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The run lasted longer than I thought it would, my legs needing more of a stretch than I even realized...

I'm not complaining though... After a while, it got a little spooky and we needed to turn around to come back to the house, but up until that point, I felt free and more uplifted than I have all week, Daddy keeping pace with me instead of making me to try and keep up with his longer strides...

It had been peaceful in a way that both of us had needed, and even though it's a bit chilly shifting in the yard, I don't have to worry about being cold for long, Daddy's strong arms wrapping me up in the best kind of hug the moment he's on his human feet again, and we stay there for a moment under the stars... Both of us silent... But only because neither one of us have anything that we could say that could add to the moment we're sharing... Silas's hand climbing it's way to my cheek to cup my face in his palm...

His hand pulling my head up until his lips can melt into mine and we can turn each other into little more than puddles that used to be people just a little bit more... Until my butt gets too cold and I have to wiggle just enough for Daddy to get the hint and we pull away... Just a little... With such a handsome smile... The smile he saves for when the two of us are alone... The smile that I love from the man that I love... So flipping much... "Welcome home, Daddy."

"Welcome home, Princess."




The words slip out of my mouth as a whisper, one that makes my Angel smile even bigger than he already is... The way he leans into me so precious, his cheek being pressed against my bare chest in a way that makes me want this moment to last forever... Just the two of us in the backyard after a great run... My hand releasing his cheek so it can wander down to his sweet belly to rub it just a little... Make sure our little nugget is staying nice and warm inside there...

I can feel the question as it starts to form in Addy's mind, the bones of the library already erected and looking further along than I had actually expected it to be... But when he asks... It still makes my heart pound...

"Daddy... C-Can we maybe... Can we maybe do a walkthrough? Of the library? " The words are a bit muffled as he presses his face into my chest, his cheeks starting to glow both from mustering up the courage it took to get the words to come out... But also because it's a bit nippy out...
I know that I told the guys that I would try and wait until they come over in the morning to show my sweet Mama his surprise... But they should understand by now that there is very little I would ever actually deny my sweet Bean... Especially not when he asks so sweetly...

I know he only wants to walk through the bones of what I know is already his favorite room... But he doesn't know that there is a surprise for both him... And for our budding little family... It might be that I myself am feeling a bit impatient because I know that Liam said that there are gifts from both the pack and Ma... And I want to know what it is... I... I want to know why the pack thought to give us something when I haven't always been the best leader...




I don't have to ask twice, not that I ever really have to... But we don't stop by the car to grab stuff like I thought we would... Instead, we head straight for the back door in order to head inside, the outer layer of the start of the library covered in tarps and whatnot to keep things from getting too breezy or wet inside the exposed parts of the house... We barely pause long enough to stop at the bedroom, Daddy grabbing one of his t-shirts for me before slipping on a pair of shorts himself, his hands responsible for helping both of us into the sneakers that we had left behind on the trip, Daddy's preferred boots somewhere in the front yard from him having kicked them off just like I had done to mine in the car... Daddy's logic being that there might be loose nails on the floor that we might not spot, and to keep either one of us from getting any splinters or other unsavory foot injuries.

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