Kiani 4.0 - Party

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This is based off a Vine edit by CookiesNCube. If you're reading this, I hope I did you justice and that you enjoy!

AU where none of them are YouTubers and Bayani doesn't know any of them.


Jordan stared up at the ceiling from his spot on his apartment floor, lacking anything better to do.

He rubbed his face in his hands. "God I need to get out," he murmured. Dragging himself up off the floor, Jordan slumped his coat over his shoulders, grabbed his wallet and keys, and set off to walk around town.

He walked, passing coffee shops and book stores, apartment buildings and offices. Eventually he made if to a night club. He had been there once before with a couple of buddies before.

He briefly considered going in, but decided against it; he wasn't in the mood.

Jordan took out his phone to check the time. Only 10:00?  he thought. Jordan was nearly at the suburban area of the city. He decided he might as well keep going. It's not like he had anyone at home to give a shit when he returned. Except maybe Sam.

He had been walking for about 15 minutes, when he started hearing music. He held his phone up to his ear to check if it was the source. Nope. He kept walking, and the music kept getting louder and more clear. He recognized Bedrock ending. Having nothing better to do with his time, he followed the music.

He followed it all the way to a large house at the end of a dead end. All the lights were on, and Jordan could see into the window to a living room filled with people, all holding cups, and moving along to the beat of some song.

He smiled at the memory of when that use to be his weekends back in high school. As he turned to leave, he noticed his shoe came undone. Jordan stepped off to the side of the side walk to tie it, just as he heard a door burst open and hit the wall beside it.

"Dude, you coming in?" a deep voice yelled. Jordan stood up. He looked around him.


"Yea you, get in here."

"I don't know you, though."

"I don't give a shit, c'mon this party is great."

Jordan hesitated. But he couldn't resist and started his trudge up to the front door.

"Hey, I'm Jordan," he said, shutting the door behind him and hanging up his coat on the banister. "Won't the owners get mad for not knowing me?"

"Mark," the guy replied. "I am the owner. Nice tattoos, by the way."

Jordan stretched his arms out to inspect them. "Thanks." Mark turned to walk. Jordan stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans and followed.

"Yo, guys. I found another guy," Mark called out. Everyone turned to look at Jordan, a few drunk hoots and hollers were heard from a guy in the back. The music was turned down a lot. "Meet Jordan."

Jordan waved a little. A taller guy with a scruff and tattoos came up and shoved a red solo cup into his hand. "I'm Will. But there's another will, so call me Shep," Shep slurred slightly.

"Thanks," Jordan nodded, taking a sip.

"That is...." Mark started, wrapping an arm around Jordan. "Devon." A guy on the couch with a beard and his arm around another guy raised his hand. "Julio." The guy who Devon had his arm around raised his cup, before taking a sip.

Mark turned him to face one side of the room."Maddie." A girl leaning against the windowsill nodded. "Mitchell." A guy with a sandwich shirt nodded. "Bee." The girl beside Mitchell smiled. "You've met Shep an---," Mark tried.

"DUUUDE YOU'RE BORING LETS GOOOOOO," someone yelled. The music was suddenly turned back up to full blast. Jordan winced and covered his ears for a minute to let them adjust.

"That's Jake," Mark added as he pointed to the guy who complained, before walking away. {Correct me if I'm wrong, but Echo's name is Jake right?}

Jordan wandered into the kitchen. He could hear people singing along to Sexy Back, but he still wasn't in much of a mood. These people seemed nice though...

Jordan's thoughts were interrupted by someone stumbling through the open archway to the living room.

The lanky boy smacked into the wall, and cocked his wrist to hold his cup straight up. "Ah, fuck," he muttered. Jordan's eyebrows raised when he noticed a British accent. The boy looked up and noticed Jordan watching him. "Oh. Hey. Jordan right?"

Jordan nodded.

"Cool. I'm Will. The other Will. The sober Will," he said setting his cup down. "It's Pepsi."

"Ah," Jordan replied. "So you guys all know each other?"

"Yea," Will said. "We all go to the same college."




The pair stood awkwardly in Mark's kitchen.

Will pulled out a breakfast stool. "Care to sit?" he asked gesturing to the seat next to him. Jordan smiled and sat down.

As time past, Jordan and Will began talking like old friends.

"Yeaaaa..... So Jordan, got a girl in your life?" Will carried on.

Jordan shook his head. "Nope, it's just me in my apartment. Unless you count my cat."

"Dude I love cats, I'm coming to meet him some day," Will said. They both laughed. As it trailed off, Will reached over and took Jordan's phone. Jordan raised an eyebrow.

"Unlock," Will commanded. Jordan did as he was told, and watched will go into contacts and peck in a phone number and his name. Jordan smile when Will handed his phone back to him.

"Dudes, c'mon. Will, it's you're turn with the aux cord," a now drunken Mark said, peering into the kitchen.

Will stood up and reached a hand towards Jordan. He took it. "Imma burn this house down with some sick beats," he said. Jordan laughed.

Will let go once they had reached the living room and plugged in his phone in. LA Love by Fergie blasted through the speakers.

Everyone crammed into the livingroom and danced along. Jordan's mind was slightly numbed from the beer, just enough that he could dance along without feeling embarrassed.

He looked around. People were up close with each other, grinding and nearly making out. And then his drunken mind became sober enough to feel someone against him. He looked over to find Will dancing along with him. Two drunks at a party, his sober mind pointed out. Until he remembered; Will's cup had Pepsi in it. he's sober. Jordan froze for a moment. Will looked at him.

"You okay?" he asked. Jordan nodded and leaned back in to him.

The music switched to Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. A few hoots and hollers arose again, including ones from Jordan.

"They're gunna clean up your looks," Will sang along.

"With all the lies and the books," Jordan jumped in.

"To make a citizen out of you," they both sang.

"BECAUSE THEY SLEEP WITH A GUN," the two chanted, in complete giddiness of one another.

"AND KEEP AN EYE ON YOU SON, SO THEY CAN WATCH ALL THE THINGS YOU DO." Jordan and Will danced along to the choreography of the music video, not caring who watched, and subconsciously loving every minute of each others company.

2:30 am

The party was starting to clear out, and Jordan decided now was a good time to call a cab home. On his way to the front door, he bumped into Will.



"Need a ride home?" Will asked, jingling his keys. Jordan nodded.


Well at least I tried on the ending.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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