Fifty Two

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"Are you okay?" I can barely hear Daddy's words as he holds me, my senses all swirled together while I melt doing my best not to be too much of a puddle while Daddy pulls my undies and sweatpants up for me, the glow that he's left in my very soul left untarnished by the fact that the mirror he's just made love to me in front of happens to be in the bathroom of a tiny diner that I can't even remember the name of...

When we had shuffled our way in here, our faces both filled to the brim with bright blushes over the way that our friends had smiled and shooed us in here after the food had arrived once they noticed how twitchy we were getting with all the talk of babies and the boys asking all sorts of the right questions... Like what our little love nugget's name is going to be... And if we want boys or girls... And how many babies we want to have... All of the questions had left me so impatient to get Daddy's pants off... They had promised to have the food wrapped up and waiting for us when we get out... Though I'm not sure I'll be able to come back to myself in order even figure out how to chew...

Daddy had been rough this time... And it had been perfect... Exactly what I needed... My hair pulled... My ass spanked... The way he had quietly growled in my ear that I better not look away from the sight of us in the mirror... Watching him watch me while we make love is always so intoxicating... And the added thrill of having to be quiet no matter how thick the door had seemed when we had locked it behind us... Stunning...

When Daddy had pulled out I could barely remember my name or where we are... All I could focus on was the way he had made me feel... It's been a while since he's been so rough with me... He's been trying to be so careful after that unfortunate tear I had endured... He's kept his hands gentle, and his thrusts firm... But he hasn't really lost himself like he did just now in a while... And it was glorious... Even if we couldn't take the time to knot me the way he groaned in my ear that he wanted to...





"D... Daddy?" My sweet Princess's eyes are still so heavily glossed over when he manages to realize that I've asked him a question... I didn't mean to lose control here of all places... But I can't necessarily say that it wasn't good for both of us... This is the first time that he hasn't dropped after having to cut our time pleasing each other short... He's still floaty and happy and so far into his headspace he can barely figure out how to move his tongue in order to form words, "I... I feel good..."

"I know you do, Princess... I do too... But are you okay? Did Daddy hurt you?" I've been trying so hard to treat his body as delicately as it actually is... And in doing so I've toned down how rough the rough touches he craves are... Because I don't ever want to hurt him again... But somehow... Somehow I had ended up randy enough to forget myself and where we are... I just needed to feel him really shake... I needed him to feel good for Daddy... And Daddy needed to feel good too...

"N-No... N-No... I... I feel good...N-No ouchies...H-Hold me, please, Daddy..." His words take a load off of my shoulders and I'm finally able to drop some of the guilt that had crept up inside of me over dominating him the way I had just now without stopping to remember how gentle I need to be with my sweet Bean... And I have no problem pulling my Angel into my arms to stop his swaying and give him something to melt against.

With the mess we created on the floor already cleaned up with maybe one too many paper towels and a few suds and my own pants back firmly around my waist I don't see any reason for the two of us to linger when I need to get my beautiful Mama back out to the table to try and get him to eat a little something before we have to head back to the hotel.

I know that pulling him up so he can cling to me mostly on his own won't be a good idea with how limp my sweet Mama is at the moment... He can barely keep his head up... Not that he seems to want to with how he's smothering his face in my chest at the moment...So I opt for turning him just enough so that I can keep one arm supporting his back, the other arm looping down under his knees and picking him up with the greatest of care before backing out slowly so I don't knock him against anything.

This time the faces that go red are everyone else's instead of ours, how much of what they might have heard something I'm honestly not concerned about as I ease us into our seat, my sweet Princess curling into me with a victorious coo that melts the last two brain cells that had managed to survive the beautiful, if not a bit too rough, lovemaking that had just happened.

"You two look refreshed..." Cricket tries to be polite, his eyes trained on his half-finished plate while Aurie chuckles and Lukas stares... His gentle approach to the conversation ruined by his very own mate who raises an eyebrow at us and then at his Luna...

"No... They look satisfied... They certainly sounded like they had a good time to me." I'm not sure if his directness is from the fact that English isn't his first language, or just that he seems to be a little blunt as a person just like I am... But I'm not the only one who seems to find him funny... My stunning mate giggling hysterically at his words before nodding his head and hiding his love-flushed face in the crook of my neck to suck on the freshest mark he blessed me with last night thinking that if his mouth is occupied that Daddy won't make him eat his food... Little does he know that we have just enough time to order him something that might better suit his current headspace, even if he has to eat his french fries on the drive back...

"Hush..." It's hard to keep the smile on my face from growing any bigger as I give my Bean a light squeeze, "Baby... You've got to eat now, okay?"

All I get is a giggle in return, and it's cute as hell but he's still not going to be off the hook, no matter if we're letting the rules be a bit more relaxed while away from home and so stressed out, "What if Daddy gets you some chicken tenders and some fresh french fries?"


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