ChildDolphani 1.0

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What's an update? Whatever I'm back! I'm really sorry guys I kinda just lost motivation for everything i life, but hey we all get that feeling sometimes. So I couldn't stop squealing the whole time I wrote this, but as you can guess by the media attachment... ITS ABOUT THEM IN THE SHOWER OMG. One of the highlights of PAX South holy. Okay PLEASE leave your requests and such or request for me to continue something because without your input I don't know what to write.




"YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," Mark and Tybzi yelled. We had them completely convinced that we were in San Jose. Everyone in the PAX house was going wild. I heard Ryan laugh. We stepped in the door and shut it. This was going to be one of the best weekends of my life, and it had just started.

Later into the night, me and a few of the other guys were sitting around the living room watching TV. I stretched and stood up. "Welp, I should go shower," I said walking towards the hallway leading to the bathroom.

"Wait I was going to shower!" Ryan shouted as he scurried up behind me. We started tripping over each other and pulling on one anothers pant legs in a joking brawl to get there first. We ended in a fit of laughter not even five feet from the couch.

"Why don't you both go at the same time?" Dylan said, not looking up from his phone. I looked at Ryan who shrugged and helped me stand up.

"We'll stay in our boxers," he said. I nodded and followed him away. I started blushing at the thought of showering with Ryan. God he's cute. Wait so I like Ryan then... Plot development, Jordan. Perfect time to figure out your feelings.

I rounded the corner as Ryan dropped it pants, standing half naked. I looked away, and heard him turn on the water. I stripped down too and hopped in after him.

"Wait wait wait let's take a selfie," Ryan said stepping out to grab his phone. He snapped one and uploaded it to Twitter.

"Queue fangirls," I said laughing. Ryan grabbed the shampoo and poured some into his hands.

"Turn around I'll be a good friend," he said. I smiled and complied. I felt his hands start rubbing my scalp and had to do everything I could to surpress a moan. "Done," he said. I shooked the water out of my hair and we both laughed.

I looked Ryan in the eyes. He was so cute. We had so much in common and I could imagine spending my life with him. Before I could realize what was happening I felt a pair of lips hit mine. I didn't object.

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