Sixty Five

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"Are you sure? Not even-" Daddy keeps his hand rubbing circles on my belly as he whispers into my hair... Alic is still talking on about the articles up for discussion today, the main focus being what Alpha's can do for pack members in distress, and what issues should be reported to who and where. All of which extremely important and something Daddy should be paying attention to instead of checking once again to see if I need anything... 

In the few hours that we've been here he has done nothing but blatantly baby me, offering me drinks from the refreshment table and making sure that the hot water bottle I'm still clinging to is warm enough to be soothing to my belly through my clothes using the water set aside and kept hot for tea and I don't think I'll ever complain over having his attention... Except he really needs to give said attention to the meeting we're in because unlike me he doesn't have anyone taking notes for him, "I'm fine, Daddy."

There's a chuckle that rings out next to us, and a hushed shushing from Lukas that only makes Harper snicker harder at the way I have to cut Silas and all of his over-attentiveness off and make Alic release his eyebrows from his hairline over being ignored by the back of the room. 




I just want to make sure that my sweet Princess is comfortable... Every time he fidgets or has to adjust himself I find that I've got no other choice but to give him my full undivided attention to make sure that he's alright and not uncomfortable or in pain or cramping... I just want to make sure my sweet Bean is okay, though I do think that maybe I've made the hot water bottle a little too hot... Not that he'll let me get up again to cool it off a little bit with a splash of cool water or a few ice cubes... I've already asked him about it and he told me very red cheeks that if my ass left this chair again that he wouldn't speak to me for the remainder of the meeting, and I can't have him cutting off communication while so delicate... I just want him to let me take care of him right now... 

He still doesn't seem to get that today is different... He's let me be overprotective and has indulged me thus far today with every little need I've had to do things for him, not even letting him be responsible for lifting his own bottle of water or taking the cap off of it because Daddy needs to take care of his baby while he's making a baby... 

I'm not sure why it's suddenly hit me today what's happening... Screw being worried and stressed over the conference... I'm about to be a Father... My beautiful, wonderful, amazing mate could be pregnant right at this very moment and we won't even be able to take a test until next week to know for sure...

But even without him peeing on a stick I do know that something has changed... He's glowing, and while it might not be as overbearing as my current level of affection, he too has been more touchy than even during one of his hot flashes... His hands running themselves up and down my chest and shoulders as he leans into me and can't seem to stop nuzzling his sweet face into my shoulder... He may not know yet, but I'm sure his wolf does... Because even though his human half seems a little bit frustrated over me current need to tend to him, his wolf seems to be lapping up the attention, quiet whines leaking out into the air and up to my ears every so often, especially when I take the chance to steal a light kiss from my Angel... I know that I need to actually participate... I know that this conference is technically my responsibility and that I should be paying attention, especially since we're over here in the Alpha's conference room instead of the Luna's where Adrian could be paying attention and bonding with his friends. 

I know all of these things... But it doesn't make it any easier to focus on Alic instead of my sweet Mama's soft belly... Alic may have literally been a functioning King in a different lifetime, but not even royalty seems as important as cherishing the very beginning of my child's life... My sweet Addy-Baby is extremely fragile right now... I don't want him even lifting a finger because what if he hurts himself or the baby on accident?

I know that it's soon... But I feel so god-damn overprotective that I couldn't even let him down to talk to Cricket and Aurie standing up before we all had to file into our respective conference rooms in order to grab the appropriate seating, he had spoken to his friends being cradled securely in my arms, his mouth latched onto one of the marks he had given me whenever he wasn't speaking... Not the most polite arrangement but neither one of them seemed to mind, and both of them had a look in their eyes that told me that they understood, Cricket especially, that something had changed for me last night and that it's going to take me some time to come to terms with my new emotions. 




Daddy surprises me when his hand leaves my belly, but I appreciate the feel of his warm palm on my cheek none the less, his calloused thumb stroking the sensitive flesh under my eyes in a way so gentle that it almost lulls me to sleep... I'm genuinely interested in listening to how the Alpha's operate and the ideas that they've been coming up with to improve the lives of not just the packs themselves, but everyone involved in the packs as well like the non-shifters who are welcomed onto our territories being trusted with the knowledge of who and what we are but I cannot seem to pull my nose away from the crook of Daddy's neck because he smells so good... 

I really wish he could hold me closer... I wish that we could be having naked cuddle time back in the room and that he'd play with my hair and kiss me until I can't see straight... I want closeness right now... A closeness that we can't have trapped here with the others and its starting to make me fussier than I ever thought I could be while out in public, the very feel of the t-shirts we both have on suddenly so very irritating that I find myself pulling on the collar of mine before adjusting Daddy's underneath me... His hand leaving my cheek to grab my hand and hold it before settling it in my lap and soothing my soul with a nice long kiss to my forehead and a blanketing of his consciousness over mine so thick that it's almost too easy to close my eyes and start drifting, the warmth slowly gathering in my belly numbed by the feel of Daddy slipping his hand back under my shirt after he's sure that I won't fidget anymore while quietly shushing me, his palm giving long comforting strokes to my midsection and encouraging me to let myself drift off to sleep just a little to the mental tune of 'Good boy'...

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