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I think... I think maybe I should have asked Aurie and Cricket to meet me without their mates first... Because when we get closer to them I spot their Alphas... Cricket's mate being a tall tan blond who's hair only comes just past his shoulders in a jagged purposeful cut signaling that sometime somewhat recently in his life he had committed an act of aggression that had violated the peace treaty making his already buff demeanor seem even harder, his flat olive tone eyes making me flinch when I work up the nerve to look, and Aurie's mate being an extremely tall and broad Native American man who in his human form dwarfs Silas by at least four inches, a thick braid pulled over his shoulder being what I think might be the longest hair here... And the moment I see them a pang of true intimidation washed through me so quickly that it had made my mate stagger and stop, his hold on me growing protective as his eyes scan the crowd around us trying to figure out what I had deemed a threat. 

It only takes him a moment to figure out why my belly had so suddenly turned cold, and I get a very reassuring squeeze as he turns us around and heads back into the hallway where I can't stare at the four of them and think of all the different ways that I'm about to screw this up.




My first thought in trying to comfort my sweet Baby is to balance him on his feet where he can cling to me as tight as possible as his anxious shivers take over, sniffles reaching my ears as I pull out his phone with the intention of canceling our morning with his new friends in favor of taking him up on the much less overwhelming idea of spending the day locked away together in our room... But halfway through typing the message out in their shared group text, I think better of my decision and pen something else before hitting send... 

I know it might take a moment or two for the text to actually go through and reach the two Luna's that had actually made my Bean excited for this trip despite his anxiety, and it would be a damn shame if he had to walk away from them now just because the thought of meeting them and their two Alpha's at the same time is just a bit too overwhelming... I don't bother waiting for a response hoping that the two of them won't protest too much at the thought of separating from their mates just long enough to meet my sweet boy on their own before we join everyone in the dining room and slip my Sweetheart's phone back into his pocket before wrapping him up in my arms and holding him tight enough to stop his nervous shaking as he pulls in draw after deep draw of my scent as he nuzzles his beautiful face into my chest in his effort to calm down. 




I don't know how long we stand in the hallway... Just that after a little bit I start to honestly feel better with all of the sweet croonings of how much Daddy loves me spilling from his lips to try and lift my mood, promises of coffee, and a cuddly afternoon mixed into all of his affirmations as he holds me and calms me down like only he's ever been able to... Our temporary peace shattered to bits with the sound of two shy giggles spilling over to our ears from the doorway of the dining room, Daddy being the only one brave enough to lift his head from our comforting standing cuddle to see who our intruders might be while my heartrate picks back up the thunderous rate that I had finally coaxed it away from. 

"Hey there..." The voice doesn't sound familiar, but when Silas actually takes a moment to bite out an almost pleasant-sounding greeting back to the shy voice I find myself lifting my face from his chest only to be greeted by the faces of both Aurie... and Cricket as they peer at us from the doorway, Aurie's arm casually draped over Cricket's shoulder... Cricket's hands seeming to struggle staying by his side, both of them flexing until he gives in and brings them up to cross over his chest. 

I'm not sure which one of them was the one to speak, but I'm glad that they did because I had been ready to tell Silas that I would rather just leave and suggest we try and use my oncoming heat to get out of having to stay here at the conference so I can run away and not have to explain why I turned tail when I saw them. 




The two Luna's are about as short as I expected them to be, the pair of them being runts just like my own beautiful mate, most omegas running on the smaller side height wise... Which I guess is what had made their mates seem so striking to my Bean even from a distance, their size being highlighted by their petiteness just as I am by his... Something I'm sure my Angel will eventually find endearing once he's able to swallow his nerves. 

"H-Hey..." I didn't know I could ever be so proud of a single word before... But when it tumbles from my Princess's lips aimed towards his friends I can't help but beam with the pride that flows through me over his finding the courage to respond to the two new friends I have a sneaking suspicion may be a bad influence on my precious slice of heaven with the knowing twinkle that both of them have in their eyes as they close the distance between us all in order to introduce themselves.  

"What's up, Pup?" If I am putting the right name to the right face, it's Cricket who speaks up first, a little giggle sounding at the pop of the P in Pup... And that's all it takes to turn my Baby's shyness into a stunning flush as he returns the giggle and flutters his hands at my chest just like he always does when he's ready for me to let him stand mostly on his own. 

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