Episode 45

45 4 1

(Y/n's pov)


"Son of a bitch-" a grunt was heard, ryoo fell to the floor and looked up at Helga. The old man was tired and in pain. He seemed to slowly be dying. Ryoo was tortured and beaten by this woman since that night happened.
"Your a pathetic worthless man." Helga spat in his face and shoved his face down in the ground with her heel on his face. "You...you don't deserve...that throne..." ryoo growled, his voice was scratchy and low. The old man was about to die at that point.
"Y/n never deserved the win. She deserved what she got. She's dead." Ryoo couldn't get any angrier but he was still on the ground looking up at Helga. "This empire is mine. Your death will be my greatest achievement." She grinned evilly, taking a dagger. "Soon woman....soon, your death will be...celebrated." ryoo coughed but she just laughed. The men held him up by his wrists and she stabbed ryoo in the chest and let him fall dead on the floor. "I guess you'll never see that celebration."
I sat up in bed with tears in my eyes.
"RYOO!" I screamed and gryffin ran inside and looked at me with shock. "What?! What happened?!" I started sobbing and screaming his name with devastation. "RYOO!" I screamed again and held my face with tears in my eyes, gryffin held me in his arms and tried his best to calm me down. At this point everyone was in the room staring at me with shock and confusion. "SHE KILLED HIM! THAT BITCH KILLED HIM! I SAW IT!" I screamed in agony, sobbing violently. Ryoo was a man who believed in me, believed I would be the best for the people and rule over this empire with an iron fist. I not only failed the people but the very many who believed in me. I soon stopped crying and wiped my tears, looking more angry then ever before. I stood up from my bed, gryffin had his arm around me and I looked at the large group of people in front of me. Jene, pheonix, nature, and tyga stared at me. "This rebellion needs to start now." I say in a low angry tone. "How? We don't have enough people to take the demwars down. There's more demwars in the capitol than you know." One man said who had blonde hair. "We get the very people we keep safe." Jene's eyes brightened up. "The citizens..." She said and mumbling began amongst people.
"We will put them in danger!" The blonde one protested.
"If we can get thousands of militia on our side, we can over power the capitol, take it back and kill Helga!" Gryffin exclaimed at the person who protested. "Yes we will be putting them in danger but it's time we stand up and fight for our people! Fight with the people and take back our government!" Gryffin exclaimed once again, making the group of people quiet down. "I'm with you y/n." He said with a soft smile, I smiled up at him and looked at the group again.
"Jene?" She looked at me for a long time and she thought on this.
"Its time." Jene said and looked at the people, walking backwards towards me. "We team with the people, we will win." She said and the group looked at each other. It was silent for a long time. "I'm in." Pheonix piped in and tyga nodded along with her. Each person started agreeing and saying they were in and nature smirked. "I'm in as well." I smiled at the group proudly. "Then let's get to work."
The morning came and we all got right to work, I put on a cloak to hide myself and gryffin put his hood over his head. Me and gryffin went to kingdom wilstoke and walked through the kingdom together. Guards with blue eyed symbols on their uniform sleeves, marching with swords out and eyeing the people closely. Walking through we take notice of a man being beaten by these guards with batons brutally.
I had the urge to interfere but gryffin grabbed my wrist.
"I know it's bad but we can't risk it." I looked at the man with sympathy and nodded, walking along side him and walked up to groups of men.
"Psst!" Gryffin called to them and they looked at us and we motioned them over. They walked over eyeing us suspiciously. "Do not fear, we are endo." Gryffin said and I raised a brow at him. I wasn't technically an endo, I was just someone with the light. They looked at us both with shock and terror at the same time.
"Don't fear, we are trying to start a rebellion and create a militia." Gryffin whispered and they all looked at us, back and fourth. "Your...Your The empress are you?" One man asked me and I nodded. "I'm fucking in." He said excitedly and looked at his friends who were just as excited. "We are all definately in." They say and I got excited as well. "Great, spread the word far and wide. Don't let the information get into the wrong hands." I say and they nodded, leaving us to go tell more people about it.
We spent the whole day in wilstoke, telling people about it and all of the people we told were in on it. They were even telling others about our rebellion, it was amazing to see such a beautiful thing being started. We got back to the temple and there seemed to be new members.
Nature noticed our precense and walked up to us and smiled.
"We found new endo, they're gifted with the light." I proudly nodded and grabbed gryffin's hand. I just wanted to be alone with him for right now. I dragged him away alone in a room and kissed him passionately. He kissed me back and put both his hands on my hips. He pulled away and smiled at me, fucking hair strands behind my ears.
"Your so beauitful..." He complimented, making me blush. "I miss seeing you in those beauitful dresses." He said, disappointed as he stared down at me. "They always suited you." I cupped his cheeks with both of my hands. "You will see me in a dress when we take back the capitol." I grinned and he smiled, kissed my lips and I put my arms around him.
"Y/n!" Someone called and I pulled away, eyes closed with a sigh. "Don't worry about it. I'll be with you." I nodded and leave the room with him by my side. I see jene standing there looking for me. Tyga was by her side and she looked at me.
"There she is." She pointed me out and jene looked at me and motioned me into her office. I take gryffin in with me, I didn't want to be alone. I wanted him to be by my side through it all. We both sit in the office and watched her sit down across the desk.
"There is a bunch of endo going across the land to build the militia." I nodded in approval with a smile growing on my face. "But I want to figure out this prophecy." She said as the handed the scroll to her and unfolded it.
Suddenly the door busted open to reveal a boy, black hair like jene's.
"Kaid what is It?" Jene asked harshly.
"Will we train later today?" He asked her. "No, take the day off. I'm working." Jene snapped and the boy shuts the door gently. I turned my attention back to the scroll and gryffin hummed. "This prophecy speaks about you, obviously." Tyga said and gryffin turned to me. "We just have to find the person who might have the darkness." Gryffin looked at tyga and then at jene. I felt like I had an idea of who might be my prophet.
"I think I might have an idea..." gryffin started, making their attention go to him. Jene raised a curious brow.
"Who?" Tyga asked. He then pointed at himself which makes jene laugh.
I looked at jene seriously which made her stop quickly. "Jene...I'm not sure how to say this..." her nose twitched for a moment. "What." She says with venom in her tone. "I'm a demwar." That caused jene to tackle him to the ground, a tomahawk to his throat.
It went south from there...

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