Episode 7

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(Y/n's pov)

Without my handmaidens I had to dress myself in the morning which I didn't mind but wasn't used to after the years of being dressed everyday. Not being able to actually pick what I wore. I did my own hair, tying it up and putting on the blue cloak i wore here, the white pants, the blue boots. I put the hood over my head, looking in the mirror and sighed softly. It didn't want to be going through so much trouble when there could be many other things I could be doing with my life. I was snapped from my thoughts as the door opened loudly to reveal the man I met last night. Gryffin. His black hair was over his right eye as he then stared at me quietly. I looked towards him and greeted him with a smile. "Goodmorning." He breaks the silence and stepped forward and looked around. "We are ready when you are. The boats are ready for you." Gryffin said with little to no emotion visible, making it a little uncomfortable for me but nonetheless I tried my best to be polite even though he showed nothing towards me in return. "Let's go then." I gesture to the door and he nodded, walking along side me and shutting the door before we left the room. Walking quietly down the halls, our shoes clicked with an echo. I glanced at the taller male who was supposedly my personal protecter, seemed to be very serious with his duties as an assassin. We then entered the main hall where the front door is located and where many people gathered to hear jene's farewell speech.
Jene stopped talking for a moment until she met my eyes with hers.
"M'lady! We are ready when you are." Jene bowed with a smirk growing on her lips. I could feel gryffin's eyes on me, I glanced up at him and he nodded at me. "We are ready." I responded which jene snapped her fingers and the assassins begin to trail out towards the boats while jene made her way through the crowds and to me. "Keep her safe gryffin, don't do anything stupid." Gryffin nodded at his orders and jene looked at me with a smile. "Stay safe, never let gryffin leave your side and never leave his." I bowed in respect and nodded to her when she says this. I have massive respect for the woman and the endo as a whole I must pay them for their attempts to keep me safe when this is all over. Even if they do not want a payment I will.
"We shall be going then." Gryffin stated and motioned me to the door as he walked towards the exit. I walked along side him before hearing jene's voice call out to us again.
"The light is your guide." Gryffin turned to her and nodded, looking at me and made me follow right behind him towards the boats where everyone was loading up in, the sailor from last night was even there and more determined to leave more then anything. "All aboard!" The sailor announced as everyone had prepared on theirs ships. Gryffin was kind enough to help me up onto the boat along with himself who then sat next to me. The knights who accompanied me had hatred radiating from them as they stared at the man next to me. I was confused but I paid no mind to it. Maybe they felt useless at this point which they shouldn't. They'll be more of help then ever before and they will have less work so I guess that could be a bonus. Then the boats sailed off to sea back to where we originally left yesterday. Now heading north back to the kingdoms. It took all day where the sun had set, the whole sailing here was very silent, not a peep from anyone other then whispers coming from my knights. But I paid no mind to them. Gryffin was crisscrossed with his eyes closed meditating from what I could understand when looking at him. He seemed so peaceful, so attuned. I was almost fascinated with the way that he had such a calm demeanor even in a time like this where it's stressful to be protecting someone such as myself.
Then the boats came to a halt, the sailor left the boat to let us off and we had exited. Gryffin slowly opened his eyes and got up from the seat, motioning me off.
I notice the carriage was still there that brought me to these docks in the first place. But now there were several coming forward as they then took the assassins on their way to zemora. Gryffin and I went to the royal carriage, taking us all the way back to zemora. The moon had already risen when arriving through the gates with the zemorian people cheering, welcoming us back home. Bringing a smile to my face as I saw how happy they were. It was always a good tradition to properly greet the highness when they arrive back from a trip. It made me happy knowing I will be missed when I leave office in a few months but it could bring tears to my eyes. I didn't let them fall. Gryffin got out of the carriage and helped me down, I noticed my knights talking with each other so I let them have their discussion alone.
"Welcome home m'lady." Feya greets kindly then focuses her attention to gryffin who stood next to me, not seeming for a second to leave my side.
"May I know who this is?" She asked and I gestured to gryffin, smiling softly. "This is my personal protector assigned to me by the endo to be by my side at all times." I explained which gryffin bowed to her. "Gryffin azalar." Feya grinned when He introduced himself to her, bowing to him. "It's of great honor to meet you." She greeted, gesturing towards doors of the castle. Feya leads us both inside to give the tour to everyone, letting them know where to patrol and where some places are off limits. I made sure everyone was paying attention, checking in every now and then making sure they understood and like a good group they had great attention skills. I glanced at gryffin who then looked at me with those cold green eyes of his. I moved my eyes from his as I hoped he didn't see I was staring at him.
"I hope you all remember the routes of the castle." Feya says as we then walk into the dining hall where the food is ready so that everyone can have something to eat before they get to work.
Once they all ate, I stood from my seat along with gryffin who seemed to have been focused on something I couldn't see but I decided to ignore it, maybe it was his way of trying to stay focused. Me and him, along with feya had walked out of the room, me and feya started talking about things going on around the council.
"The zemorian court would like to see you early the next morning m'lady." I raised a brow as to why they would like to see me since the court doesn't see the heir that much. The court is more important at making decisions then the heir/heiress. The only time where I actually need to be there and see them is approve of laws to sign, to speak about what we could do better stuff like that.
"They heard what happened so they would like to see you about security." Feya says to me which makes sense. Security is their their top priority especially for the heiress. If my life is being threatened, they would want to make it their top priority.
"I will be there." I say simply and we al stop by my room, feya turned to gryffin. "Would you like to see your room?" She asked kindly, he looked down at her. He was definately taller then the two of us.  "I'm fine lady feya." He says in cold monotone but led feya to raise a brow. "Would you need sleep?" She asked but he shakes his head, folding his arms. "I'm trained to stay awake for as long as I need. Her protection is a top priority of mine, I would much prefer to stay outside the room so if I feel like her life is in danger I would be the first in the room." He explained to the two of us. What he was saying made sense but I felt bad, I wouldn't want him to waste his enegery but that's just my selflessness getting the better of me. I understood that this was his speciality, what he did for a living.
"You both go inside, I'll give you privacy as you get ready for bed. I'll need to speak with y/n when she's done." Me and feya nodded as we both walk into the room, shutting the door gently, the other handmaidens were in here along with my knights who spoke with the maidens. I eyed the men that were all the sudden in my room. "Sam, dayne, what are you doing?" I asked the two of them who met my eyes. "We Will be the ones to be in the room if someone decides to attack." Sam explained with a small grin on his face, sending chills down my spine. "I already have my protecter sirs, I think I'll be okay." I reassure but they didn't take no for answer but in fact didn't say anything else, sitting in individual seats as they both didn't leave the room when I tried to reassure of my safety.
The handmaidens sat me down, doing the ritual of taking makeup off, taking a gown and putting it on along with a face mask and ripping it off when done.
"We will get a bath started for you m'lady." One of the handmaidens say, feya walked to the door and let gryffin know he could come in and that will be having a bath. Gryffin stepped into the room while I went into the bathroom to get a nice relaxing bath.

(Gryffin's pov)

The queens handmaiden had let me into the room, I stepped in to see the knights I've been having an odd feeling about since I met them. They narrowed their eyes at me but I ignored it, stepping to the side and leaning my back against the wall with my arms crossed. My hood was down to reveal my features. I kept my close eye on the two who seemed to be whispering while looking at me but the handmaidens didn't seem to notice. If they believe they could protect the queen better then I can, they have another thing coming. I didn't train most of my life for these moments for nothing. I hate knights and guards, they don't understand how trained assassins are especially the endo. When the two stood up, an overwhelming sensation of goosebumps. My head had an itching and tingling feeling almost immediate. They stared at me as they paced around the room like tigers locked in a cage.
I watched them closely, the overwhelming feeling didn't stop though. I'm not going to let them stay in the room for much longer when the queen steps out of her bathroom.
The three of us notice the queen walking out of her bathroom in her gown and nicely done hair.
"Sir gryffin, you would like to speak with me?" The queen asks with a tilted head of curiosity. I glanced at the knights that trained their eyes on her. "Yes of course m'lady." I had to get her out of the room, shutting the door to have us both be alone.
"The knights are oddly suspicious." I say to her and she stared up at me with fearful eyes. "We would need to have them out of the room. I do not trust them being in the same room as you." She nodded in understanding but I had more to tell her.
"But other then that I have more to speak with you about. I will accompany you where ever you go. If I have an odd feeling you do not question, if someone is insisting of being in a room alone with you insist I be there as well, I'm only doing my job so if I'm telling you important information that doesn't seem to be that important do not shrug it off please." She was nodding her head along, listening intently which I deeply appreciated. With the many heirs I've worked with they were snotty and ignored me which ultimately led to them almost getting killed or having someone else killed. "Remember this is a serious situation and I'm only doing my job in protecting you." She smiled softly at me, nodding in understanding. "So will we have the knights out of the room?" She asked me which I nodded. "Yes, I will speak with them. I fear if their in the same room they will do harm." With all that being said we entered back into the room, the handmaidens had already left leaving the two knights left. I slowly walked to them and they trained their eyes on me. "I appreciate you both taking this situation serious and having the best interest in protecting the queen," I begin, causing them to nod while glaring at me. I could feel the unease from y/n with my senses, I glanced at her and she went to her bed.
"But I can handle things from here." I say with folded arms, they stepped closer to me. "We will stay in the room while your outside protecting-" I cut them off immediately. This was the biggest red flag. "I suggest you leave the room before you raise suspicion in yourselves." I state calmly, no emotion on my face or even my eyes. They both scoffed as they left the room whispering under their breathes. Y/n looked at me with a thank you kind of look which I nodded. "Get rest m'lady, you have an important day tomarrow." She nodded and watched me leave the room, standing right by the door as I trusted my senses to know everything going on within the room without being in the room.
One thing I for sure I won't be letting those knights anywhere near the queen. I have a feeling they aren't who they say they are...

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