she's retired." I hummed softly and nodded, leaving the dungeon. I need to find this woman, I know it's quite hard to leave the demwar's. So I wonder how she was able to break free of that occult of an orginization.
I must first know where the hotspots of demwars. They could be roaming anywhere.
"Where shall we go first, miss Douglas?" My co-leader greta asks curiously and I put my black hood over my head.
"Just follow me."
We leave the temple and go to palo. I knew a man who used to be on both sides. He was a grey assassin. He believes both of our sides but is not sticking to one. I needed to know where we could find this woman and that of he knew a woman named phiana.
It took us a few days to get there but we made it. The morning we got there we knew where to met rogan, the man we know. He usually hangs out at the bar drinking as well as taking up the weird hobby of bar fighting.
We made it to the right bar and walked through to see the black hair, dark skinned male bar fighting a few bearded scruffy looking men. Of course he beat them. I wasn't close to Rogan, since he believed some things that the demwars believe in, it's like being held demwar and half endo. It just doesn't go right together.
He grinned and takes his coin, sitting down at the bar for a free drink.
"Wait by the door greta." She nodded and stood by the door and I walked up to rogan and sat next to him.
"How are you?" I asked him slyly as I take a beer in my hand and he turned to me and smirked. "I've been doing decent. It's good to see you douglas." He said with his wacky personality. I chuckled am drank my beer.
"What brings you to Palo?" He asked curiously as he takes a big gulp of beer. "I was hoping if you can help me find who this belongs to." I say, sliding the dagger over to his side with a raised brow. He looked at the blade and furrowed his eyebrows. "Where did you get that?" I shrugged. "No important. By the expression on your face it seems like you know who I'm looking for." He scoffed and sets his glass of beer down. "Phiana..." he said and shakes his head. "She was a wild case of crazy. Never right in the head." Rogan stated and takes another sip of his beer and chugging it down his throat. "I was good friends with her. We trusted each other. Then she walked into this very bar with a crazy look in her eye, crazier then what I've seen. She told me she's escaped. She's going to the better place she's always talked about. I was confused and she just handed me her ring and told me to never look for her again. She went mad. Lord I wish I knew why." Rogan told the story with a sad expression. He seemed like he missed her by his sadness. It almost made me have sympathy. "Do you know where she is now?" I asked him and rogan turned to me, dead panned expression. "Can't tell you. I'm never breaking that promise i made to her." I felt my hand tighten as I glared daggers. "Rogan, I am an endo. This is very important buisness and frankly...this is a capitol offense." Rogan froze up and his face went pale. He snapped his head towards me. "Mind telling me what this is all about?" He then asked, everyone turned to us and I looked around. "It might be best to talk outside." So we took it outside in the back alley with greta by my side.
"The endo were given control of an investigation by the capitol. The queen of zemora has been victim of attempted assassinations sent her way. Her life is in danger and we've recently discovered the demwars are after her and we figure the tyrant might be a demwar as well and more dangerously, a leader of the orginization." I explained deeply to him, his mouth was on the floor at this point as he stared at my astonished.  "So when I got this dagger, the assassin that tried to kill y/n used it and y/n had killed them in self defense with it. We have two demwars captive at the temple and they have told me about phiana and I came here expecting you knew." I told him and he sighed softly. "So much..." he said as he rubbed his temples trying to process this tough information. "Now, will you tell me where I can find this phiana?" I asked him once again and he stared at me for a few moments. "Promise me, you won't hurt her? She's been through so much. Don't hurt her, don't touch her, don't even dare to even kidnap her. Ask her a few questions and leave." Rogan says and I nodded, shaking his hand. "Promise." I say with pure honesty. "If I find you hurt her at all, I'll send the greys after you." The greys were in the middle assassins meaning they believe was the endo and demwars believe but don't take either of our sides. So they made their own group so they can actually have a small guild to work for. They either do work for one or the other. They use all of the light. Even the darkness. I never trusted them.
"You'll find her in a cabin outside of palo. She lives there in absolute solitude. Find her and she will tell you what you need to know." Rogan says which I then nodded and shook his hand again, then we were off to find her.

Love Kills (Assassin x reader)✅Where stories live. Discover now