Episode 5

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(Y/n's pov)

I was gestured by jene to sit at the table with several other people who sat at the table with no emotion visible to their facial features. It caused me discomfort as I sat down next to the leader. She noticed my unease and put a gentle hand on my shoulder with a reassuring smile. "You're safe here." I nodded and looked up at the dozen people above us looking down at the table. I heard people mumbling quietly until jene stood up from her chair and slammed her fists on the table to get EVERYONES attention.
"Listen up!" She shouted, her voice echoed through out room. You could even hear it down the halls. "We have a situation going on with the queen of zemora!" She gestured to me which I waved my hand with a small smile as she continued. "Her life is being threatened by an unknown source!" She then motioned for me to stand up and allowed me to speak as well.
"My life is being threatened since my term is ending at zemora, the emperor had nominated me to the empire's election. The capital assumes that since I was nominated by the emperor himself, we assume there is a tyrant under our noses in this situation." The people began to mumble under their breathes about it until jene held her hand up for silence. "The capital is starting an investigation, catching the tyrant, and overthrowing them in their royal duties." I finished, jene stood up as I sat down and had her hands on the table. "We must protect her at all costs! She's the future of this empire! The way we will do that is assign people we deem is most fit for this task." She declares, eyeing a few people at the table along with people that sat at the top. "Someone will be assigned to be her personal protector and several will be assigned to patrol the the Zamora castle!" She announced and gave off a list of names she deemed to be the best of the best assassins fit to protect me which was quite a few then I assumed would be needed. The assassin's names she called stood up as requested of them, noticing them all and smiling at them. I was appreciative of their bravery and honor.
"Her personal protector, I've picked this person because they are very extremely skilled in what they do! Very strong with their senses and have accomplished all tasks assigned to them! I've deemed them ready for this task because they are brave, courageous, and selfless." At the suspense, people leaned up against the railing and the people at the table looked her way. She had a grin, finding the suspense humerous.
"Gryffin azalar!" I then see someone stand up, staring down at me with piercing green eyes and raising a hand, he had a hood over his head and a mask covering his mouth so all you could see were those bright green eyes. I raised my hand as well with a gentle smile. Some people even looked disappointed or even jealous. But i was honored to have the best of the best to be at my side at all times.
"I hope you all can respect my choices! Remember there are many other tasks I have for many of you other then this one! May the light guide you, your all dismissed." Everyone stands up as their dismissed and the ones that were assigned to be my protecters to patrol the castle met with me, kindly greeting me with the shake of a hand and a smile which I respectfully returned. My knights stuck by my side at all times like they always did but sometimes I find it annoying. They never leave my side all day everyday, following me everyday. But you get used to it, it just gets annoying when it sinks in where you can't even go to a shop without them following you. But I guess it will be a whole new thing with an assassin following you all the time. At least there's a change there.
"Oh, y/n! There you are!" Jene said with a grin on her face as she walked up to me. The assassin's bowed respectfully to me before leaving. "Getting to know them I see?" Jene asked and I smiled, nodding as I watched them leave. I found them very interesting people with a fascinating life style.
"They're very interesting." I grinned which Jene chuckled at my reaction but then she looked up me, causing me to tilt my head in confusions. What was she looking at? I wondered then when I turned around I was met with those piercing green eyes that stared at me intensely. Until he takes off the mask that covered the lower half of his face to reveal his facial features to me. Might I say he was quite the looker. "Y/n this is gryffin azalar, azalar this is queen y/n." He extended his hand out towards me with those eyes staring straight into my soul with no emotion, filling my stomach with unease. "Pleased to make your acquaintance." He greeted and I took his hand gently, shaking it in my hand with a small smile. "Pleased to meet you as well. I look forward to working with you." I respond with a small smile etching my lips, I looked into his emotionless eyes and he looked into mine longer then we would have liked. I noticed he had black hair, his robes were all midnight black, he had two katanas on his back along with a tamhawk at his side. We slowly let go of each other and jene stood there with furrowed brows as she then motioned for gryffin.
"Well I best be off." Gryffin said, bowing before leaving me and the leader alone for a bit.
"I hope you wouldn't mind, we prepared your room for the night." Jene told me which reminded me that we couldn't exactly leave now if we wanted to, a rain storm with the oceans at high tide would kill us. "Thank you very much, that's very kind of you." I say greatfully which she shakes her head. "No need to thank me. Come, we have much to discuss." She walked me down the halls, I looked at the walls to see several paintings of many men and women on the wall. It made me curious as to who they might have been so i began to ask questions.
"Who are these people on the wall?" Jene hummed softly, beginning to slow her pace down and looked at the wall with a grin on her face. "Some of these are our founding fathers of endo, some of these are past leaders." She says and gestures to a particular one on the wall. "This man was like a father to me. Kane widow was his name. He lead this guild with passion, he took in people who he deemed to be special. He made everyone feel safe including myself when I was all alone. Before he passed he wanted me to lead the guild." Jene explained the one painting that stood out to her, the man had a large beard and seemed to be very brave and courageous. It intimidated me a little bit.
"You seem to be intimidated by everyone you see here." Jene teased me, my face grew red as we continued to walk and she nudged me gently. "Relax, your fine here." I nodded and took a deep breath. "It's just that I've never seen such a big group of assassins. I've been told stories of assassins who were to be feared." Jene seemed offended by what I said, noticing it quickly I tried my best to ease her offense. "Not of you of course! Just the gener-" when I began to stutter she bursts out laughing, raising a brow I tried to make sure she was okay but she then gained her composure. "I'm teasing ya hun. Come inside." She giggled, opening a certain door to a room that had two couches facing each other, a few bookshelves, a fireplace, and a desk to the right side of the room. "Cozy." I commented and sat on the couch, she poured us both a glass of tea, ready to discuss.

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