Episode 34

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(Jene's pov)

The three queens were called. Even king George but i don't suspect him at all. It would be good to know what his intentions are if he were ever elected.
We sat at a round table in a secluded room in the capitol. The emperor came into the room and sat at the table with us. The servants had poured wine into all of our cups for us to drink.
"We've called this secluded meeting because jene has suspected 1 of the 3 queens is the tyrant." The women worriedly looked at each other, then looked at me with a curious look. "Now she's wanted to know what your intentions are when it comes to the empire. If you were to be elected, what are your intentions? Rayana, you go first." Emperor ryoo says which the queen of skyfall nodded and stood up. "I want to make the security of this empire a top priority. Considering this situation I want to make more laws that will keep all heirs as safe as possible, I want to make more laws when it comes to war, and I want to truly make this empire a democracy." Ryoo nodded at rayana's statements and she sat down. He gestured to zayla and she stood up clearing her throat.
"I don't believe democracy will change anything. The people want too much of us and we can only do so much. The capitol should gain 70% of control. Not over the people, but the laws. We should be way more strict then what we have now. Look where it's got us? We have a tyrant amongst us and we have no idea who it could be." I felt my heart race when she was saying this. This would be something a tyrant would want. This is a woman that wants more power then what she could ever possibly dream of. But I haven't heard helga's story yet. Ryoo sits her down and gestures the Helga off to the far right. Helga stands up and looks at me.
"I believe we should have a bit more power. We need to tax more, we need more restrictions on medicine. Democracy should be The top most priority and frankly, I believe The people should be smart enough to make The best decision for this empire. The election should have more laws and restrictions. I feel like I'm the best decision, I want freedom and change."
Ryoo nodded and she sat down staring at me. I nodded at her and looked at zayla suspiciously. "Why should the capitol have more control then what they already have?" I asked her. "Because the people aren't the government. They don't make the laws, we should. We are elected to make the best decision with the best interest of the people. They elected us to do it all for them. Which is why the capitol should have more power over the people." I looked at ryoo who had a look of worry and fear in his eyes. I looked at king George. He had basically said the same thing about the democracy. "Why should y/n not be the empress of saedol?" I asked and they all looked at each other. "She's too soft for this kind of thing. The empire needs someone who is willing to sacrifice and make sure that this empire is in good shape." Zayla protested which made me narrow my eyes. "What makes you think that? She's done great things for zemora." I counter argued and she gulped a bit. Helga had a weird look on her face I couldn't tell what it was. I couldn't tell if it was suspicion or anger. "She only makes the rich richer, which is not what I want for this empire. She's raised taxes but not from the-" I interrupted her immediately.
"Zayla Is you've even stuck your nose into zemorian politics you would realize that she had not only raised taxes tremendously on the rich, but she's freed slaves, she's put more money towards zemorian education, medicine, and even helped certain parts of Zamora get out of poverty. She's helped many kingdoms in the hwats of their wars and even took it upon herself to fix the foster care system in her kingdom when no other king or queen would. She has decent security and quite frankly if you haven't noticed, her people don't want her to leave office because she has done so much for her people then her father could ever. So what makes you think she can't do the same for a whole empire." The room went silent as everyone stared at me as I defended a woman who has the best interest in the people. Ryoo smirked at he looked at me. "This is why I nominated y/n." he said and sat down. "She is more capable than anyone in this very room. This counsel is dismissed." I stand, leaving to room with emperor ryoo following after me as we walked down the halls together.
"Who do you thi-" before he could even finish I answered him. "Zayla, but first I want to investigate her kingdom one last time before coming up with a final verdict." I suggest to him and he hums. "Let's do it."

(Y/n's pov)

A few days have gone by, no word from the capitol. Gryffin and I have sat in my office together, hes eating an apple while i sit at my desk doing work. I hum a soft tune as I'm signing away bills and dipping my feather pen in ink, writing in nice cursive. I noticed gryffin had been staring at me for awhile and I set the pen down and stare right back at him.
"Is there something you need?" I asked him. "Are you okay?" He asked me and I stared at him for a moment. "I don't know..." I didn't know how to answer it. It feel fine but at the same time, I don't. Nothing feels okay at this moment. I continued to stare at him.
"Don't worry about me..." I tell him and he pulled up a seat closer to me. "Its my job though." He says softly as he hand extended closer to mine but with no physical contact. I wanted to grab his hand at this very moment but something resisted me from doing so.
"Are we going to the temple soon?" I asked him and he hummed to think. "Might have to go there to meditate. Maybe speak with jene if we get the chance." He says and I just nodded, looking back to my papers. His hand then gently was placed on top of mine gently. We both looked at each other, his soft eyes gazed into mine. I just wanted to kiss him right then and there. But I couldn't. He then gently pulled me from my seat, lacing his fingers with mine as he put a hand on my hip. I felt a smile creep up on my face as i realized what he was doing. We both began to slow dance together, my head rested against his chest as we slowly danced smoothly. His chin rests on top of my head as he hummed a soft tune in my ear.
"Thank you..." I whispered but he just continued to hum and dance with me. This makes up for it. At that moment I had truly forgiven him. At least this was a moment I would think about for the rest of my life.
This was worth it.

Love Kills (Assassin x reader)✅Where stories live. Discover now