PBomb 3.0 - Criminals Under Bail Enterprice

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"But Madi, where are the contest results?" I'm bad at picking people and I'm currently in a bad mood lately, so soon, okay? I promise.

SO MANY CRIMINAL ONE SHOTS LATELY BUT IDEC because I have a brilliant idea!

Leave your requests!

-Madi <3


- Parker -

"Parker, what if something goes wrong," Liam said, flipping his hand gun over repeatedly. I rolled my eyes; it has been at least the fourth time he's said that in the past hour.

"Liam, look. Your job is simple." I kept driving. "Go in, get the money, get out. Bee's waiting back at headquarters." He let out a shaky breath and nodded as I pulled into the bank parking lot. I bit my lip ring.



"Alright, lets go," I said opening my door.

I stuffed my gun into the pocket inside my jacket, as I prayed that the other two from the mission showed up. I've only seen them once... How am I going to remember what they look like?

I let out a sigh as I opened the front door, Liam a few feet behind me.

I took my place in line at the tills, and Liam took a seat in one of the arm chairs. I looked around before making eye contact with another person. He gave me a brisk nod; the signal. I looked over and nodded at Liam, who returned the gesture.

"Next!" the banker called. I turned over to the station. "Hi how can I—-" a gun fire cut her off, and her now lifeless body slid to the floor. I pulled my gun out of my pocket, snapped off the safety guard. Liam did the same, and so did another fellow, who I assumed was the first guy's partner.

"Everybody in the corner," the first one said. He was British, had tattoos covering his arm and a lip piercing. His partner came over to me. He was shorter than me, was wearing a backwards snap back and had only one noticeable tattoo on the back of his hand. It was our group's symbol which confirmed his was suppose to be here. While Liam helped the Brit, shrimp and I hopped over the counter. He began shooting at the employees to back them into a corner as I made my way over to a safe in the back.

"What's the code?" I called over.

"13-45-09-42-06-51," he answer, killing a stout man who was trying to strangle him. I spun the dial and swung the door open. The Brit joined me at the safe with two huge bags.


The four of us crowded into the black rented SUV.

"Man, my hands hurt from tying rope around their arms for so long... We should have picked a less busy time to go," the Brit complained.

"Agreed," Liam chimmed in.

"Liam, you hardly did anything," I pointed out. He shrugged. "So, now that we've all commited a felony together, it might be a good time to learn each others names?" I said. "So, I'm Parker. This is my fourth year in the C.U.B.E. organization, and my first ever mission with good ol' Liam, here."

"I'm Will," the Brit started. "I uh... moved here when I was seven, and I met Jordan here. We joined C.U.B.E. together, and this is our 17th mission together. First one at a bank tho..."

"I'm Jordan," said shrimp. "Will kinda told the story... I don't know, my dad was the founder, so after he was killed it only felt right for me to join."

"So Kyle Dahmmer was YOUR dad?" Liam said astounded. He began asking a million questions.

"Aaaaaand that's Liam," I interrupted. "Chatterbox extraordinaire, rookie criminal, and my boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you guys then," Will said. "Where did you guys put your gang stamp?"

"Shoulder," I said.

"Forearm," Liam said.

"Mine's blended in with my sleeve," Will added.

"Wanna try and find mine?" Jordan asked, wiggling his eyebrows and leaning towards Will.

"Fuck off..." Will hissed, pushing Jordan away. Jordan held up the back of his hand for us to see that logo. I nodded, pulling into the parking lot of an old factory warehouse.

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