DulBee 1.0

570 20 22

Aye guys. So I don't know how good this is bc I've never written one between them but I'm trying, and I did get slightly emotional writing this so fair warning.

Also... NEW BOOK IS OUT WOOOOOOO! Not Cube SMP but there is references to them and I'm modelling characters as the Cube members too. So go give it a look maybe, tell me what you think.

Leave your requests!

- Madi

Requested by someone but ngl, kinda forgot who ;-;


- Dul -

I nervously adjusted my white t-shirt for the fourth time within the past hour. 

Today is the day, I told myself, reaching into my shoulder bag to feel the small felt box. I took a deep breathe before grabbing my car keys and heading off to the restaurant to meet Bee.


I looked up at the clock. Bee was suppose to be here and hour ago. I adjusted my shirt again.

Suddenly my phone rang. I pressed to accept the call.


"Hello, is someone by the name of Maddie there?"

"Speaking, who is this?"

"This is Doctor Wilcox calling."

I listen to the man speak, and my world slowed down.


I burst through the hospital doors and straight to reception desk. There was a perky blonde sitting behind the counter, on the phone.

I cleared my throat. "Oh sorry. Are you by any chance Maddie?" the girl asked me.

I nodded.

"Okay, right this way," she said, grabbing a folder and leading my down a long sterile hallway. We stopped in front of a door labelled Dr. Wilcox, PhD.

Blondie pushed open the door. "She's here," she said.

"Ah, thank you, Laura." The girl left and Dr. Wilcox came out to meet me in the hallway, followed by a hunched over figure, with his hands over his eyes.

"Mitchell?" I asked. He looked up at me, before bursting into tears.

"Maddie, I'm afraid to inform you of Miss Rose's {it's not her last name but let's pretend okay?} death."

My world came to a screeching halt this time. I couldn't cry, unlike Mitchell, who was a total mess beside me. I reached into my bag and pulled out the little felt box.

I heard the doctor take a deep breath before patting my shoulder. I opened the box, looking at the glinting diamond ring, one final time.

The Cube SMP One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang