KiingBee 1.0 - High Pitched Noises

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More factoring quadratics homework, yay! *rips hair out of head*

I have a track meet and three dance shows this week to do PLUS a butt load of @$%#ing quadratics homework. WHAT IS THE POINT OF ALL OF THIS SHIT!?!?!?!?!?!?!!

Anywhoo, I hope you all enjoy. Leave your requests as per usual.


Requested by abritishzebra


- Will -

I heard shrieking coming from our bathroom. I immediately dropped the laundry I was folding and ran to the door.

*knock knock knock* She didn't, answer but I could hear her breathing.I was just thankful we live in an actually house, not an apartment so no one would hear that scream.

"Bee open up. Please, are you okay, love?" I said frantically, twisting the locked door handle. I took my hand off of it when I felt it move slightly.

Bee unlocked the door and opened it a little. She looked very pale, had one hand over her mouth and a thin white stick in the other. It took me a little while to realize what it was.

"Bee?" I asked. She turned the pregnancy test to face me. Positive.

"Positive. Positive, positive, POSITIVE!!" I yelled picking Bee up and spinning her around. She let out a high pitched squeal.

I set her down and rubbed my ear. "Warning next time your gunna make another high pitched noise, please?" I asked.

She nodded and laughed a little.

"Will... We're parents...." she whispered.



- Madi

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