Ninety Three

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When Lukas offered to go and grab chocolate for my Sweetheart I almost said no because for a moment my hackles raised and I questioned whether or not I should trust anyone at the moment to not hurt my sweet Mama... 

But Addy had spoken up before I had had a chance to continue down that overprotective spiral and while balling his hands up in my shirt in an effort to nudge himself chest more into mine he had whimpered such a watery "Yes, please L-Lukas" that I had had to pause mid-thought in order to pull my sweet Bean closer in all of his precious neediness... And it might also help that Pop told us all that he'd go with Lukas to make sure nothing weird happens... 

It caught me off guard... Caught Lukas off guard too though I think he can understand where my thoughts might have been knowing that we think that Addy might already be busy growing a life inside of him... Knowing how protective he would be if Aurie was freshly pregnant... And he took the need for a chaperone-like a champ, even if I'm not sure how I feel about Pop suddenly being what I think might be his version of nice where I'm involved when I don't remember a single instance of seeing the man smiling in my direction past the age of five... But if I'm understanding what happened last night correctly... Then I'm not going to complain... The bastard did exactly what he knew I wanted to do and he didn't feel the need to come and tell me about it or try to be buddy buddy afterward because he knew that I'd likely thank him and then make sure that his nose matches Alic's for the day just to make sure he understood that a few punches wouldn't absolve him for the shitty childhood he gave me and Becky or the way he's tormented Ma over the years by not letting her go with him on his runs even after we were both able and old enough to take care of ourselves and she didn't need to stay home to watch us. 

I still find myself glad of the help though... 

I don't trust Pop as far as I can throw him but with the two of them going together there is a chance that one would rat the other out if anything suspicious were to happen between the vending machines and the conference room on the way back...

Neither one of them complained, and when they made it back from the vending machines I almost didn't notice them with how wrapped up I found and still find myself wrapped up in my sweet Sugar Cube and the way he keeps clinging to me so sweetly... Like he needs me right now more than a fish needs water and I can appreciate that because at the moment I feel the same. 




I can hear Lukas and the others whispering about stealing a kiss from Aurie in the hallway... And about how Aurie asked if I was still being 'so cute' and about how he's not sure he'll get my new friend to actually go home with him instead of trying to sneak home with us in my suitcase and it just makes it feel even more like my cheeks are never going to get the chance to calm down. 

Between the feel of Daddy still doing his best to hold me close and the way he's so patiently slipping square after square of chocolatey goodness into my mouth, I feel more grounded than I did earlier... But still high enough in my clouds to feel too shy to really comment on much at the moment... Everything right down to the lights above us seems just a bit too intimidating at the moment and all I really want to do is lay down and have Daddy hold me for a while... I feel like I need a nap before we get into the car... And I know that Daddy will have no problem letting me take one since his own thoughts have centered around keeping me comfortable and making sure nothing disrupts our sweet nugget in my belly... 

Even now, his hand pauses as he brings another sweet morsel up to my lips with so little time left in our break at my thoughts turning towards being sleepy... The way his consciousness nuzzles mine before blanketing my mind with a solid warmth that makes me feel cared for and safe... Letting me know that he'd rather I rest whenever I need to than to try and fight it...

'I can pack us up while you nap, Princess. Rest is important for you and the baby.' 

The words he pushes into my mind have the same tone he takes on when he whispers to me out loud when he knows I'm feeling small... The tone he knows always makes me feel flustered and attached and clingy and like I want to cuddle up so close that he won't ever be able to let me go... And it knocks the softest whimper out of my lips that draws him in for a kiss that I know will likely raise eyebrows for those who catch it... 

A kiss that tastes of slightly bitter chocolate and toasted almonds... Sugar dancing back and forth on our tongues as he takes care to bring his hand, empty, up to my face to cradle my cheek letting me know not to pull away just yet... That he just needs a second to express the emotion that my small noise rendered inside his heart... And just when I think that it's around the time someone would normally clear their throats from being uncomfortable... 

I'm not sure anyone even noticed all the different ways Silas has been caught up in telling me that he loves me and me telling him that I love him back... Mostly because the exchange has mostly been silent... 

But still...

I'm not sure I could sit in a room with two people screaming so loudly with every shared sigh how much they care for one and other and be completely unaware of the beauty of the moment I'm witnessing... 

But all too soon... That clearing of the throat comes... Except it's not because of how wrapped up in each other... 

It's signaling that our break is over... And that we need to put our tongues back into our own mouths and focus on if not Alic... At least staying quiet and finishing off the promised chocolate that now will make me smile each time I taste it... 

Because it'll remind me of Daddy's lips and the way fireworks went off in his head just now.


A.N.- Hi everyone... This is just a quick update because I know not everyone who reads my stories actually follow my page.

I've had a lot of people ask me about Patreon and why I stopped trying to wrestle with them to keep my page up and open instead of constantly locked down and flagged (They never specifically said it was because of my content... Which I will admit was absolutely every single steamy chapter that is too intense for WP and might get my account taken down if I were to post them here... But I have a feeling that it certainly played a part), and it was simply because it was not the best creative space for me. I feel like Patreon really only works if your page actually stays up instead of constantly being flagged. It was a stress I did not need in my life, so I stopped struggling with their support team to fix the issue because nothing seemed to actually be... fixing... the issue.

I did finally find a creative space that suits me that I think a lot of you would actually rather enjoy because I am finding it honestly refreshing, but since the site itself has somewhat of a mixed reputation instead of posting the link in my profile like with my social media and risking someone reporting my profile or WP being upset about it, you can find the link on my social media, or pm me here on WP for the link.

The page I have set up is an intimate look at my life as both a writer and a sub, bonus material from all of the stories you know and love, the steamy snippets that I mentioned above, pictures, recipes, polls, and maybe something I find most exciting... Exclusive stories just for that page that won't ever be posted to anywhere else with the exception of a single sample chapter for each one of them posted on WP so you all can get a taste of what is to come. And unlike my stories on here... All of it is scheduled. You won't have to worry about radio silence on my bad days.

I appreciate every single form of support you all give me, and I love how much you all love the world that I've done my best to share with you through my writing, and if you aren't in a place right now to subscribe to me on the other site, please do not stress about it! It is never ever a requirement and honestly, I'm just happy that you've given my books a chance in the first place!

I will always try and keep writing on WP, I just also have reached a point in my life where writing takes up so much of my energy that in order to devote more time to it, I need to be able to make some type of income from at least part of it so I can continue devoting the time and energy to it that my stories deserve. 

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