Episode 40

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1 year goes by, the demwar have taken control of the Empire and the endo are no where to be found. Rumor has it the endo have dismantled and have ran off the face of the earth. The people of saedol had lost hope and put their faith in the demwar, hoping the Empire won't crumble anymore then it already has.
They can't leave, they can't speak against their leaders, and they can't be in large organizations that conspire against the demwars. They were monitored every single day with an over militarized empire. It's only a matter of time before the prophecy is fulfilled and the endo rise again.

(Gryffin's pov)

It's been a hard year for most of us. We barricade ourselves in the temple, no one comes in or out. Not even allowed to go and help the people that
Beg us for help. It hurts to hear the beg but for our better protection, jene commanded us to stay here and train. But what are we training for if we had no plan to take the demwars down. There are so many of them. Jene sometimes goes out and listens to helga's speeches. Seems like Helga is always some how one step ahead. She's trying to find us. But the temple is very much hidden from them. The darkness blinded them enough to where they can't remember where the temple was. It benefited us of course. I still blame myself. She died because I wasn't quick enough. I fell in love too late. Now I lost the one thing that gave me light in my life. I mope in a room by myself, no one bothers each other anymore. Everyone is depressed now days. There was never a time where I saw the sun come out. It was always cloudy. I visit the lake at night sometimes and talk to her ashes that spread in the water. I never forgot her face. How could I? I know jene visits her too. I see her crying by the lake at night. She's broken, she blames herself too. Jene lost the last family member she remembered. It was hard for all of us. She doesn't like to talk much anymore. I sit over the railing of the balcony. The rain started to roll in as the thunder started roaring outside. I let myself be drenched in the cold rain. I was just looking at the lake. I hear a voice behind me too familiar. "You coming inside gryffin?" A girl named river asked. She had white hair and blue eyes. She was a teenager, she grew up here. Me and her became good friends, shared our stories and took pity for each other.
"Soon." I say. She nodded and left to her dormitory. I treated her like a little sister. She's 17 years old, almost an adult now. I was 22 now.
I continued to watch the storm come in and decided to go back inside. Till suddenly, lightning struck the water. I turned and saw the lightning. Looked at the water with a puzzled gaze but thought not much of it. I walked back in the warm temple and shut the doors to the balcony. I take notice of jene and so does she.
"Lightning just struck the water." I tell her and she sighed. "Weird...I'm sure it's nothing though." She says and walks off but I follow her. "I was looking through the prophets. I saw one that seemed to be shoved all the way back." She tells me and leads me to the library. I walked in with her and she takes out a scroll.

"The Gray endo, someone who wields powerful light. Soon to take back what was theirs in the first place. Fighting along side the one they loved most, both darkness and the light will clash together once two lovers meet once again. Love always wins."

She read the prophet out loud to me, I listened intently and she scrolled it back up when she was done.
"Basically someone is supposed to be gifted with powerful light." She says and puts it away. "Interesting...when does it come to play?" I asked her. She shrugged. "Doesn't have a date." I sighed and nodded understandablely. That means it could take a long time if it doesn't have date on it. But the question is, who could it be?
The door opens and reveals a young man, looking to be 13-14 years old.
"Jene, nature is calling. She needs to speak with you." Nature was one of the leaders that worked along side jene most of the time. Jene nodded at the young boy. I sometimes see simalarites of kaid and jene, we don't know where kaid came from. We just new he was an endo and he joined suddenly. No backstory or anything. He doesn't even know. Me and kaid looked at each other a bowed before brushing past him. I see the endo all go to their dormitories. I decide to go to mine as well. I see nature come to jene. She had black hair and brown eyes, she was an older woman, just as old as jene. Around her late 30s.
I looked at her and she took notice of me and smiled sweetly. I nodded at her respectfully before leaving to my room. I shut the door and looked at the golden bed frame. I shut the curtains and sit down on my bed. The door opens and i see my friend blade come in come in. He hate blonde hair and green eyes like I have. I grew close with alot of people. Before all this I didn't care to know much people. But now that I've lost the person I fell in love with, that I felt most comfortable with I felt more alone than anything. So I started talking to more people here. Blade sat next to me and smirked. "What's going on dude?" He asked me and I just shake my head. "Just thinking." I say and run my fingers through my hair. "You're thinking about her." He says as he poked me a bit. "You can talk to me, we're all going through it right now." He says and I sighed again, I didn't want to talk about it. Though it might be good for me, I was hurting. Y/n was a woman that brightened my day everyday even if I've never smiled at all before. The last time I smiled was for her before she passed on.
"I miss her." I said simply. "I'm sure you do." Blade said and put his arm around me. "But times are different now and we need to live in the present." I looked a blade. "I can't. I still blame myself." I tell him. Blade looked me deep in the eyes, not breaking eye contact. "Gryffin, it's not your fault." "How would you know that?" I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows at him. Blade shrugged. "I just know. Your the most diligent person I know and that one day was just off. You did all that you could and it was just so sudden. I understand you'd blame yourself but now isn't the time to dwell on past memories." Blade tells me seriously, retracting his arm from me and stands up. "I'll leave you alone now." Blade said and left the room, leaving me to lay in my bed. Not tired, just thinking.
Late this night I decided to walk around the temple. The storm was still loud and clear. Until...there was a knock on the front door. I was in the main hall, I turned around and looked at the door. Main rule was no one was allowed to open the door.
"Jene!" I called for her, she rushed down the steps and looked at me, nature was with her too. "What is it?" She asked me with a cold stare. "Someone's knocking on the door." Soon everyone came to the main hall. A knock on the door was super rare.
"Don't open it!" Phoenix, another leader ordered. Jene was silent as she stared at me. "What if they need help?" I asked as I walked to the door and hear several knocks from the door. "Ignore it! We can't risk a demwar to get inside." Phoenix stated. I stared at the door with furrowed brows. "As you wish..."

(Y/n's pov)

I felt my body being built together, my vision was coming back, seeing ashes coming together and forming my body. Until my body was completely back, I couldn't breath, I looked around and floated here. I used all my strength to swim up. I was drowning in the lake, struggling for air as I reached for the top, my body flipped on land. I gasped for air, throwing up water as I choked for air. Throwing up constantly until I got all the water out. The rains pitterpatter and the thunderous roar of the storm was heard. I was freezing. I weakly trudged on the land as I walked up the small hill and through the grass, trying to make it to the front door. When I got to it, I knocked softly.
"Hello?" I called, my voice cracking a bit. No answer.
"Use your strength..." my mother spoke in my mind. I knocked harder on the door. "Hello?" I called out again but no answer.
"Use your strength. Scream..."
I started banging on the door constantly now.
"PLEASE! LET me in..." my scream dimmed down as I started to feel my feet become weaker and weaker as they grow numb from the cold.
"PLEASE!" I shouted and the door suddenly opened. I see every single endo and the last things I heard were gasping. Until I completely blacked out.

Love Kills (Assassin x reader)✅Where stories live. Discover now