We Need to Talk - Extremely Important

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Why I Left the Cube (Community)

So my faithful readers, I think we need to have a little chit chat. As you can tell I've basically left the Cube fandom, and I want to explain myself. If you do not wish to read all the nitty gritty details and my completely irrelevant opinions and about my personal life, skip to the final paragraph.

So I strongly feel that the Cube is falling apart, and I have a hunch that it's going to be very commercialized. Now, don't take this as a "my favourites left, so now I am too," because that's been all over Tumblr. I don't watch Kevin, Dolphin, OR Dul's videos, and I hate Tomahawk. I'm sorry if that offends you, but I feel that even though he is the only honest one with his viewers that he ALSO doesn't know when to shut his trap. That being said, I hate how they told him to lie about getting kicked off. That pisses me off so so so much you don't understand. It's become so much about money and popularity, and I feel like the people who left were in for the way they loved the game of Minecraft.

I feel as though Graser is in for the fame as well. He added Huahwi, who was barely in contact with some of them, who had around 200k subscribers. He added NoBoom who Graser has a LITTLE bit more contact with and has nearly 100k subscribers. Yet he doesn't add a good friend Dylan who has only 20k? I find that a little funky, and I know there are smaller YouTubers on the Cube, but none that small. I also find Season 2 to be less community oriented. I loved Season 1 for that reason, and I miss it. A lot.

As it currently stands, I am only subscribed to NoBoom, Will, and Grape from the Cube, and I don't watch NoBoom's Cube's. I'm subscribed to some other Minecraft YouTubers, so I'm still getting my daily dose of that.

But it has been MONTHS since I last played Minecraft, GTA V, CS:GO, or any other video game for that matter. I've been spending time with friends and my boyfriend, talking to Online friends which has gotten me back into a few video games (I played Minecraft last night for the first time since March), and I need to find a job too because University is NOT cheap. I've also been finding a love for soccer, dance, lacrosse, muci, art; the list goes on. And I found myself devoting so so much of my time towards watching the Cube member's videos, that I was ignoring my friends. That's when I realized I was in way too deep, and that I couldn't keep doing this to them. I'm likely never going to meet them because they'll likely never come to Canada. SO why keep obsessing? Since knocking down the number of people I'm subscribed too (this goes for other YouTubers and kinds of channels too, not only Minecraft and the Cube) that I've been feeling a lot happier, and out of a funk I was in from around mid April and exam time. I've also unfollowed the people I no longer subscribe to on social media and my timelines are a lot tidier.

So what's going to happen to my stories? I'm not sure how many of you are still reading, or how many actually give a shit (pardon my French), but I'm still going to be writing them. *happy applause* They'll be a little less frequent however, I plan for one new story every week, and if I find myself with extra down time I'll write an extra one then. As for my other story, I need you guys to tell me what to do about it; continue? quit? I don't know it is up to you all. Thank you for listening to me, and for supporting my stories. I am in no way telling ANY of you why you should unsubscribe, in fact I think you should all stay with them. This is a personal thing I'm trying in order to give myself more time for the real world. PLEASE don't be hateful in the comments, or start more drama because we're all a big happy family.

There will be a new Kiani out either tomorrow or Saturday. Thank you all, leave your requests!

- Madi <3

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