Eighty Seven

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I didn't exactly want to get my precious Mama up and out of bed...But when Collin showed up with Lukas and Harper in tow ready to take the door off of its hinges after hearing what happened yesterday with Alic from Gods-only-know-who to make sure that I wasn't keeping Addy trapped under the bed or whatever other ridiculous ideas their imaginations could dream up during breakfast...

I had gotten up to answer the door with my beautiful mate still very much wrapped up in my arms napping some of his bliss away, and they had all had to take a step back because they hadn't expected to find such a calm look on my face so soon after someone had to be restrained in order to keep them away from my mate. 

And it's not that I'm not still furious about the situation, or that Alic let himself get stressed enough this week to lose control like he did in the hallway... It's just that he never actually touched my precious Bean. And after today I have no intention of ever seeing the man again, even if it does get us in trouble next year when the conference rolls around again. Either the council would take the formal complaint seriously that this entire week is too stressful for the two of us to participate in and they accept that Liam will have to be my replacement... Or they can suck on my big toes because I am not putting us through another week like this again ever. Especially since this time next year it'll be more than just the two of us... 

I've heard it enough times from Becky how hard it is to find a sitter for young pups still in their first year... And not even because theyre aren't plenty of capable baby-sitters in her pack and ours... Just that it'll be so very hard to try and walk away from our Bean with he or she still being so new. And I know she's right... Between Adrian's seperation anxeity and my own protectiveness... There would be no way we would be able to leave home for a week without our little nugget wedged right between us where they should be.  

So no... I'm not anything other than focused on my sweet Mama and it shows... 

He had barely stirred when I had escorted the others out of the room assuring them that we would be down any minute now and that they could go back to breakfast... Even though I know that the three of them are just on the other side of the door waiting for us to come out so they can help me keep my sweet Bean adequately protected. 

Even if he isn't awake now he might wake up in the hall and I don't want him to feel anything other than safe. Especially after what happened in the hall really registers with him and he understands that Alic had been ready to try and grab him. The last thing I want is my sweet boy ending up terrified in his floaty headspace because he thinks I can't keep him safe. 

And those are the thoughts that stay on my mind as I slip his shoes onto his feet in the middle of my beautiful Mama grumbling and trying to roll onto his side to be comfier than he is on his back at the moment... As much as I want my beautiful Bean to be comfy, "No... Come on Baby... We've got to get some food in you before breakfast is over."

The words slip out of my mouth as I bend to collect him, and the way he immediately latches onto me makes me feel like the whole world needs to stand still for a moment because all I want to do is stand here and hold him. I don't ever want to have to let go of him for any reason, and if we're lucky I won't ever have to. And if I do it certainly won't be in this hell hole.




When my eyes finally open after falling asleep to the feel of sunshine on my face and Daddy's knot tucked so firmly inside of me I'm greeted with the harshest of hallway lighting, just as the hall itself opens up into what has become known in my mind as the dining hall, though it is not nearly as packed as it usually is when we get here. Nope... Everyone must have started filing into their respective conference rooms waiting for the day to start while Daddy took his time to make me feel good instead of worrying about being on time. 

And I have to say... I think we should have been showing up late this whole time... Its so much more quiet than it is first thing in the morning... Or maybe my soul just feels more at ease having had every possible itch of the day scratched all at once by Daddy while getting dressed... Or maybe I just feel better because I feel so connected to the love of my life at the moment... With less chatter I'm able to focus solely on the feel of his hands as he holds me against his chest, and the even beating of his heart... The way our bodies fit as effortlessly together as our minds have been doing today... 

I feel so precious right now... And half of that is only because of how I am now able to see myself in Daddy's mind... So worth the cherishing he dishes out... And the other half is knowing that even right now when both of us should be focused on finding something decent to eat before needing to go and face the music for one final time before getting to finally go home... That both of us are still focused on the other precious thing in our lives now...

The teeny tiny life growing in my belly... 

And I feel like maybe today... Instead of focusing on goodbyes and farewells and the last second things on the schedule... 

That the two of us might spend the day silently debating on whether Sj is a boy or a girl. 

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