Grasbee 1.2 - Criminal

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Y'all just gunna ignore my question from last chapter? What do I do for 1K?!

I'm home alone all weekend, and you know what that means! Pj's all day, marathon of Cube Season 1, and endless taquittos! Bc I have no life! Yay!

Leave your requests!

- Madi


- Graser -

I flung my hands up in surrender. Or in defense. I don't really know why come to think of it.

"What are you doing here?" a female Australian voice asked.

"I live here," I whimpered. She lowered the object and I turned around to see and fairly short brunette. She was wearing...

"Oh my god, you're that escape convict! Bee, right?" I said.

"Shhh! Keep it down, idiot," she hissed, sliding the gun that was probably what was being held against me into the waist band of her pants.

"Look if you, don't leave I'm calling the police," I told her, reaching for the phone on my kitchen table.

She rolled her eyes, whipped out her hand gun, and in a blink of an eye she fired a single shot that hit the phone square in the center.

"You've got to be kidding me, right? You tell ME to be quiet?" I took out my iPhone from my back pocket.

She lunged at me, knocking my phone out of my hand and pressing a foot onto my chest. She knelt down. "Tough guy, eh?" Bee hissed. I gulped.

She exhaled in a laughing manner, and removed her foot from my diaphragm. I stood slowly, but she still had her gun trained on me. "Hands up." I threw them up.

She began walking towards me and I kept backing up until I felt the back of my legs hit a chair in my kitchen. "Sit." I complied.

She began shuffling through my kitchen doors, gun still pointed in my general direction. I tried to stand but she swiveled her head around to properly aim the gun at me. "What did I just tell you?"


She continued to shuffle around until she found a roll of duct tape. Bee closed the drawer and made her way back to me.

She set the gun down on the floor next to her and began taping my legs to the legs of the chair.

"Woah woah woah, can't we talk about this?" I protested.


I groaned.

"Arms," Bee said sternly. I didn't move them. She rolled her eyes again and picked up the gun. "Do it!" she commanded, pressing the barrel against my leg. I gave up and held them behind the chair.

After taping my hands together and the chair to the floor and wall, Bee sat down in front of me.

"So what's your name, sir?" she asked.


"Mmm," she said through a sip of water. She swallowed. "And what do you do for a living?"

"I uh... make gaming YouTube videos."



"Well, its been nice taking to you Zach but I must carry on with what I came here for." She ripped another piece of tape off the roll. "Which is a shame," she continued placing a strip of duct tape over my mouth. "Because you're kinda cute.

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