Twenty One

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My friends hadn't tried to keep us when we had thought to excuse ourselves, Daddy patiently waiting until socially acceptable to tug on my mind and urge both of us to the door, a quiet exit something I will never ever fight him on. 

Just as I've come to expect from Aurie and Cricket both of them were more than happy to see us off with a smile after we all managed to get to know one another a little better, their mates just as kind and showing it by not forcing Silas to shake hands with them upon our departure, a knowing smile being given from Harper when he stepped forward to get the door behind us. 

It had been a stressful moring to say the least running on so little sleep while having to combat the stress of our newest situation, but also a good morning... And while it is true that Aurie and Babybug had thrown us for a loop by casually forgetting to mention that both of them have such public careers, both of them are so down to earth that once we were tucked away behind closed doors instead of the common space where they were being gawked at it was easy to remember that the two of them aren't just like the rest of us... The thought of which makes me smile as I swipe the magnetic door key to successfully let Daddy and I back into our own suite, Daddy's hands a little too shakey to do it himself at the moment like he usually would. 




The relief that washes through me when we're finally back in our own room despite the fact that I hate the way it smells like a dozen other strangers makes me feel so guilty when my sweet Bean turns in place to hug the daylights out of me in an effort to soothe the friction caused to my soul by spending the morning with his unfamiliar friends...

Maybe I should have taken the time and effort to get to know Lukas and Harper by asking for their numbers when my Princess had first been befriended by their mates, but I hadn't thought that I would have as much of an issue with spending time with all of them together as a group as I actually did... The longer we sat in their room with them the more and more it felt like my skin was trying to crawl right off my arms despite the fact that we were no longer being approached by random strangers like what had happened in the dining room. 

"Daddy... It's okay, alright? We don't have to leave the room anymore today... We'll just get comfy and lay down... We can take a nap and later I'll order us room service. You don't have to people any more today." My Pumpkin's words are muffled only by the fact that he's currently nuzzling his face into my chest in the sweetest of ways, and I can't help but sigh with how his sweet promises melt away the defenses I had been so quick to raise this morning. 

It doesn't take much prodding from my Baby Boy to use his hold around my waist to tug me further into the comfortable suite after urging me to join him in kicking our shoes and socks off, the hard tile of the kitchenette soon replaced by the soft carpet that holds the bedroom under our feet.




It feels good to be able to take care of Silas when I know he's feeling vulnerable. I know that coming here was hard for him, and I know meeting my friends today had been even harder, especially with all of the unexpected attention our table had received... But now the hard part is over... We checked into the hotel... We've gotten the awkward face to face introductions out of the way with our designated conference buddies... Just like at home when Daddy had to get comfortable with letting our friends and family visit, I know that he'll waste no time adjusting to the faces of my friends and their mates and that he'll do it for my sake and the sake of his wolf who seems to have turned from trying to chew its way free from the confines of Silas's mind to seeking comfort in the thought of having allies close in case he feels cornered. 

I doubt he'll ever actually get comfortable here enough to actually completely relax thanks to the instinctual pull of his solitary nature, but when we meet them at the pool tomorrow after the scheduled introductory brunch he might actually be able to participate in the conversations being held instead of simply seeking nervous cuddles and belly time in an effort to keep himself in check. 

But even if he doesn't pitch in on future conversation I won't hold it against him, no... I'll do just like I'm doing now as I help shuffle my sweet Daddy out of his t-shirt, my hands being the ones responsible for undoing his belt buckle and helping him out of his jeans and boxers, a kiss to each of his hips being pressed when I crouch down to help him step out of them before pushing him towards the bed so he can lay down. 

He hasn't said anything since we left the others, but I don't need him to. I can see the love in his eyes as he watches me get undressed in a hurry so that I can tumble right into his outstretched arms right where both of us know I should be. 

I don't bother setting up my phone to read us a chapter like we usually would do to let ourselves be soothed into unconsciousness, instead, we focus on figuring out the perfect comfy spot on this over-firm hotel mattress for us to stay cozily tangled up in each other, my head on Daddy's chest while his arms keep me close... And we silently drift off to the feel of me rubbing his belly for a changed so that when we wake up, I know that his first thought will be exactly what mine normally is when he soothes me to sleep after a bad day. 

That he is loved.

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