Episode 21

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(Y/n's pov)

There wasn't much to do today, jene was coming tomarrow to interrogate the two men and we wanted to watch it happen when she does it.
So now it was just me and gryffin in the castle. We were in my office like always and I didn't have much work at all to keep me busy today.
I was just standing out on my balcony thinking to myself. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned my head to see gryffin, the only person I would expect to be alone here with me.
"Enjoying the view?" He started as he leaned on the railing, looking at me with those soft eyes of his. "I don't get to enjoy the small things often. I'm always on the go." I said with a smirk on my face as i looked at him. "Take break every once in awhile. Life isn't all about the politics." Gryffin softly said with a small growl escaping his tone as he spoke. That little detail to his voice made my heart somehow skip a beat. There really was something about this man that seemed different, something about him really made me want to learn more about him.
"I try, but it's a priority everyday." I say with slight sadness. I didn't mind the work much, it occupied me often. But when you hear the same arguments everytime, hearing people argue their beliefs. It takes a tole on someone like me. It weighs you down. Gryffin hummed and looked down over the balcony and then perked his head up. "Look over the horizon with me." He softly said. I raised a brow but he gestured to the horizon once again so we did. "What do you see?" He asks and I just looked at the giant kingdom, still standing tall. "I see the kingdom..." I said with a soft chuckle. "Really..." He said with his fingers on his chin. I raised a brow with confusion, what was I supposed to see to him? I wondered to myself. "May I tell you what I see?" I nodded in approval and he hummed once again. "I see a strong kingdom built by an amazing woman who needs a break." When he said this, I was in awe. Completely shocked by what he said and the way he said it wasn't at all in monotone. A blush creeped on my face, making my face hot and red all over. "I-" I was cut off when he then gestured to the door. "Lets take a break together." He offered, his mouth twitched almost to smile but he resisted. I smiled at him and agreed to his offer and we left the castle. We both walked around the kingdom, taking this much needed break. Until we wondered outside the border walls. Gryffin and I were going to a special spot I hadn't gone to in a very long time. I've never had the time or energy to come here. It's a special spot with a lake, where I used to come out to clear my head until my father died with a given responsibility to me. "It's a beauitful spot m'lady." Gryffin complimented as we both sit down by the lake together. "I used to come here with my father when we had the time." I said with a soft smile, throwing small stones and pebbles in the water. "What stopped you?" He asked me. I frowned and looked down at my feet as I continued to throw pebbles in the water. "When I became queen." I said simply, feeling a pain in my heart. It was the same feeling when i heard the news. "I'm sorry to hear." Gryffin said with a sympathetic look on his face. I slowly smiled when I looked at him, seeing an expression finally on his face. A real expression. Not just furrowed brows and no emotion. "Finally..." I grinned which made him very confused. "You finally have an expression on your face." I said, nudging him softly with my elbow which he then shook his head quickly and cleared this throat. "Sorry m'lady." He apologized and I put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't ever apologize for that again." I say softly as I looked deeply into his eyes as he looked at mine as well. We stared for God knows how long. I felt my heart skip a beat though I feel like I shouldn't be feeling this way towards an endo. Gryffin then cleared his throat once again. "You really love to stare, m'lady." My face went red when he made this remark and i coughed, looking away from him. "I apolo-" I hear him shush me. "Don't ever apologize for that again." I quickly looked at him and grinned a wide grin on my face as I just laughed. "Shall we walk through the forest?" Gryffin asked and I just nodded and we continued on walking through the forest together, seeing all the beauitful wilderness and nature around us was relaxing. "This would be an amazing place to meditate." Gryffin commented as he looked around the place. It was truly a beauitful place, moss was growing around the place as the wildlife just relaxed with it as the trees stuck together. We walked just one path so we didn't get lost. There are vines hanging from the trees elegantly swaying side to side with the gentle breeze. It was loud with wildlife.
"You should come out and try it." I said with a soft smile. Gryffin shrugged and looked around the forest. "Would you like to meditate with me?" He suddenly asked, looking at me as we walked. "When would you like to?" I asked curiously with my head tilted. "Now if that's okay with you madam." I shrugged and accepted the offer. I sat down with him on a comfortable spot by a nice tree and instructed me to cross my legs and put both hands on my knees. "Close your eyes and take deep breathes." I inhaled slowly and exhaled slowly. Taking very deep breathes with him as he did the same thing as i did. "Now just calm and relax yourself. Imagine a nice river with a gentle stream sweeping you away gently, taking you somewhere else far away." He gently said with a soft voice, as if he were right next to my ear whispering to me. I continued to slowly breath and imagine the nice gentle current of the river taking me away, it's though I could feel the soft water crashing against my skin. I could feel myself being carried away.
"Wonder where you want to go." I hear his voice echoing through out my head as I envision where i wanted to go. Could I really go anywhere? Where did I really want to go right this second?" I wondered to myself. I started to envision gryffin himself. I wanted to really know who he was. To get to know him better even if I shouldn't know. It was only curiosity.
I could see a young boy looking at his mother with fear in his eyes. Tears were brimmed in his eyes threatening to fall. She reassured him though. Two shadowed figures with black cloaks approached the boys mother and himself. "He will be safer." One says with a gentle aura to them. "Please, what ever it takes, do not let him turn." The mother begged the two hooded figures who then nodded. "Even if it means cutting contact with me." The shock on my face when I heard this. This mother gave up her son to two hooded figures? "We shall keep him safe with our lives, miss azalar." She smiled and looked down at her son, kneeling down to the boys height. "Please, stay safe. I'll write to you my sweet. I love you." The boy hugged his mother tightly with tears escaping his eyes. "C'mon son. We must go." One of the hooded figures says, trying to to rip the boys grasp of his mother who then let go with the boy screaming for his mother in absolute fear and sadness. She looked at the boy with sadness as she then walked away.
I felt someone shake me, I opened my eyes and I see gryffin with a weird look on his face. "Hey, you okay?" Gryffin asked gently. "You almost started crying." He commented with worry in his tone, then wiping away the soft tears that escaped from my eyes. "Im sorry..." I whispered and looked at the ground with a frown. "What is It?" He asked with furrowed brows. "Don't worry about it. We shall talk about it later." Gryffin wasn't much to push someone into saying anything so he just left it alone. Other then the meditative practice, the walk and the nice journey with gryffin was lovely. We talked and joked around with each other even though gryffin was a dry jokester, it still consider it to be lovely. I was almost sad we had to come back to zemora...

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