Fifty Nine (18+)

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I don't think I'll ever get over the way he feels underneath me... So fucking soft... The feel of his body so plushy accepting mine... The richness of the slick that's flooded every facet of my mind as I slam myself into his warm wetness... One hand tangled in my hair and the other clutching a white-knuckled grip on the edge of the table to try and have some kind of leverage... Every single little thing about him is so fucking intoxicating right down to the way he moans when I hit that sweet spot inside of him just right... Even when he's on his back on a cheap generic hotel table with his legs propped up over my shoulders rendering him so very helpless against the roughness of my stroke... 

I love the way his face flushes when we make love... How his expressions become so very shockingly honest with how good everything feels, his thoughts reduced to nothing but vibrant splashes of color backing the touching thoughts he has about me and various exclamations thanking the gods for a certain body part's thickness... I love how sweet his now sticky skin tastes, even without the addition of the chocolate cake... I love every little thing about my sweet Mama... He's so perfect... 




Even if I could try and form the words, which I can't at the moment, I don't think Daddy could thrust any harder or deeper than he already is... And every single moment of it is pure heaven... I can feel him fighting his knot... But this time it's not because we don't have time... It's because Daddy wants to make this last as long as possible... Because it feels right and it's exactly what we both needed... 

He still hasn't let me cum yet but at this point, I don't even care... It feels good to even be touched at this point... I just want him as deep inside of my body as possible and to stay there as long as he can... I know that to be held all I need to do is ask... That if I ever need attention it's as simple as falling into his lap or holding out my hands to him so he'll come flop on top of me to nibble on all of my soft bits and make me laugh... But sometimes I need him to pin me down and show my body just who it belongs to... 

And Daddy does it so well... He never has a problem satisfying my every shiver... An itch that only he can scratch... He knows exactly what to do to flay the flesh from every inch of my body and lay it back down so that it lines up with how calm my soul thinks it should be... He never misses a beat, his thrusts seeming to never-end and come almost as fast as my heart as it tries to pound right out of my chest...

He doesn't need to prove how much of a man he is every time he's inside of me, but damn if I don't know it every time my body tries to shake itself to pieces with the sweetness of his stroke... If he would just loosen his grip just a teeny tiny bit on my purpling cock I'll explode all over his chest and be launched into oblivion... 




"P-Please!' The plea comes with a twitch of my Angel's hole that nearly leaves me blind and has my growls threatening to take out the legs of the table when combined with how hard I need to rock myself into the love of my life... 

I know he's close... He's been close since before we even started and shit if it wasn't a treat trying to focus on feeding him instead of the sexy tent he had sprouted after sucking me off...  But that doesn't mean that it's time... It's not time until Daddy says it's time... And it may have to be sooner than I had hoped... It's not my fault that God blessed his body with enough slick to flood an ocean and a hole so tight it makes me want to scream out how good it feels every time I'm lucky enough to slide inside... 

"D-Daddy! Daddy, please!" His words grow louder, but still get mostly drowned out by my growls as they broadcast how much I want him... How much I need him... How fucking perfect he is, my beautiful mate who means so much to me...

I know that I'm not going to last forever inside of what I consider my own personal paradise... But I can damn sure at least make sure that my sweet baby loses his mind before our first round finishes... 




I barely have time to form a thought before the sensation of Daddy's tight grip on my cock disappears and I'm left clinging to the table while the blinding heat that's been building up inside of me explodes from my tip and I'm left as just barely a husk of a person, whoever is unlucky enough to share walls with us surely learning some new fun words to scream while getting their worlds respectively rocked... Not that I feel overly concerned by sharing just how much joy is currently coursing through our bodies at the moment...

Daddy always gives his Princess everything he needs... And said Princess will never get tired of it...

I love hearing him swearing into my shoulder... The way his body shivers on top of mine like an entire mountain crumbling and threatening to crush me in the most delightful way as his knot starts to expand, the burn of the impossible stretch something that I've been begging for all day, and something that prolongs the orgasm that he's built up so properly inside of me to new lengths, my body clenching around him just as his body seals us together... 

My sweet Daddy... He doesn't even bother asking if I want to wait to get all of the sticky off of us... He just picks me up and makes sure that I'm comfortable being carried before kissing me like no one else matters in the world before walking us to the bathroom, the water being started and adjusted so that we can stand under it while I whimper and try to mold myself to his body like a second skin while still trapped on his cock, the lukewarm water caressing the two of us in the best way possible so that it might possible rinse us clean while I cling to him, balanced on his knot and full of happy emotions. 

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