Episode 22

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(Gryffin's pov)

Yesterday when me and the queen had taken that walk together was a lovely time. It was the first time in awhile that I genuinely felt...happy. In a special way i was happy with the queen. She made me feel things I've never felt before. If I knew these feelings before then it's been many years up until now I've felt this. I shouldn't though. I need to push this feeling down below where i could never feel them again. Strictly professional it needs to stay until it become unfit for the job. I need to stay connected with the light before I become the very thing I hated most. Before I become irrational.
But how could I resist this much longer? How did it get this way at all? Did she ever feel the same? Questioned raced through my mind as my anxiety strikes through the walls. Jene was coming today to interrogate the men. I was nervous for her to see me this way so of initial response o meditated. I needed to keep my touch of the light as close as possible so she didn't become suspicious of my feelings for the queen.
I meditated for awhile untilnibwas interrupted by y/n who wore a nice dress like always with nicely done hair and her crown on top of her head.
"Jene should be here soon." Y/n stated with a soft smile on her delicate features. "Yes. I've just been here meditating." I said simply with a shrug and she nodded, sitting next to me. "Can we speak after the interrogation?" She asks me with a worried look on her face. I nodded and patted her head gently. She needs to who those looks of worry on her face. I'm always here to talk if she ever needs to. She smiled when I did the pat gesture and the door opened to reveal feya. "Miss Douglas is here." Me and y/n both got up and we went to the front door of the castle to greet my leader, bowing in her direction then noticing ryoo as an unexpected visitor. Or at least for me. I didn't know he was coming as well.
The say their hellos and jene looked at me with a stone cold look as I to her and we all went to the dungeon to let jene do her thing. I'm not sure how she does interrogations but when it comes to interrogating demwar's, she's very good at what she does. Digging into their thoughts. She doesn't do this to normal people though, only if she really needs to.
We got to the the second ones cell first.
"Hello prisoner." Jene said as she stepped into the cell with her hands behind her back in a line threatening way. "If you do not speak, I will have to reach in inhumane lengths to get to that information in that raison brain of yours." Jene threatened, circling the man who was strapped to a chair. "I'm not saying anything more. You've got your information, I should be free by now." The man said with a growl escaping his lips, tugging his write of the strap. "Then you leave my no choice." She puts her hand on top of his head and seeing her eyes close as his eyes roll in the back of his head, his head throwing itself back as he screamed bloody murder. It was a painful process to go through but she had every right to do so if we wanted to know who these men worked for.
"This is too much to watch..." y/n cringed, blocking her eyes from the sight. Yes it was very disturbing to most people who don't see this everyday of their life but I've seen this happy since I was brought here. This man continued to scream bloody murder until jene let go and looked at the man with frusteration. "He's blocking it well..." She mumbled and and continued to dig through his brain with her eyes closed and her face becoming scrunched up as the man's eyes were rolled back once again and screaming. Imagine your brain being stabbed to no end with knives, feeling like your head is about to explode at the same time. Yeah, It hurts. I've been through it before. It's not a fun thing to go through. Better way to describe it is imagine the biggest migraine but your brain feels like it's about to explode. Jene stopped the process once again and took a deep breath, leaving the man to pass out from all the pain he was put through. "We'll come back to him, bring me to the one who refuses to speak at all." We nodded and she followed us to the first cell where the man sat there with his head hung low strapped to a chair. "I heard your not much of a talker. We can do this easy or the hard way, choose one." Jene said with a threateningly low growl as she circled behind the man like she did the second one. "I choose neither." The man spoke. "Wrong choice." She put her hand on the man's head and his eyes slowly rolled back but there was no scream. Only silence as his eyes were just rolled back to only white. My eyes narrowed at the man as he sat there quietly. "I'm getting something..." jene said and continued to dig deeper into the man's thoughts and memories with anger written on her face. "There's a powerful energy there..." She said. We continued to watch this happen, I was getting off feelings from this man. This is supposed to be a painful process, why isn't he screaming? I wondered. Jene opened her eyes and his head came down and his eyes shut.
"Who ever they work for is a close organization with a leader as a woman. Her beliefs are very strong." Jene said and folded her arms, looking at the man who was now passed out in the chair. "We shall continue this later." Ryoo said and we went back to y/n's office and we spoke about the information given by what jene had saw through the memories of the first man. "Though he isn't talkative, he had alot there. The leader is a woman definately. I feel as though...it's a cult type thing going on In this organization...seems like a religion. This woman holds a very big importance." Jene explains. As she explained this it reminded me of the queen zayla. She was pretty suspicious to me. "Hm...zayla could it be....?" ryoo wondered. Jene only shrugged with her fingers on her chin. "It could be one of the kings wives." Jene suggested with the sip of wine touching her lips as she drank from the glass. "They hold many positions of power. I feel alot of power coming from all the women in this empire. It could be any of them." Jene said, making y/n frown with disappointment. "So your saying-" "that it could be any woman that's associated in power? Yes. Even the nicest could should be watched." Jene said, taking a sip of wine, looking deeply to y/n. The queen looked at her feet with so much fear and anxiety raging through her. I felt my hand gently reach to her knee, gently placing it there to put her at ease. She glanced at me and a small smile grew on her lips. She made me want to smile as well but I mentally knew I couldn't do it. Not in front of my leader. I retreated my hand away from her and looked at my leader who stared me down like a hawk.
"Alot of women in this empire are...very powerful..." y/n said with awe, thinking to herself. "Alot of women. But I'm not sure if it's a tyrant or not..." jene said with folded arms. I could feel her gaze shift to me, I could feel the cold stare sending shivers up and down my spine. "Hopefully we will find it out soon. We're conducting a second investigation through out the empire." Jene shot her eyes towards ryoo. "What kingdoms are you investigating?" She asked with a raised brow. "Ones on the list of the most suspicion." Ryoo explained and jene hummed. "Investigate the women's kingdoms thoroughly." Ryoo agreed when she said this. There were four queens in the empire running a kingdom.
Zayla of maridia
Tiona of wilstoke
Helga of Randal
Rayana of skyfall
It could be anyone of them. Jene even said suspect the nicest ones. There were also 6 kings in the empire.
George of palo
Theador of melasia
Dayne of ooshpall
Harry of wencher
Xavier of fuuls
Oliver of cootia
It could even be them but we don't know for sure if it's even confirmed to be a woman. Though we did do the process of endo interrogation, we still need the vision to be clear.
It's been a bit since we've done the interrogation so we went back to continue.
This was the result...

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