Sixty Four

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"What's gotten into you this morning, Daddy?" Silas always helps me get dressed in the morning... In fact, I don't think I've had a single morning living together where I've been responsible for pulling my own pants up because I know that its one of those little things that help him feel needed and like he's earned the privilege of having me call him Daddy... But I don't think we've ever had a morning where he's been quite so soft with me... He had made sure that I stayed on the bed while collecting my clothes for the day, another pair of borrowed sweatpants and one of his shirts that means that we may or may not have to find the laundry room eventually this week so he doesn't run out of clothes before we go home... And then dressed me while I was still sitting down, careful of my legs and arms... And my belly... His eyes seeming to never leave my midsection, and even though he hasn't had much to say about it, I have a feeling that if I were to ask him if he wanted to skip the meetings today and lay down and just have belly time that he wouldn't even attempt to argue or pretend like he wouldn't be quick to shirk his responsibilities for the chance to hold me with his hand up my shirt just like we had been tangled up like after he had finished feeding me this morning... We sat there so long with his palm rubbing gentle circles into my tummy with a hyperfocus that I almost hadn't been able to pull him out of so that we could get our day started properly... And even now as he helps me into my shoes and socks, he seems to only be interested in taking his mind and leaning forward every few seconds with his wolf driving him to keep seeking out the scent of my lower belly as if his beast wants to check and see that my belly is still a belly... Like he cannot get over that at the moment we're hoping that it's a belly with his babies in it... 

And I can't say that I mind it in the least... It's almost strange being treated like I'm a fragile piece of glass, but I know that in his mind Daddy see's me as someone impossibly special in his mind, and I can understand how I might seem even more delicate at the moment in his mind with everything going on... But I never thought in a million years that I would end up with my mate refusing to even really let my feet touch the floor because he thinks its too dirty for me to walk on... When I try and get up after he finishes tying my shoes I find his hands on my shoulders easing me back down onto the bed, his face knitting itself into an expression of pure concern over the fact that I had the audacity to think I might be allowed to use my legs for what they were meant for. 




"You. You got into me, Princess." Being able to wake up every day and know that I get to spend it with the guy who makes me feel at ease with myself and others in ways I never thought possible... Knowing that no matter what Adrian will always be by my side as long as I treat him the way he deserves to be treated has already changed me in so many ways for the better... I can do things now that I couldn't without him before... He's walked right into my life in the ratty old bunny slippers that I know he would rather be wearing instead of his sneakers and turned my whole world upside down in the best way... And I never want to lose him. In fact, I would much rather bolt the door to the room shut and focus on just taking care of my Angel today... He was glowing before I was even ready to wake him up, and I find myself still so unable to let go of how special last night felt... How special this morning feels... Adrian himself had said that his heats are normally torture from start to finish and that they normally last a full seven to eight days... This morning didn't seem as rough as yesterday was... And I know that his heat really only just started...But still... All glowy... And not a single instance of expressing to me that he needed us to move any faster this morning when taking my time with taking care of his body had felt so very right at the moment... I feel like he's... And my wolf and I can't let it go... I need to take care of him... And I know that while most pregnant people have no problem walking or dressing or feeding themselves, Adrian is not most people... He's my person... My mate... And to me, it feels like he's pregnant and its a feeling that I can't seem to shake and I need him to just let me take care of him right now because if I tell him he'll focus on it and I don't want him feeling like there is any pressure on my end that it has to happen right now...

 I woke up today, and one of the first things I was faced with doing was calling home to Liam because he's been trusted with starting the creation of something so special I can't even think about it without getting emotional... It had been so hard getting up out of bed without waking him up, but I knew that if I wanted to keep the surprise hidden the only time Liam and I can talk about it is when Addy's asleep because we can't walk away from each other...It might be a little silly that the two of us, already ready to be parents and technically responsible for leading a pack... Can't put more than a few feet of space between our bodies because it just hurts too bad to not be close.  But the blank expression on his face right now makes me wonder if he already knows that I've got something special for him up to my sleeve...

"Oh my Gods, is that an actual option?" I don't follow his line of thinking, and it shows on my face while I let my fingers run themselves through his beautiful black hair for a moment while I try and figure out his response, an eyebrow being raised at me as he gives me a smile that makes my heart pound, "Getting into you, I mean. I didn't think your back door would be open, Daddy... Though I guess technically you were the one who suggested the rule that we try everything at least once before saying we don't like it..."

I'm not sure how he does it, but Adrian always manages to make me laugh... And smile... And even though he is absolutely right, "While that's true, unless you really want to I don't think I'm going to volunteer if thats alright." 

My sweet Princess seems to understand me through my laughter, and continues to beam at me as I chuckle through what I am half-hoping is a joke, though I can't say it wouldn't be interesting to see how that situation would play itself out or that a role reversal wouldn't be fun to play out if we were feeling a bit silly... Until he brings up a very good point. 

"Wait- That wasn't actually a no! Daddy! We should call out of the meeting today and-" I can't help but roll my eyes at the suggestion, even though I honestly wouldn't be mad at the prospect of having to be the one on his back if it meant that I didn't have to put up with having to actually listen to Alic drone on in the same way he did yesterday I know that without at least a little mental preparation my ass might not be on the same page as the rest of me and find myself collecting my sweet Bean bridal style, not because I don't think he's strong enough to hang on like he normally does... I just think all his energy needs to start going to growing our baby is all...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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