Kiani 2.0 - Smile

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Two updates in one day, wot?!

Update: I have eaten an entire pizza, I'm done H's Cube Season 1, and the day isn't even over! Like I published that other one at like 11 I think and now it's 4! Living the life guys...

This one is like crazy requested...


Remember to request ships!

- Madi

Requested by Siempie222, Ggshzhs, Thewickedmusician, and _5sesondsofafangirl


- Bayani -

I liked my new school so far... It was smaller than my last high school by far, but I still managed to get lost.

I wandered the halls, looking for room 213B.

A tall guy rounded the corner near me and grinned at me. Maybe he could help me.

"Hey, sorry to bother you. But could you tell me where 213B is?" I asked, pointing at the schedule I was carrying around.

"Uh, yea. Down to the end of this hallway, down to the second floor, then its the sixth door on your left."

"Thanks, I'm Jordan," I said extending my hand.

"Brayden," he replied, giving it a brief shake before continuing into a classroom. I began my trek.

I finally reached the second floor and began walking. But I stopped at the door to the men's bathroom. Crying?

I listened. Definitely crying. But who? Why? I decide to go in; I was going to be late anyway.

I stepped in to the rather grungy bathroom and saw a pair of crossed legs in the farthest back stall. I crept over. The boy was still crying.

I softly knocked and he stopped immediately. Sniffled. "Go away," a British voice choked out.

"Are you okay? I'm not leaving, let me in," I said, nudging the door again. The boy sighed deeply and I heard the ca-chunk of a stall door unlocking. I pushed it open, careful not to hit the kid. I was shocked at what I saw.

The kid was curled up with his forehead resting on his knees, hand holding something silver, and the other dangling to the floor. The arm attached to it bloody.

"Oh my god," I said. I rushed to get a piece of paper towel wet, and returned to press it against his arm.

He flicked his arm around. "That stings, dude. Ouch!"

"And cutting it doesn't?" He didn't answer me.

"What's your name?" I ask him, pressing the paper towel onto his wrist again.

"Will," he said, lifting his head finally. I was met with a pair of soft brown eyes and a sharp jaw line {I crrrRYYYY AT HIS JAW LINE}.

"Jordan." He nodded and smiled a little.

"Why? What made you do this to yourself?" I asked.

Will sniffed again. "It's hard you know. Around here. The only British one. No one has ever made me feel at home. The football guys always make fun of me for being gay. My parent's divorced. Nothing is going right for me," he said. He looked over at the object in his hand; a silver blade coated in drying blood. I took it from him.

"Ah, dude do you know how unsanitary that is for both of us?" Will said reaching for it. I moved it even farther way from him. "Hey!"

"No. You're not allowed to use this anymore okay?" I told his sternly. He opened his mouth to says something but I cut him off. "You're important. You're valued, and you're the reason someone out there smiles, whether you know it or not," I continued, chucking the blade across the bathroom floor. It bounced and skidded before falling down the floor vent. Will sighed and I turned back to him.

We both sat there, staring at each other.

I leaned forward and engulfed him in a hug. It took him a few minutes, but he hugged me back. Will shakily said "Thank you." And we sat there on the bathroom floor hugging. This was the person I made smile today, and I knew it.

After what felt like 20 minutes, I heard someone scoff. Will and I let go of each other the look up at the person.

"Oh, hey Brayden," I said, standing up. Will followed.

"Didn't know you had a thing for useless fags like this Brit," Brayden shot out.

I turned to Will. "Wait this is..." He nodded. "Ohhhh..."

"Gunna go cut some more? Can't handle your own problems?" Brayden asked Will. God I want to punch this kid.

"No, he won't be," I started. I looked over at Will who was staring at the floor. "And as a matter of fact I do." I grabbed Will's hand. His eyes shot up at me, and I could see some spark of hope. Right there. So I kissed his cheek before leading him out of the bathroom.

"Up yours," Will called over his shoulder.



- Madi

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