Sixty Three

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This morning, waking up had happened softly, the way Daddy laid his hands on me to rouse and arouse me so soft that I almost wasn't sure if I was awake or still dreaming... Even the feel of his mouth with every kiss was and still is so impossibly gentle that I can still feel the heat he had ignited and then pushed from my body in a very vibrant haunting that I never want to stop... 

I'm not sure what had come over my mate... But when he had woken me up he had done so so tenderly... And he's still being so tender, and I've got no idea what spurred the sudden surge of gentleness, my sweet Daddy cradling me in bed while he feeds me, my hands have been nowhere near the fork or even the plate... Daddy apparently wants to feel needed and more like a Daddy right now and that is absolutely okay with me... I've got no problem being his sweet baby,  especially not up in the clouds where he's set me so softly. If Daddy wants to baby me and treat me like the Princess that I am there is no way I'm going to argue. 




"Thank you for last night, Baby... You're such a good boy..." My gorgeous Princess had given me more than he realized when he let us stay shifted for so long... My wolf feels more at peace today than it has in a while, and the sex afterward had been so incredible that after he fell asleep I almost needed to wake him back up so he could be present with me and the emotions he had caused... And then waking up and discussing plans for the surprise nursery with Liam... Today absolutely started off on the right foot... 

And now... To settle us both even more than we already are... I get to treat my special Mama exactly like the delicate perfect amazing beauty that he is... I don't think I could ever really explain my fascination with babying my sweet Princess... He's just so soft... And delicate... I just want to stroke his still love-flushed cheeks and tell him how pretty he is and how much I love him while he stays right where he is in my lap, my hand on his belly every time I have to give him a second to chew... My wolf had felt our soul move resting our head on his wolf's belly knowing exactly what should be inside of it... That he might be pregnant with our baby... And if he's not he will be soon... And I had woken up with a renewed appreciation for my wonderful mate, and I absolutely cannot keep myself from expressing just how much I cherish him by spoiling him just a bit... 

I don't think room service pancakes and fruit have ever tasted quite so good... I love watching each bite disappear behind his delectable lips and find myself reliving the pleasure of tasting them in the back of my mind while I make sure that he eats his fill with me doing my best not to kiss him in-between each bite because it absolutely would unwind into pouring syrup all over each other and not leaving the room today at all if I let myself get a little too carried away by the sweetness of his scent or the shine of his stunning blue eyes... No matter how many kids we have, the goal set at least three at the moment, Addy will always be my Princess, my sweet baby... And I just want to make sure that he feels loved and happy and cherished even in our current stressful situation. 




"Other than that new thing I tried with my fingers I'm not sure what you mean, Daddy... But thank you, I try." I absolutely love being cuddled up to Daddy so early in the morning and eating breakfast off of the same plate, the curtains just barely letting in enough light to let us see easily with only one of the lamps on, but the gap isn't wide enough to make either of us feel uncomfortable with the fact that we're naked, and neither one of us feels the need to get up and pull it the rest of the way closed. I love that I'm able to just sit here and soak up all the early morning affection with Daddy being so attentive, even kissing the corner of my mouth every time he uses one of the napkins to wipe syrup away when some of it manages to escape my lips... 

I never would have guessed when I was younger that I would be a Luna at all I would have laughed out loud and told you it was ridiculous... If you had told me that I would be a Luna that not only is absolutely adored by his mate that gets fed breakfast in bed by my big bad Alpha I would have asked you what you were smoking and what rehab you wanted me to check you in to... But I wouldn't change a single thing about how my future turned out... 

I know I have it easy... I know that Daddy is the one currently juggling both the Alpha and the Luna responsibilities at home with the help of Liam so that I can take my time adjusting to our new life together, and I appreciate the daylights out of him for it and the kind gesture that it is... Daddy always protects me from everything, even the things that I really should be doing but can't or have to wade into because of my anxiety... Just like I protect him as much as I can from his own anxiety by making sure that he feels just as needed as he needs to be to feel secure in the peace that we've discovered in our alone time with each other. 

"So sassy this morning, are we, Mama?" Hearing him call me Mama in such a loaded tone of voice sends shivers down my spine and I find myself curling into his chest just a little bit more than I already was, my face getting hidden in the crook of his neck while I chew the bite he's just delivered onto my tongue with his words so I can hide my burning cheeks from his gaze... The last thing we need this morning is for me to get lost in his eyes... And the way his wolf makes him growl when I hold his gaze for too long knowing full well I love every spine-tingling second he chooses to dominate my mind, body, and soul... I know he wants us to take our time this morning so he croons to me and feeds me bite after slow bite, his eyes glued to my face as he starts in on something that he knows I very quickly became obsessed with... Praise... 

I might be sassy... But I'm Daddy's Princess so it's okay if I'm sassy as long as I remember who I belong to and where my place is, which is on his broad lap, curled up, reading a book with a chocolate bar in my hand.

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